Презентация на тему Moscow State Institute of International Relations and Moscow State University

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  • Portfolio.Moscow

    1 слайд

    Moscow State Institute of International Relations & Moscow State University
    Английский язык, 11 класс
    Учитель КОУ ВО «ЦЛПДО»
    Головащенко А.А

  • Moscow

    2 слайд

    Moscow State Institute of International Relations is one of the most prestigious universities in Russia.

  • It

    3 слайд

    It was established on the 14’th October, 1944.

  • The

    4 слайд

    The Institute is part of the so-called big three Russian universities. Nowadays more than 6000 students from Russia and CIS countries are studying there. 

  •  MSIIR

    5 слайд

     MSIIR is officially listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the university teaching the largest number of foreign languages (54 foreign languages, including Russian as a foreign language for those students who came from other parts of the world). The teaching staff consists of more than 150 doctors of sciences and 400 candidates (including 300 professors).

  • Basically,

    6 слайд

    Basically, the students live in flats or private homes with their families, but foreigners and students from other cities have to live in student halls. Its so much fun hanging out in each others rooms, ordering pizza at night and just chatting with each other in the evenings!

  • There

    7 слайд

    There are a lot of different events like parties and concerts. Also you can join after-school activities in your free time. There are The Middle East club, KVN Parapaparam team, Football League and many others. But students keep fairly busy because they have to attend seminars and lectures and meet essay deadlines.

  • Moscow

    8 слайд

    Moscow State University was established in 1755.

  • It

    9 слайд

    It is a highly popular university.

  • Currently,

    10 слайд

    Currently, more than 40000 undergraduates and about 7000 postgraduates are studying there. There are more than 4000 professors and lecturers and every year you will find about 2000 international students coming to study there from all over the world.

  • Many

    11 слайд

    Many students live in Moscow with their families but those who come from other parts of Russia and overseas live in student halls.

  • Life

    12 слайд

    Life in halls is fun. Students often socialise with each other — enjoy a cup of tea or some food together, play the guitar and sing popular songs. There are also many student clubs you can join, like the KVN where you perform amusing sketches to entertain your lecturers and fellow students.

  • Life

    13 слайд

    Life is not all fun, though! There are plenty of lectures to attend (which start as early as 7:45 in the morning!) and lots of assignments to complete — not to forget examinations!

  • Portfolio:

    14 слайд

    Portfolio: Think of the most prestigious university in your country. Write a short article about it. Include: where students live, academic life, social life ets.

    Источник: https://reshak.ru/otvet/otvet_txt.php?otvet1=/spotlight11/images/module7/culture_corner/5

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