Business conversation, Telephone conversation

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Business

    1 слайд

    Business conversation.
    Telephone conversation.

  • title=

    2 слайд

  • AIMS:The

    3 слайд

    The goal of integrated learning:

    Activation of students cognitive and creative activities at the lesson.
    By giving information to the students useful expressions of business and telephone conversation
    Overcoming some of the contradictions of the learning process.
    Creating optimal conditions for the development of students thinking in the learning process, based on the integration of self-knowledge and English practice

  • Objectives

    4 слайд

    Objectives of the lesson:
    Teach the students the correct vocabulary and phrases for their specific tasks, so that they can disagree politely, present professionally and relay information accurately.
    The development of communication skills in English for their subsequent application in professional activities (business)
    Activation of students cognitive and creative activities at the lesson
    Students will be able to develop of business skills and leadership.
    Students will be able to deal with finances, taxes and other business-related things.

  • Organizational

    5 слайд

    Organizational moment
    Teacher greets the students (Good afternoon, students. Nice to meet you.) and starts a general conversation asking the students: I guess, you all know the 5T ереже. Let’s remember:
    Тәртіп- Discipline
    Талап- Requirement
    Тазалық- Purity
    Татулық — Friendship
    Тыныштық- Silence
    A moment of silence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR0PGXgUqms

  • Naming

    6 слайд

    Naming the group with the help of pictures
    You will be given images and you should define the property shown in the pictures. This property will be your group’s name.
    I invite you to the world of “a minute of silence”. Sit comfortably. Put your hands on your knees and relax. Now close your eyes and enjoy pure music. (Pause). Breathe in. Breathe out. (Pause). The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. (Pause). You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing.(Pause).
    You love your parents, your college, your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing. You can do everything. Open your eyes.
    Dividing the students into groups with the help of colours:

  • title=

    7 слайд

  • Method

    8 слайд

    Method Brainstorming (the topic of a new lesson by asking questions.). Listening: Listen the audio carefully and take a few moments to think before you start talking.
    1.Are you interested in the world of business? S-1
    2.Would you like to have your own business? S-2
    3.What kind of business would you like to start? S-3
    4.What are the dangers of having your own business?S-4
    T:-If it is your danger let us working on business conversation. 

  • Method.

    9 слайд

    Method. Fact or comment — way of thinking, decision-making, problem solving through collaborative work.
    Changing Basic English into Business English. Make up examples
    Talk about
    Get in touch
    Make sure


  • ІІ-groupBasic

    10 слайд


    Basic English Business Business

    Give travel plans
    Let them know
    Tell why
    Talk more
    Fix the problem
    provide itinerary

  • Activity

    11 слайд

    Activity 1. Method “Find your pair” (This method helps to develop the speed of perception and comparison ).
    T:-When writing a business letter or when e-mailing a business contact who we don’t know well, we use more formal English. Today you’ll learn how to transform casual, conversational English into more formal business English. Now, look at the next slide. You should listen and give the more formal phrases of the following sentences.
    I want to talk to you about the project.
    I’ll get in touch soon.
    You need to send in your application by June 30
    Sorry it’s taking forever.
    I would like to discuss the project with you.
    I will contact you shortly.
    More formal
    It is necessary to submit your application by June 30
    We apologize for the delay.

  • InformalMore

    12 слайд

    More formal
    I promise to fix the problem right away.
    Don’t forget that you need to pay us by Friday.
    Also, please give us a list of your products.
    See you later.
    I assure you that I will resolve the issue as soon as possible.
    We would like to remind you that payment is due by Friday.
    In addition, please provide us with a list of your products
    I look forward to seeing you

  • Method

    13 слайд

    Method “For one minute” — get rid of the read material, and choose the main information and translate it using the way of synchronic translation.
    Waching video film.
    T:-Listen to what they say. How do they greet each other? How does Irena introduce Peter to Mr Jones?

  • Activity2.

    14 слайд

    Activity2. Using business expressions in real life. Telephone conversation
    Method “PRES” (This method develops literacy skills of students formulating their point of view) As we live in the world of technology. Why can’t we use Smartphone to make our lesson more interesting? Let’s do it now!
    Group students together.
    Make our own product.
    Create your own. Telephone conversation
    Protect your project using the method “PRES”.
    P/К – point of view / көзқарас
    R/С — reason / себеп
    E/М— example / мысал
    S/Қ — summary / қорытынды.

  • Evaluating

    15 слайд

    Evaluating the group and students
    Thank you very much, all of you. The work you’ve done is perfect so let’s calculate your stickers! You all get excellent marks today. You have worked very hard. Thanks for your work. I hope our lesson will be useful for you
    Make a contract with a foreign company, write business letters.

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Поделиться статьей(Выдержка из Чемпионата Днепропетровской области по «Что? Где? Когда?» среди юношей (09.11.2008) Редакторы: Оксана Балазанова, Александр Чижов) [Указания ведущим:

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Вопрос 1. Понятие цены, функции и виды. Порядок ценообразования

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