Topic Music. Imagine Dragons with active VOCABULARY. Английский язык. Тема Музыка. Imagine Dragons.

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Music is a common speech forhumanity. I can hardly imagine my life without Music. It is impossible to havea surfeit of music. I am a fan of various genres of music and its choicedepends on the mood, a particular day and events in life. Basically, the languageof my favorite music is Russian. When Im sad, I usually listen to ****, andsongs like… When Im having fun, I listen…. When I want to do sports, Ilisten.. When I dont have answers to questions, I listen to ****. But today Iwant to talk about a musical group like Imagine Dragons.

Imagine Dragons is an Americanindie rock band formed in 2008 in Las Vegas, USA. They became known after therelease of their debut studio album Night Visions in September 2012.ImagineDragons is a popular indie rock band from America, which has become a realsensation and has not ceased to amaze its listeners around the world for manyyears. Their music unites people with completely different tastes. All this isdue to an unreal charge of positive energy, drive, a sense of fullness of lifein their texts and presentation. These guys have won recognition from the verybeginning of their career and still hold it. The phenomenon of their popularityis connected with the fact that they do what many have missed: high-qualitybright music in the rock genre, combined with a life-affirming meaning.

Now the Imagine Dragons line–uplooks like this — the vocalist and multi-instrumentalist is Dan Reynolds (theonly permanent member who has stayed in the band since its inception), theguitarist is Wayne Sermon, the bassist is Ben McKee and the drummer is DanielPlatzman.

The leader of the band namedDaniel Kotler Reynolds began to study music at the age of 6, played the piano.When the boy was 13, he secretly used his older brothers computer to record asong about his disappointments and experiences using a dictaphone.

Interesting facts

According to the soloist, eachmusician separately records his part of the future track. Until it is broughttogether, none of them knows what the final version will sound like.  Ideas anddemos of many tracks are recorded by artists during the tour.

Dan Reynolds, despite the kind,optimistic songs, is himself prone to panic attacks and depression. Creativityhelps him cope and find the right way. 

The name of the collectiveconsists of a real and quite logical phrase. Translated from English, it meansImagine dragons. However, this is an anagram, the meaning of whichis not known to anyone except the guys themselves. Fans come up with many comicversions, but the truth remains hidden.

Covers are what the band likes toperform. It was with them that the career of the guys began.

Reynolds and his siblings filmedall sorts of videos as a child, some of which were included in the video forthe song Roots. Creativity was inherent in the future singer froman early age.

The band members create trulyhigh–quality and memorable music in various genres — indie, pop, rock,electronica, in which they raise important social issues. At the same time, theirsongs most often have positive energy and drive, for which the musicians areloved by thousands of fans from all over the world.

On September 4, 2012, the bandsfirst full—length album, Night Visions, was released. The record was in themiddle of the Billboard-200 list for a long time, only by the beginning of 2013the work gained popularity.

February 17, 2015. It was namedSmoke + Mirrors. In support of the album, the Smoke and Mirrors World Tour tookplace, in which the band visited Russia. On January 24, 2016, Imagine Dragonsperformed at the Olympic Stadium in Moscow, and on January 26 — at the IcePalace of St. Petersburg. In addition, the band recorded the film Smoke +Mirrors Live, which was shown on March 2, 2016 in cinemas around the world.

On October 3, 2018, the bandannounced the release of their fourth studio album Origins, which was releasedon November 9. Zero and Natural became the albums leadsingles, while Born to Be Yours was featured in the internationaldeluxe edition of the album. 

Evolve (2017-2018)

On May 8, 2017, the bandannounced the release of a new album. The album Evolve was released on June 23,2017.

The hits Believer andThunder relatively quickly reached a billion views on YouTube. 

Mercury — Act 1 (2021)

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On August 3, 2020, Dan Reynoldsannounced the release of the bands fifth album. The musicians dedicated thealbum to the wife of Dan Reynolds brother, who died of cancer in 2019. 

Best Songs

It is very difficult to singleout a small number of the best compositions from the whole set. The fact isthat all the creativity of the group is very original and interesting. 

Each of their works is a work ofart, each line of the most sensational hits has a deep meaning and their lyricsgive depth to the music. Lets see what is troubling the soul of Dan Reynolds.


A kind, sentimental trackdedicated to his roots: family, native home, the place where a person grew up.The impression is enhanced by the clip, which combines a video sequence fromchildhood and touring life, emphasizing the longing for distant and belovedpeople.


A frank song about how he regretseverything he did in life, how he lost his way, how he did not appreciateimportant things. But, eventually, there comes a time when you have to let goof all worries and move on.


Here Dan recalls his school yearsand difficult relationships with peers. He was different to his classmates, andbecause of this, everyone laughed at him. However, it was this difficult paththat led him to what he is now.


This song is about a difficulttime for Reynolds, when he had a prolonged depression. She explains that theemotional pain that a person experiences helps to achieve a healthier state ofmind, that it is misfortunes that make it possible to believe in yourself

«Whatever It Takes»

Another autobiographical work,similar in meaning to Believer. Dan talks about how difficult it isto break through on your own in this world, and everyone around you is justwaiting for your fall. But you have to move forward no matter what.

One of Imagine Dragons biggesthits is undoubtedly Radioactive. It was from her that the road toworld fame opened for the musical group in 2012. A song about awakening: whenyou are simply devoured by gray everyday life, once you wake up, you decide todo something new and see life differently. A kind of motivating personificationof the struggle with hopelessness.

In total, the group has 73nominations, including 23 — victorious. The groups list of awards includessuch prestigious awards as Grammy Awards, American Music Awards, BillboardMusic Awards and others. The song Believer by Imagine Dragons wonthe nomination Best Rock/Alternative Song at the Teen Choice Awardsceremony, which was held on August 14, 2017.At the Grammy Awards in 2018, thealbum Evolve was nominated as Best Vocal Pop Album.

I wanted to become a singer as achild, but I dont have the ability for music and a musical ear, but I findsolace in music and enjoy it. Their music ID speaks directly to the emotions SoI chose this unusual rock band. It is impossible to see sugary beauties in it,which girls from all over the world would definitely fall in love with.However,these guys were able to win love and recognition thanks to their. Their musicpenetrates into the soul and one day I can dance to the live melody of onetrack, and another day I feel sad because of the depth of the text and itssimilarity to my life.

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