Урок-игра по теме Mothers Day по английскому языку

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               Автор: КлимоваНадежда Ивановна
Учебное заведение: МБОУ СШ №9, г. Вилючинск, Камчатский край
Краткое описание работы: Урок-игра, посвященный Дню мам.
Дата публикации: 17. 02. 2023



Mothers Day” (7 класс)



— систематизировать иобобщить знания по пройденным темам

— расширение кругозора


— развитие в учащихсявнимания, памяти, логического мышления

— развитиеинтеллектуальной, эмоциональной и мотивационной сферы личности ребёнка


— воспитание любви,доверия, хорошего отношения к своим мамам.

Оборудование; доска,карточки с заданиями, кроссворды, загадки, картинки с изображением цветов,призовые карточки, призы, презентация.

Класс делится на двегруппы и учащиеся выполняют задания. Тема квартиры взята не напрасно, ведьженщина – хранительница очага и все, что связано с семьей, связано с квартирой,предметами, комнатами.


I.      Good morning boys andgirls. Today we’ll play a little. You know that on the 30th ofNovember we celebrate “The Mother’s Day.” It is a very interesting holiday. You’llbe divided into two groups and do some tasks. And the first one is:
Say as many politewords as you can about your mothers.


II.    The second task is difficult butinteresting, I think. Two pupils from each team should solve the crossword. Ifit is difficult for you, you may ask for help.
1.The dearest personin the family
3. She is very clever
5. She doesn’t like to quarrel, she is very…
7. She respects people and they call her …..
2. She works from morning till night, that’s why she is…
4. She is not nice, she is …
6. She likes to give people different things. She is…
8. She doesn’t like useless things. She likes only…things.
10. She likes to prepare different dishes. I think she is a good …



III. The next task for you is not very difficult butinteresting. I think you know your flat well. There are some puzzles for you. Guess what it is:
1. People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room. Womenusually spend much time there. We have a fridge, a sink, a table, a cooker anda cupboard in this room. What’s this?               
                                                                                                     (A kitchen)
2. There are beds or a sofa in this room. You can see a little table and awardrobe there. People have a rest in this room.  
                                                                                                   (A bedroom)
3. This room is not very large. We have a shower or a bath in this room. Youcan clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there.
4. Families get together for the meal in this room. They have dinner, lunch,breakfast or supper there. There are some chairs and a table in this room.   
                                                                                                    (A dining-room)
5. There is a TV set, a wall unit, some chairs and a sofa in this room. Somepeople have a fire place there. We can see some flowers there. There is often acarpet on the floor. It is usually the largest room in the house. People watchtelevision, listen to music, or sit around and speak there.   
                                                                                                   (A living-room)
6. You can see a table, a chair, a bookcase and some shelves on the wall inthis room. There are books and magazines on the shelves. You can read books, doyour homework or write a letter in this room. Your parents can write a report,read important letters and work there. 
                                                                                                       (A study)
7. This room is not very large. People take off their overcoats, hats, boots orshoes there. There is usually a mirror and a little table there.
                                                                                                    (A hall)


IV.       I’m sure that you know a lot ofwords. Try to write down the longest word, using the letters of the ABC.  Youhave only two minutes.
                                    C, A, B, D, E, V, G, F, I



V.   As far as I know, everybody likestheir flats. You should write down the sentences using these words.

3.three armchairs                                       
7.a nice sofa                                                   
9.a lamp


VI.       We have many things in our flats. Givedefinitions to the words:
(a book – We read interesting stories in them)
1. A wardrobe
2. A lamp
3. Curtains
4. A cooker
5. An armchair
6. A car
7. A bed
8. A carpet
9. A mirror
10. A sink
11. A flat
12. A garden



VII.   It’s interesting to make up newwords. But your task is to write down words from this one. Make up as manywords as you can:


VIII.Every woman likes flowers. Yourmothers like flowers, too. What flowers does your mother like? Match thepictures and the names of flowers

(some picturesand words)
5. Chrysanthemums

IX.       What flowers would you give to yourmothers?


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Good morning, boys and girls, nice to see you. Today we are going to have a talk about your mothers, we’ll do interesting tasks, solve crosswords and guess the puzzles

Good morning, nice to see you, too.


1.The first task.

You should say as many polite words as you can about your mothers.


Beautiful, pretty, polite, kind, self-reliant, etc.

Thank you, you have done the first task wonderfully.

2.The second task.

You should solve the crossword.



1.The dearest person in the family
3. She is very clever
5. She doesn’t like to quarrel, she is very…
7. She respects people and they call her …..
2. She works from morning till night, that’s why she is…
4. She is not nice, she is …
6. She likes to give people different things. She is…
8. She doesn’t like useless things. She likes only…things.
10. She likes to prepare different dishes. I think she is a good …

Two teens from every team should do the crossword. You may ask for help if it is difficult for you.

3.The third task. While the children are solving the crossword I want you to guess some puzzles. What is it?

1. People can prepare breakfast, dinner or supper in this room. Women usually spend much time there. We have a fridge, a sink, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room. What’s this? 

2. There are beds or a sofa in this room. You can see a little table and a wardrobe there. People have a rest in this room.   

3. This room is not very large. We have a shower or a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there.

4. Families get together for the meal in this room. They have dinner, lunch, breakfast or supper there. There are some chairs and a table in this room.   

5. There is a TV set, a wall unit, some chairs and a sofa in this room. Some people have a fire place there. We can see some flowers there. There is often a carpet on the floor. It is usually the largest room in the house. People watch television, listen to music, or sit around and speak there.

6. You can see a table, a chair, a bookcase and some shelves on the wall in this room. There are books and magazines on the shelves. You can read books, do your homework or write a letter in this room. Your parents can write a report, read important letters and work there. 

7. This room is not very large. People take off their overcoats, hats, boots or shoes there. There is usually a mirror and a little table there.







1.We think it is a kitchen. It is a place where the family has breakfast, dinner, supper.




2.To my mind, it is a bedroom. as for me, my bedroom is good.




3.I’m sure, it is a bathroom





4.It is a dining – room where the members of the family get together.




5.It’s a living-room. Our friends like to sit there and watch TV.










6.It is a study but in our flat we don’t have a study.








7.A hall. I think it is not large but comfortable.






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You are right and I’m glad that you know the flat well.

Your friends solved the puzzle, let’s look at it.


4.Task four. Try to write down the longest word, using the letters of the ABC.
C, A, B, D, E, V, G, F, I


It was not easy to solve it but we have done our best.

Oh, yes, thank you.




You have only two minutes to write the words.

5.This task will be easy for you, I think. You should make up sentences using these words.

cupboard                                                   opposite
three armchairs                                        corner
mirror                                                          lovely
a nice sofa                                                   furniture
a lamp







There are some cupboards in our kitchen.

I can see a shelf opposite the wardrobe.

My parents bought three armchairs for our living room.

There is a mirror on the wall.






Well done.

6.You know a lot of words according to theme “Flat”. Give definitions to the words:

Example: (a book – We read interesting stories in them)
1. A wardrobe
2. A lamp
3. Curtains
4. A cooker
5. An armchair
6. A car
7. A bed
8. A carpet
9. A mirror
10. A sink
11. A flat
12. A garden








A wardrobe is a place where we keep our things.

We switch on our lamps if it is dark in the room.







You’ve worked hard, thank you. Well done.

7.The next task for you is not difficult, I think. You should write down as many words as you can. Use the word:



Stairs, won, down, stars, air, train, war, son, snow, etc.

Good of you.

8.What flowers does your mother like? Match the pictures and the names of flowers

(some pictures and words)
5. Chrysanthemums






(учащиеся читают названия цветов и совмещают с картинками)






Your mothers like very beautiful flowers. If you present them to your mothers they will be happy.

Dear boys and girls, thank you for your work. I think you have liked all the tasks. To my mind, you love your mothers very much. They are the dearest for you. Congratulate them with this beautiful holiday.


What flowers would you give to your mothers?


 I wish you good luck. Our lesson is over. Good bye.


Your two teams have worked hard. But our results are…



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