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Промежуточная контрольная работа

Spotlight 7

1.Fill in the correct word

·handsome·sociable · curious ·crowded · slim ·determined ·helpful ·peace ·curly·creative

1. Dontbe so  ………………………………! If he wants to tell youwhat happened he will.

2. Shehas green eyes and long ………………………… hair.

3. Your paintingsare amazing. You are really very  ………………………………….

4. Danis tall, well-built and really ………………………..

 5. Wego for a walk in the country, because we need some ………………..andquiet.

6. Bettyhas a lot of friends. Shes very …………………

7. Thestreets in London very …………………………..

8. Lilyis a model. She is tall and …………………………

9. Inthe country you usually meet friendly and ………………………people.

10. Mysister is very …………………………………….. . When she wantssomething she does

everythingto achieve it.

2.Choose and underline the correct word

1. Ifound the book really bored/boring.

2. Dadsaid he was really disappointed/disappointing in us.

3. Thelesson was quite interested/interesting.

4. Janeis always tired/tiring after work.

 5. Jackis scared/scaringof spiders. 

6. Itsa little bit surprised/surprising to see you here.

3.Complete the sentences using back, out,away, into , for, on, with

1. Iran…………… an old friend at the supermarket yesterday

2.Jules Verne is famous …………….. his adventure novels. 

3. Giveme ……………………….. my skateboard! 

4. Shellygave ……………… her book collection to the school library. 

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5. Idont need your help. I can cope ………………… my problems.

6. Weran ……………  of milk, so I can buy it at the supermarket.

7.Keepyour mobile phones switched  ……………….at night.


4. Chooseand underline the correct word

1. Iam talking about the girl who/which is sitting on thesofa. 

2. Thisis the skate-park where/which people come to skateboard. 

3. Mymum made a cake which/who tasted really delicious. 

4. Thegirl who/whose hair is very long is my elder sister.

 5. 2001was the year when/where we played in the chess tournament.


5 .Putthe verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1.He………………………….(feed) the cows every evening at 5:00.

2.She…………………(leave) late on Fridays.

3.She……………………….(write) an article about crime in big cities now.

4.He………………………….(visit) his uncle every Saturday morning.

5.We………………………(go) to the park this evening. Do you want to comewith us?


6. Put the verbsinto the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Progressive).

 1.While Tom_____________(read) Amely ______________(watch) a documentary on TV.

2. Marvin________(come) home, ___________(switch) on the computer and ______________(check) his emails.

3.Nobody______________(listen) while the teacher ______________(explain) the tenses. 4.Whilewe ___________(do) a sight-seeing tour our friends ___________(lie) on thebeach.

5. He________(wake) up and __________(look) at his watch.



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