Choose the correct option.

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1. Underline the correct option to complete the conversations.


A:   How’s your new place, Harry?

B: Not bad, thanks. It’s 1a / the big flat and it’s in 2/ the­ centre of Leeds. But 3/ the neighbours are a bit annoying.

A: Why’s that?

B: Well, the guy above me is 4a / the musician, and he plays the drums late at night. And below me there’s 5/ a family with young kids.

A: Oh, I know how loud 6/ the kids can be. I’ve got a boy and a girl. 7The / — boy is three and my daughter’s five, and they can be really loud, especially at 5 a.m.!


A:   How do you manage to afford to live in 8/ the London? It’s so expensive!

B: I share 9a / the flat with 10/ the other people, 11/ a man and two women.

A: Oh really? What do they do?

B: Well, 12a / the man is a researcher and one of 13a / the women is 14/ a teacher. I don’t know exactly what 15an / the other one does.

A: Is that kind of thing common then?

B: Oh yes, 16/ the flats are really expensive in 17/ the city but it’s 18a / the great location.


2. Complete the sentences with a/an, the or (no article).

1. Wendy is ___ famous artist. You can see her paintings in ___ best museums in ___ world.

2. I think that ___ private health care is going to become more popular soon.

2. ___ capital of ___ Netherlands isn’t ___ Hague. It’s ___ Amsterdam.

3. ___ scientist has said recently that ___ cities haven’t changed much since ___ last century.

4. Yesterday my brother asked me ___ question about natural disasters. I didn’t know ___ answer.

5. Do you think ___ secondary school students should wear ___ uniforms?

6. ___ Leonardo da Vinci lived during ___ Renaissance.

3. Complete the telephone conversation with a/an, the or (no article).

A:   Hi, Kevin.

B: Anna! It’s you… I mean, hi. It’s good to hear from you.

A: Yeah? Are you sure?

B: Of course, sorry. I was busy with something…

A: I see. Well, how’s life in London?

B: Oh pretty good, thanks. It’s great studying in 1 ___ capital city.

A: Are you enjoying the course?

B: Yes. There’s a long way to go, but I’m still hoping to be 2 ___ big, successful lawyer one day.

A: Ha! Well, I’m sure you’ll be 3 ___ best. You’re very dedicated, after all.

B: Well, er… thanks. I’ve moved into 4 ___ new flat, actually.

A: Oh cool. What’s it like?

B: Well, 5 ___ flat is quite small, but I’ve got my own place.

A: Great! Does that mean I can come and visit?

B: Er … well … there’s a bit of 6 ___ problem, actually. I’ve kind of met someone and I’m not sure she’d understand if you …

A: But Kevin, we broke up. We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, right?

B: Right, right. I know, but…

A: So we can’t even be 7 ___ friends now?

B: Well, we can, but I … well, it’s difficult, Anna. I don’t know what to say.

A: Well, thanks very much, Kevin.

B: Anna, I’m sorry … Anna? Anna, are you there?

4. Complete the famous sports quotes with a/an, the or (no article).

1. ‘I’ve never lost ___ game. I just ran out of ___ time.’ Michael Jordan

2. ‘You are never ___ loser until you stop trying.’ Mike Ditka

3. ‘There are only three sports: ___ bullfighting, ___ motor racing, and ___ mountaineering . all ___ rest are merely ___ games.’ Ernest Hemingway

4. ‘I love ___ Olympics, because they enable ___ people from all over ___ world to come together and … accuse each other of ___ cheating.’ Dave Barry

5. Add a/an or the where necessary.

1. Do you want a drink?

2. Have you received letter I sent you?

3. Dogs are wonderful pets.

4. Do you have pen I can borrow?

5. She went to Paris on Wednesday.

6. Is there airport in the city?

7. I’m going to Germany in morning.

8. We live by Pacific Ocean.

9. My brother is actor.

10. Nurses aren’t paid enough.

11. He doesn’t have children.

12. Did you see film I told you about?

13. I live in United States.

14. She’s nicest woman I know.

15. Do you like apples?

6. Cross out the where it’s not necessary. One sentence is correct.

1. The government should spend more on the education and less on the defence.

2. Has Emilia visited the Netherlands and the Germany?

3. In January 2013 only around thirty-nine percent of people in the United States owned the passports.

4. The population of the Estonia is about 1.3 million.

5. The citizens of Germany chose a female Prime Minister, and naturally the Prime Minister has promised to do more for the women of her country.

6. The biggest city in the China is the Shanghai. Around 16 million people live there.

7. The pollution is generally a problem in big cities, but the pollution in this city is worse than in most others.

Choose the correct option.

1. Where is university / the university? Is it near here?

2. Neil left school and got a job. He didn’t want to go to university / the university.

3. In your country, what proportion of the population study at university / the university?

4. This is a small town, but university / the university is the biggest in the country.

5. My brother has always been healthy. He’s never been in hospital / the hospital.

6. When my friend was ill, I went to hospital / the hospital to see her.

7. When I was visiting my friend, I met Lisa, who is a nurse at hospital / the hospital.

8. I saw an accident. A woman was injured and was taken to hospital / the hospital.

9. Why is she in prison / the prison? What crime did she commit?

10. There was a fire at prison / the prison. Firefighters were called to put it out.

11. Do you think too many people are sent to prison / the prison?

12. John’s mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to church / the church every Sunday.

13. John himself doesn’t go to church / the church.

14. The village is very nice. You should visit church / the church. It’s interesting.

8. Put in the or a.

1. When was the telephone invented?

2. Can you play … musical instrument?

3. Jessica plays … violin in an orchestra.

4. There was … piano in the corner of the room.

5. I wish I could play … piano.

6. Our society is based on … family.

7. Martin comes from … large family.

8. … computer has changed the way we live.

9. When was … bicycle invented?

10. Do you have … car?


9. Complete these sentences. Use the + adjective. Choose from:

 elderly injured rich sick unemployed young


1. The young have the future in their hands.

2. Helen is a nurse. She’s spent her life caring for …

3. Life is all right if you have a job, but things are hard for …

4. Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took … to hospital.

5. More and more people are living longer. How are we going to care for …?

6. It’s nice to have lots of money, but … have their problems too.


10. Some of these sentences are OK, but some need the (sometimes more than once). Correct the sentences where necessary.

1. Everest was first climbed in 1953. +

2. Milan and Turin are cities in the north of Italy.

3. Africa is much larger than Europe.

4. Last year I visited Mexico and United States.

5. Southern England is warmer than north.

6. Thailand and Cambodia are in Asia.

7. Chicago is on Lake Michigan.

8. Next year we’re going skiing in Swiss Alps.

9. UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

10. Seychelles are a group of islands in Indian Ocean.

11. I’ve never been to South Africa.

12. River Volga flows into Caspian Sea.

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1. Underline the correct alternatives to complete the conversations.


A:   How’s your new place, Harry?

B: Not bad, thanks. It’s a big flat and it’s in the­ centre of Leeds. But the neighbours are a bit annoying.

A: Why’s that?

B: Well, the guy above me is a musician, and he plays the drums late at night. And below me there’s a family with young kids.

A: Oh, I know how loud kids can be. I’ve got a boy and a girl. The boy is three and my daughter’s five, and they can be really loud, especially at 5 a.m.!


A:   How do you manage to afford to live in London? It’s so expensive!

B: I share a flat with other people, a man and two women.

A: Oh really? What do they do?

B: Well, the man is a researcher and one of the women is a teacher. I don’t know exactly what the other one does.

A: Is that kind of thing common then?

B: Oh yes, flats are really expensive in the city but it’s a great location.


2. Complete the sentences with a/an, the or (no article).

1. Wendy is a famous artist. You can see her paintings in the best museums in the world.

2. I think that private health care is going to become more popular soon.

2. The capital of the Netherlands isn’t the Hague. It’s Amsterdam.

3. A scientist has said recently that cities haven’t changed much since the last century.

4. Yesterday my brother asked me a question about natural disasters. I didn’t know the answer.

5. Do you think secondary school students should wear uniforms?

6. Leonardo da Vinci lived during the Renaissance.

3. Complete the telephone conversation with a/an, the or (no article).

A:   Hi, Kevin.

B: Anna! It’s you… I mean, hi. It’s good to hear from you.

A: Yeah? Are you sure?

B: Of course, sorry. I was busy with something…

A: I see. Well, how’s life in London?

B: Oh pretty good, thanks. It’s great studying in 1the capital city.

A: Are you enjoying the course?

B: Yes. There’s a long way to go, but I’m still hoping to be 2a big, successful lawyer one day.

A: Ha! Well, I’m sure you’ll be 3the best. You’re very dedicated, after all.

B: Well, er… thanks. I’ve moved into 4a new flat, actually.

A: Oh cool. What’s it like?

B: Well, 5the flat is quite small, but I’ve got my own.

A: Great! Does that mean I can come and visit?

B: Er … well … there’s a bit of 6a problem, actually. I’ve kind of met someone and I’m not sure she’d understand if you …

A: But Kevin, we broke up. We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, right?

B: Right, right. I know, but…

A: So we can’t even be 7friends now?

B: Well, we can, but I … well, it’s difficult, Anna. I don’t know what to say.

A: Well, thanks very much, Kevin.

B: Anna, I’m sorry … Anna? Anna, are you there?

4. Complete the famous sports quotes with a/an, the or (no article).

1. ‘I’ve never lost a game. I just ran out of time. ’ Michael Jordan, basketball superstar

2. ‘You are never a loser until you stop trying.’ Mike Ditka, American football coach

3. ‘There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering . all the rest are merely games. ’ Ernest Hemingway, novelist and sportsman

4. ‘I love the Olympics, because they enable people from all over the world to come together and … accuse each other of cheating. ’ Dave Barry, American sports journalist

5. Add a/an or the where necessary.

1. Do you want a drink?

2. Have you received the letter I sent you?

3. Dogs are wonderful pets. +

4. Do you have a pen I can borrow?

5. She went to Paris on Wednesday. +

6. Is there an airport in the city?

7. I’m going to Germany in the morning.

8. We live by the Pacific Ocean.

9. My brother is an actor.

10. Nurses aren’t paid enough. +

11. He doesn’t have children. +

12. Did you see the film I told you about?

13. I live in the United States.

14. She’s the nicest woman I know.

15. Do you like apples? +


6. Cross out the where it’s not necessary. One sentence is correct.

1. The government should spend more on the education and less on the defence.

2. Has Emilia visited the Netherlands and the Germany?

3. In January 2013 only around thirty-nine percent of people in the United States owned the passports.

4. The population of the Estonia is about 1.3 million.

5. The citizens of Germany chose a female Prime Minister, and naturally the Prime Minister has promised to do more for the women of her country. +

6. The biggest city in the China is the Shanghai. Around 16 million people live there.

7. The pollution is generally a problem in big cities, but the pollution in this city is worse than in most others.

Choose the correct option.

1. Where is university / the university? Is it near here?

2. Neil left school and got a job. He didn’t want to go to university / the university.

3. In your country, what proportion of the population study at university / the university?

4. This is a small town, but university / the university is the biggest in the country.

5. My brother has always been healthy. He’s never been in hospital / the hospital.

6. When my friend was ill, I went to hospital / the hospital to see her.

7. When I was visiting my friend, I met Lisa, who is a nurse at hospital / the hospital.

8. I saw an accident. A woman was injured and was taken to hospital / the hospital.

9. Why is she in prison / the prison? What crime did she commit?

10. There was a fire at prison / the prison. Firefighters were called to put it out.

11. Do you think too many people are sent to prison / the prison?

12. John’s mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to church / the church every Sunday.

13. John himself doesn’t go to church / the church.

14. The village is very nice. You should visit church / the church. It’s interesting.

8. Put in the or a.

1. When was the telephone invented?

2. Can you play a musical instrument?

3. Jessica plays the violin in an orchestra.

4. There was a piano in the corner of the room.

5. I wish I could play the piano.

6. Our society is based on the family.

7. Martin comes from a large family.

8. The computer has changed the way we live.

9. When was the bicycle invented?

10. Do you have a car? 76

9. Complete these sentences. Use the + adjective. Choose from:

1. The young have the future in their hands.

2. Helen is a nurse. She’s spent her life caring for the sick.

3. Life is all right if you have a job, but things are hard for the unemployed.

4. Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took the injured to hospital.

5. More and more people are living longer. How are we going to care for the elderly?

6. It’s nice to have lots of money, but the rich have their problems too.

10. Some of these sentences are OK, but some need the (sometimes more than once). Correct the sentences where necessary.

1. Everest was first climbed in 1953. +

2. Milan and Turin are cities in the north of Italy.

3. Africa is much larger than Europe. +

4. Last year I visited Mexico and the United States.

5. Southern England is warmer than the north.

6. Thailand and Cambodia are in Asia. +

7. Chicago is on Lake Michigan. +

8. Next year we’re going skiing in the Swiss Alps.

9. The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

10. The Seychelles are a group of islands in the Indian Ocean.

11. I’ve never been to South Africa. +

12. The River Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.

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