My future profession технологическая карта

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Технологическаякарта урока иностранного языка – объяснения и первичного закрепления новыхзнаний

Ф.И.О. преподавателя

 Гущина Наталья Николаевна


 Сестринское дело/2курс

Тема урока

My future profession


Тип урока

урок «открытия» нового знания


Технология обучения

технология дифференцированного обучения, с применением здоровьесберегающих   и современных информационных технологий



 проведения  комбинированного занятия с  элементами  игровой технологии, технологии дифференцированного обучения, с применением здоровьесберегающих   и современных информационных технологий.



Образовательная цель: закрепление лексического материла по теме в разговорной речи; совершенствование речевых навыков, навыков аудирования и говорения.

Развивающая цель: Развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи на английском языке с использованием медицинской лексики. Развитие творческого применения знаний при выполнении творческих заданий.

Воспитательная цель: Прививать любовь  к будущей профессии, чувство ответственности за свою работу, воспитывать у обучающихся этические нормы общения с пациентами.


Планируемые результаты

Предметные:  Речевая компетенция – совершенствование коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме).

Языковая компетенция – овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с выбранными темами, увеличение объема использования лексических единиц.

Личностные:  Социально-культурная компетенция – увеличение объёма знаний  о работе медсестры, её обязанностях; совершенствование умений строить общение с пациентом.

Компенсаторная компетенция – дальнейшее развитие умений объясняться в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передачи иноязычной информации.

Учебно-познавательная компетенция –развитие потребности познавательной деятельности по овладению иностранным языком.

Регулятивные: умение соотносить свои действия с планируемыми результатами, осуществлять контроль своей деятельности в процессе достижения результата, определять способы действий в рамках предложенных условий и требований.

Познавательные: умение определять понятия, обобщать, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи.

Коммуникативные: умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с преподавателем и сверстниками; работать индивидуально и в группе, находить общее решение; формулировать, аргументировать и отстаивать своё мнение.


Средства ИКТ, аппаратное обеспечение, наименование

Аппаратное обеспечение: компьютер, мультимедийная система.

Презентация, доска, рабочие листы студентов, тексты, материал для решения практической ситуационной задачи.





Этапы урока


Деятельность преподавателя

Деятельность учащегося


Организационный момент



Good morning, my dear students!!!

Приветствуют преподавателя стоя (молча), рассаживаются за парты по группам.

Организуют рабочее место.

Сообщают об отсутствующих на уроке.


Этап мотивации (самоопределения) к учебной деятельности


Let’s repeat the phonic drill after me:

It’s time to think

It’s time to speak

It’s time to show

Ready, steady, go (Слайд 1)

1.What are you now?2.Where do you study?3.What year are you in?4.What subjects do you study?5) Do you study well?6) Do you get a grant?7) Do you have practice at the hospital?8) Do you like your future profession? (Слайд 2)







The theme of our lesson is “My future profession”

We’ll speak about the work of a nurse and her duties. Let’s do the matching tasks to find out about it (Слайд 3)

The student repeat this drill after the teacher




1.I am a student.

2.I study at the medical school.

3.I am in the second year.

4.We study different subjects: anatomy, therapy, Latin, Russian, English, surgery and so on.

5.Yes, I study well.

6.Yes, I do. I study well and get a grant.

7.We have practice in the hospital twice a week.

8.Yes, I do. I like my future profession because I want to be a doctor and to treat people.


The students do this task


Этап актуализация и фиксирование индивидуального затруднения в пробном действии,



Matching the answers

1.Where does a nurse work?

a) She takes temperature to the patients, airs the wards, gives the medicine.

2.When does her/his working day begin?

b) Yes, she does. She is a main assistant of a doctor.

3.What does she usually do in the morning?

c) Her/His working day begins at 6 o clock.

4.Does she help to the doctor to make a daily round?

d) She must be very kind, careful and responsible.

5. What does she tell to the doctor?

e)She works in the hospitals,

in schools, in the kindergartens.

6. What kind of person must a nurse be? (Слайд 4)

f) She tells everything about her patients.




1.Why do you want to be a nurse? 2.Who helped you to choose the profession?

3.Do you want to become a doctor? Let’s watch the video about this, too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gOw4ewfbuA (Слайд 5)

Answer questions, correlate with answers.











St.1Why I want to be a nurse. Being a nurse is what I was born to be. It is the only profession I’ve ever wanted. I always  loved helping people. A nurse to me is someone who is friendly, patient and trustworthy.

St.2 I want to be a person who can give patients the physical and emotional support .Nurses can use different methods to make a patient feel comfortable.I would like to be a nurse because this is the best image I can see myself performing in the near future.

St.3 The medicine has always been a childhood dream of mine. Becoming a nurse will help me achieve my professional goal. I have always felt a deep desire to help people whenever they needed it. I also want a career where I can earn a respectable living. I know that being a nurse is very stressful but rewarding too, plus the salary and benefits are tremendous. I would also like to be a nurse so that I could educate patients on how to manage their sick family members at home. There is nothing more important than helping.

St.4 To me a nurse is not just a person in a uniform but an individual that can make a difference in another person’s life. Nursing is a career choice that I am passionate about because I am able to touch the lives of those who are suffering from different diseases. After the graduating from the medical faculty I would like to continue my medical education and to become a doctor. In my childhood I used to be afraid of doctors and nurses. I used to hate going to the doctors I never wanted to be a patient. But later I felt the need to care for someone. I realized my passion for nursing and wanted to be like my sister a nurse, to help and care of others. I believe that I am suited to become a nurse. I am open and honest to communication and these are also important traits that a nurse needs.




Этап выявления места и причины затруднения


Thank you very much. I hope you will be highly-trained specialists. Let’s act out   a dialogue « An accident at the college» (Слайд 6)

The students act it out

Student1: Sorry. May I come in?

Teacher: Yes, you may. Why are you late today?

Student 1: I fell down and suddenly I felt a severe pain in my arm.

Student 2: Let me help you. I’ll accompany you to your place. 15

Teacher: Does your arm hurt you?

Student1: Yes it does. It hurts me very much.

Student 3: Let’s look, what an injury it is: a fracture or a bruise.

Student 4: What is it a bruise or a fracture?

Student 3: I think it is a fracture. It is not like a bruise.

Student 5: What kind of fracture is it: an open or a closed one?

Student 3: It is an open fracture. I see a wound on the skin of her arm.

Student 6: May be we’ll give first aid ourselves .We are future nurses. Not so long ago we had a surgical practice.

Student 3: But I suggest calling our paramedic. It will be safer.

Student 7: I’ll look for her. I haven’t found her. She is out.

Teacher: In such case we must call an ambulance.

Student 2: Is it an Emergency Department?

Ambulance person: Yes, it is. The Emergency Department is hearing. What is your problem?

Student 2: We have an injured person, a student of our group.

Ambulance person: What is patient’s name?

Student 2: Her name is Galina Sokolova.

Ambulance person: How old is she?

Student 2: She is 17 years old.

Ambulance person: What is your address?

Student 2: Оur address is Alekseev Street, Kurgan Basic Medical College.

Ambulance person: Wait, we’ll come soon.

Doctor: Where is the patient? Let me look, please. It is a fracture. Prepare a splint and a bandage. I’ll put a splint. Give an injection of local anesthesia.

Nurse: Galina, we will transport you to the hospital. You should consult a surgeon.






Этап построения проекта выхода из затруднения


If you help a person who lost his consciousness. (Fainting)

Mark the sentences as true or false:

In painting the person doesnt lose consciousness. ((Е/А)

2. The face of a person gets pale. ((Е/А)

3. His breathing is shallow. ((Е/А)

4. His pulse is rapid. ((Е/А)

5. Close the window immediately. ((Е/А)

6. Raise his head a little. ((Е/А)

7. Give the person to drink water. ((Е/А)

8. Call an ambulance. ((Е/А)

Complete the sentences

1. Person can lose consciousness because of ….

2. The skin of the person in painting is …

3. The pulse is … and the breathing is …

4. Lay the person on his …

5. Give the person to breathe in …(Слайд 7)



If you help a person who is in shock.

Answer the questions:

1. Is shock very dangerous?

2. What can cause shock?

3. What are the symptoms of shock?

4. Why is the skin pale before shock?

5. What should you do to help a person in shock?

Complete the sentences with the words, pale, rapid, to koep warm, flat, ba

1. When a person is in shock his face is ….

2. The pulse and breathing of a person in shock are

3. If you help a person in shock lay him … on his …

4. It is important … a person in shock. (Слайд 8)



If you help a person with poisoning. Answer the questions:

1. What happened to the family of three persons?

2. Had they eaten some food which was not fresh?

3. What did they complain of?

4. Why did they obtain immediate relief?

5. What did the third patient use to become healthy again?

7. When was the third patient discharged? Make up sentences using the words

1. To see, a family, a doctor, of three persons, was invited.

2. Their feet, to, heating, were applied, pans.

3. To the hospital, in an ambulance, third, was taken, the patient.

4. Became, all, of, nauseated, the members, the family.

5. Were, two, to, some, patients, bed, and put, medicine, given. (Слайд 9)


If you help a person who has a sunstroke. Make up the sentences:

1. is/the skin/hot/very.

2. bad/a/he/has/headache.

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3. dangerous/it/very/to fall asleep/is/air/open/in the.

4. temperature/has/a/high/he.

5. put/back/on/his/him.

6. body/water/cool/cold/his/with.

7. skin/with/sponge/rub/his/a.

8. even/he/lose/can/consciousness.

What rules should we follow when we are on the beach (Слайд 10)





If you help a person who has a fracture

Answer the questions

1. What does the word fracture mean?

2. What kinds of fractures do you know?

3. What fracture is more serious?

4. When does the pain become more severe?

5. How can you help the person with fracture?

6. What do the doctors do with fractures?

7. What is plaster cast?

Complete the sentences with the words: ankle, hospital, leg, friend, ambulance, foot, surgeon.

1. A man slipped and injured his … .

2. The mans… called an …

3. His … and … were swollen.

4. The … anaesthetized the injured area.

5. He was discharged from the …(Слайд 11)


If you help a person who has bleeding.

1. What blood flows from an artery and a vein?

2. What must you do to stop the bleeding?

3. What should you do if a person has the nosebleed, the bleeding from the limbs?

4. When do the doctors make blood transfusions?

watch the parts of the sentence sand write down the text

1.Many people

2.They may

a/the bleeding as soon as possible.

3. You should know that when the blood

flows from the artery

b/you should raise the limbs.

4. When the blood flows from the vein

5. You should stop

c/get into different accidents.

flows from the artery

6.The simple method is to

d/put clean cloth over the wound and

7.If the bleeding is from an arm or leg

8.If a person has nosebleed

9.In severe cases doctors

bandage it tightly. e/ it is scarlet. f/you should put a cold compress on it. g/ make blood transfusions. h/ have bleeding and need the first aid. i/it is dark red. (Слайд 12)



( Слайд 13 и 14)

perform a task


Этап реализации построенного проекта


A sound mind

keeps the doctor away

Health is

what you eat

Live not to eat

measure and enjoy life as it is

An apple a day

keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise

Eat with pleasure, drink with

in a sound body

Early to bed, early to rise

the greatest wealth

The first wealth

above wealth

You are

but eat to live

Good health

is health (Слайд 15)


Matching: Proverbs about  health



perform a task


Этап первичного закрепления с проговариванием во внешней речи


Every nurse must know how to give the first aid. It is an essential part of the medical education. That’s why you should know how to help a person in different situations.


Nursing is one of the greatest professions in the world.

Listen to the text and unscramble the words in the given text

https://listenaminute.com/n/nursing.html (Слайд 16)


   perform a task


Этап самостоятельной работы с самопроверкой и взаимопроверкой по эталону


Task 1.

If you help a person who lost his consciousness. (Fainting)

Тask 2.

If you help a person who is in shock.

Task 3.

If you help a person with poisoning.

Task 4.

If you help a person who has a sunstroke.

Task 5.

If you help a person who has a fracture.

Task 6.

If you help a person who has bleeding.

Let’s do a check together

When you give the first aid you must be very calm. The most important thing in an emergency is not to lose one’s head. Don’t forget that a nurse is responsible for people’s health.

 The nurse’s work requires great responsibility because it deals with peoples’ health. There are many proverbs about  health.  Look at the screen. There are only the beginning of these proverbs. Your task is to complete them.






Nursing is one of the greatest professions in the world. Listen to the text and unscramble the words in the given text:  https://listenaminute.com/n/nursing.html





We have spoken about  the nurse’s work today and now I want you to do the crossword,  too. Look at the screen, please.





2. — is a highly qualified specialist, who works independently or under the supervision of a senior doctor who provides medical and preventive health care for the population.
4. Chief Physician Assistant
5. Doctor who treats teeth
7. Medical and preventive work, provides qualified health physician assistant, which prevents the emergence and spread of … , and other diseases.
8. The work requires knowledge of preventive wheezing, rules for the preparation of grass.


1. Nursing provides qualified nurses … practice.
3. The doctor providing treatment — preventive health care for pregnant people and patients with gynecological diseases.
6. Specialist to create artificial teeth and crowns, plastic and porcelain teeth?
Dental …(Слайд 17 и 18)






1.Lay the person flat on the back.

Raise his feet a little.

Loose his dress.

Cover him warmly and open the window.

Sprinkle cold water on his face.

Give the person to breathe in ammonia water.

2.Lay him flat on his back.

Raise his feet a little.

Cover him with blankets

Give him a warm drink.

Keep him quiet.

3.Empty his stomach as soon as possible.

Give him much water to drink.

Call in a doctor immediately.

4.Take the patient into a cool and shady place.

Put him on his back.

Raise his head and shoulders a little.

Cool his body with cold water.

5.Rub his skin with a sponge to keep up blood circulation.

Support the injured area in a safe and suitable position.

If bleeding is present, pack area with clean cloth.

Immobilize the area by putting the splint.

Wrap the splinted extremity with clean cloth.

Take him to the hospital.

6.Stop bleeding by direct pressure with clean cloth.

If the bleeding is from the arm or the leg, the limb can be kept in a raised position.

If the bleeding is from a nose, put a cold compress on the nose.

In severe cases doctors make blood transfusion.


Health is the greatest wealth.

Eat with pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.

Live not to eat, but eat to live.

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away

Early to bed, early to rise, keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise


Read the order of the doctor before you give medicine.

If you made a mistake in your work you must tell the doctor about it at once.

Do not be rude when you speak with patients.

Learn to control your feelings.

Don’t gossip about your patients.

Never say the speech with a patient you must look in his eyes


Этап включения в систему знаний и повторения


As future nurses you must some good rules of behavior:

Read the order of the doctor before you give medicine.

If you made a mistake in your work you must tell

the doctor about it at once.

Do not be rude when you speak with patients.

Learn to control your feelings.

Don’t gossip about your patients.

Never say the speech with a patient you must

look in his eyes (Слайд 19)


Read the order of the doctor before you give medicine.

If you made a mistake in your work you must tell the doctor about it at once.

Do not be rude when you speak with patients.

Learn to control your feelings.

Don’t gossip about your patients.

Never say the speech with a patient you must look in his eyes




Now I want you to fill in this rainbow

1.       Now I can…

2.       I leant…

3.       Now I know…

4.       I understand…

5.       It was difficult for me…

6.       It was not easy for me…(Слайд 20 и 21)


The students fill in the form and say good bye to the teacher





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