Whether money brings happiness

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Theme of the lesson



English language


Yergalieva  Caldygul  Orynbasarovna



1.General information


Course,  group


Type of the lesson

 Learning of the new material on the theme Whether money brings happiness

2. Lesson objectives

1.      All learners will be able to:  identify some specific information from the text and use some target vocabulary to speak about whether money brings happiness

2.      Most learners will be able:  Recognize inconsistencies in argument in extended talk on a range of general and curricular subjects;

       3.Some  learners will be able to: identify some specific                                                  information from the text and use some target vocabulary and use speaking, listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers



  Respect results

1.Learn about  whether money brings happiness

      2. Whether money brings happiness

 -understands the specificity of different kinds ofliving.

3.Teaching aids, reference books

Text –book-Aspect for Kazakhstan Grade 10 (social-humanitarian direction) Nur-Sultan, 2019 2

Additional resources: Internet.

Technical means, materials


Using audios  & pictures, working with URLs.Posters, note stickers, printed materials, accessories for acting role play.


1.New methods of teaching and learning

2.Leaning to think critically

3.Evaluation and learning assessment for learning

4.Using ICT in education



Group work, individual work, pair work, role play, ”Brainstorming” “Open microphone” “Identification” “Open questions” “Create a poster” “Pictures speak”  Assessment: “QR” 



Respect, Civil responsibility



 self — knowledge,  teaching methods of foreign  language

The procedure of the lesson     

The lesson stage

Planned activities

Learners’ activities



2 -min















Warming up















































Midlle of the lesson

Listening the text




















































Individual work






































Teacher greets the learners and create the positive atmosphere with choose one of the way.

II.Warming up Quick  reading method.


You’ ll read the given quote quickly and give the definition in Kazakh language yourself.

1. “A wise person should have money in their head, not in their heart”. (Jonathan Swift)

2. “Old-fashioned people think you can have a soul without money. They think the less money you have, the more soul you have. Young people nowadays know better. A soul is a very expensive thing to keep: much more so than a motor car.” (George Bernard Shaw)

3. “They say money doesn’t bring happiness, but everyone still wants to prove it for themselves” (author unknown)

 4. “Money is not synonym of happiness, but life is rough and tough without money” (Dr. T. P. Chia)

5. “You aren’t wealthy until you have something money can’t buy” (Garth Brooks)

 6. “Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end” (Bob Marley)

7. “People who say that money can’t buy happiness, have apparently never used money” (author unknown)

8..“There are people so poor, that the only thing they have is money” (Patrick Meagher)

.9. “If you want to feel rich just count the things you have that money can’t buy” (author unknown)

10. “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness” (Charles Spurgeon)

III. .Dividing into groups: “Puzzle”

1st group- Money

2nd group- Happines

IV. Watching   video and discussing.


V.«Audio- Lingual  method».

Before listening
Answer the questions.

Group work.

1.What is the main idea of the text?

2.Why having more money is better according to economists’ conclusions?

3. What is the work of Daniel Gilbert?

4.What kind of people participated in the survey?

Listening the text

“Does money buy happiness” – from people who practice what’s called the dismal science. For when economists tackled the question, they started from the observation that when people put something up for sale they try to get as much for it as they can get, and when people buy something they try to pay as little for it as they can. Both sides in the transaction, the economists noticed, are therefore behaving as if they would be happier, they wound up receiving more money or holding on to more money. Hence, more money must be better than less of it is if it brings your greater contentment. The economists’ conclusion: the more money you have, the happier you must be. “Psychologists have spent decades studying the relation between wealth and happiness”, writes Harvard University psychologist Daniel Gilbert in his best-selling “Stumbling on Happiness”, and they have generally concluded that wealth increases human happiness when it lifts people out of abject poverty and into the middle class, but that it does little to increase happiness thereafter. In a typical survey people are asked to rank their sense of well-being or happiness on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means “not at all satisfied with my life” and 7 means “completely satisfied”. Of the American multimillionaires who responded, the average happiness score was 5.8. Homeless people in Calcutta came in at 2.9. But before you assume that money does buy happiness after all, consider who else rated themselves around 5.8: the Inuit of northern Greenland, who do not exactly lead a life of luxury, and the cattle-herding Masai of Kenya, whose dung huts have no electricity or running water. And proving Gilbert’s point about money buying happiness only when it lifts you out of abject poverty, slum dwellers in Calcutta – one economic rung above the homeless – rate themselves at 4.6.

VI. Level of thinking skills .Knowledge and comprehension Task after listening. Recognize the main idea in extended texts. Individual work.

Choose answers A, B or C. There is only one correct answer for each question.

1. How did economists examine the relation of money to happiness?

A. They interviewed people in the streets on their attitude towards money and happiness B. They observed that when people sell something, they try to gain more money and when buying, people try to spend less money

 C. They examined how people manage their money (savings and spending)

 2. More money must be better because: A. It enables people buying whatever they want B. It makes travelling affordable

 C. It brings more happiness and satisfaction

 3. According to Daniel Gilbert, how does money make people happier?

 A. People do not live in poor conditions B. People can buy different things C. People receive high salaries 71

 4. According to the survey, who rated themselves as being happy?

A. Inuit of Northern Greenland

 B. American multimillionaires

C. Homeless people in Calcutta

 5. What does a house of Masai of Kenya lack?

 A. Heating

 B. Hot water

 C. Electricity

VI.Speaking Through Pictures




Pupil choose one of the way greeting.













Descriptor A learner  · analyzes the quote-10 points;

· creates a speech-10 points

· states whether agree or disagree with the saying-10 points

 · uses topical vocabulary-10 points

 · uses body language effectively-10 points












Students take pieces of the puzzle and join the group

Students watch the video and discuss on it

Descriptor A learner

Answer the questions-10 point









Descriptor A learner

Answer the questions-10 points




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Descriptor A learner

Choose answers A, B or C-10 points
















Students  give their opinions on the picture

Descriptor A learner

1.Speak without grammar mistake.

2.Give the definition of the happiness-10 points


Interactive Whiteboard





Google presentation

















































Video film


















“Does money buy happiness”









































Questions to the text



















































Role Play



7.Pair- work  Role Play `on the themeOur group is active method.


Each group will perform their acting skills to their group name




Students play role game

 Descriptor A learner

1.Show master of actress-10 points







Students perform a task related to the text

















Home work





Lets connect with the lesson method.


Evaluating words related to todays lesson.


very good — You are happy!


good — You have got much money.


medium — You are poor .


10.Reflection moment:


Lets go back to the newspaper method


Students are distributed paper cut out like a newspaper.


At the beginning of the newspaper:

Todays main news is this lesson. Lesson ………. is written.

Students need to complete the sentence.

12.Home work

Make up the topic about “How we are able to be happier”










Students review their marks using the QR code provided by the teacher





Students share their thoughts about the lesson in a telegram chat.



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