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What should you know about communicable diseases?

Level B


macula — пятно

vesicle [vesikl] — пузырек, везикула

 smallpox [smo:lpoks] — ocna

 chickenpox – ветряная оспа

nephritis [nefraitis] — нефрит (заболевание почек),

 encephalitis [en,sefolaitis]— воспаление головного мозга (эн­цефалит)

scab — корка



Chickenpox is a very contagious disease of children. The disease occurs in epidemics, especially in children under the age13of ten years. Children of the first four years of life are the most susceptible. There is an incubation period of 14—21 days, most frequently 17 days.

The first symptoms are the following: a slight fever and sometimes pains in the back and legs. Almost at the same time (within twenty four hours) a characteristic eruption appears on different parts of the body. It is found very frequently on the scalp (the hairy part of the head).

The eruption consists of red maculas quickly progressing to papules and vesicles. Soon they become crusted. The brownish crusts dry up and fall off in two – three weeks. The child remains infectious until the scabs scale.

The number of vesicles is very variable. In a slight case there may only be eight or ten of the vesicles, but sometimes in severe cases their number may amount to six or seven hundred.

In the vast majority of cases there is no difficulty in making a diagnosis, but a doctor must learn how to differentiate it from other skin disorders especially from smallpox.

Chickenpox is one of the mildest of acute infectious diseases of children. Children remain feverish for 2 – 3 days, while new vesicles still appear and after that feel well. The recovery is usually complete. Complications are rare. Encephalitis may occur in uncommonly severe cases.

In the majority of cases no other treatment beyond isolation is required. The child should be kept in bed during the eruptive stage and as long as there is any fever. The lesions(повреждение) should be treated with a disinfective solution.


In pairs, discuss the questions:

1. What kind of disease is chickenpox?

2. What is its most characteristic symptom?

3. What age is affected by the disease?

4. Is the incubation period long?

5. What are the first symptoms?

6. When does the eruption appear?

7. What does the eruption consist of?

8. On what part of the body does the eruption appear?

9. How many vesicles may be on the skin?

10. What is the duration of this disease?

11. What treatment is required?

12. Is it difficult to make a diagnosis of the disease?

13. What must the doctor keep in mind making a diagnosis?

14. Is chickenpox usually a mild or severe disease?

Тема 6.13. Poliomyelitis / Полиомиелит

Level A

We learn the new words / Мы учим новые слова

slight fever — легкая лихорадка

general discomfort — общее недомогание

stiff — окостеневший

susceptible — восприимчивый

subside — спадать, утихать

onset — начало(о заболевании)

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The main symptoms of the disease are: slight fever, general discomfort, headache, stiff neck, and stiff back. It may result in paralysis of any part of body. The cause of poliomyelitis is a virus. The incubation period of the disease is 7—21 days. The most susceptible patients are the children from 9 months to 5 years. The child should be isolated from onset of the disease till fever subsides. We can prevent poliomyelitis with oral polio vaccine.

Ex.1 In pairs, discuss the questions / Обсудите вопросы в парах

1. What are the symptoms of poliomyelitis?

2. What is the cause of this disease?

3. What can you say about the treatment?

4. Is there any way of prevention?

Level B


mainly – главным образом

irreversible paralysis – необратимый паралич

reduction – снижение

 eradicate – искоренять

failure – провал, неудача

stronghold – крепость

tackle – перехватывать, блокировать

contract polio – заболеть полиомиелитом



Polio (poliomyelitis) mainly affects children under 5 years of age.

1 in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis. Among those paralyzed, 5% to 10% die when their breathing muscles become immobilized.

Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated 350 000 cases then, to 74 reported cases in 2015. The reduction is the result of the global effort to eradicate the disease.

As long as a single child remains infected, children in all countries are at risk of contracting polio. Failure to eradicate polio from these last remaining strongholds could result in as many as 200 000 new cases every year, within 10 years, all over the world.

In most countries, the global effort has expanded capacities to tackle other infectious diseases by building effective surveillance and immunization systems.

Ex.1 Write 7 questions to the text “Poliomyelitis”.

Тема 6.14. AIDS / СПИД

Level A

We learn the new words / Мы учим новые слова

1. a defense mechanism – защитный механизм

2. to impair — ухудшать

3. to kill – убить

4. healthy – здоровый

5. an infection – инфекция

6. sufferer – страдающий (каким-либо заболеванием)

7. body fluids – биологические жидкости

8. containing the virus – содержащий вирус

9. a needle – игла

10. to protect – защищать

11. a condom – презерватив

12. to infect – заразить

13. to take a blood test — сдать анализ крови

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