Презентация В международном аэропорту

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  • The

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    The presentation in English
    on the topic: The international airport

  • Step

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    Step 1: Your luggage.
    Having arrived, the first thing you need to do is to find a trolley. You are certainly to be able to operate it by yourself but be ready to get some angry looks from the others if you run over their feet with your trolley.

  • Step

    3 слайд

    Step 2: Information desk.
    It is usually near the entrance. Find there your flight number, the registration is shown opposite the flight number

  • Step

    4 слайд

    Step 3: Check-in.
    The check-in process at airports enables passengers to check in luggage onto a plane and to obtain a boarding pass. Each airline provides facilities for passengers to check in their luggage, except their carry-on bags. This may be by way of airline-employed staff at check-in counters at airports or through an agency arrangement or by way of a self-service kiosk. The luggage is weighed and tagged. The weight should not be greater than 23. If it so that for every kilogram you will have to pay 8 pounds. Then placed on a conveyor that usually feeds the luggage into the main baggage handling system. The luggage goes into the aircraft cargo hold. The check-in staff then issues each passenger with a boarding pass.

  • Step

    5 слайд

    Step 4: Security check.
    When you finally manage to check in, your next stop is the security check. It usually takes a long time, because there are so many people who dont get ready for it. They just stand in the queue for twenty minutes and look around. Then they have to empty their pockets, take off their jackets and unpack their laptops. It is allowed to carry liquids, gels and pastes of a capacity not greater than 100 ml ,put all of capacity in a plastic bag. It is prohibited to carry a blade longer than 6 cm. After all, it is always the same routine, so use those twenty minutes to get ready.

  • Step

    6 слайд

    Step 5: Passport control.
    Here you show your passport. It usually takes not much time

  • Duty-free.

    7 слайд

    In time waiting for your flight you can visit the duty free. Duty Free is a system of duty-free shops in airports. Duty Free means without any taxes, which increase the cost of any product. In other words, the duty-free products are much cheaper than the same products in retail stores. As a rule, the goods of duty free are tobacco, a variety of alcoholic beverages, perfumes, cosmetics, gifts, toys, clothes of sometimes prestigious manufacturers.

  • Pay

    8 слайд

    Pay phone, cash machine.
    To make a call, you have to find a pay phone. Pay-phones can be of two types: 1) phones accepting only cards 2) phones accepting only coins
    To make a domestic call in England, dial zero and phone number. To make a domestic call in the USA, first dial 1, then the area code and then the seven-digit phone number.To take out money, you have to find the machine. Insert your card into the machine. Choose the language. Enter your PIN code. If you enter the wrong PIN number three times, the cash machine won`t return your card. Choose the sum of money you want to take out. Then wait for your card and your cash.

  • What

    9 слайд

    What should you be careful about?
    Stealing money.
    You can get lost in the airport.
    You can lose your baggage and your documents.
    And the main thing is you should know the traditions and customs of the country in which you arrive

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Поделиться статьей(Выдержка из Чемпионата Днепропетровской области по «Что? Где? Когда?» среди юношей (09.11.2008) Редакторы: Оксана Балазанова, Александр Чижов) [Указания ведущим:

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