Развитие навыковпоискового чтения. 5класс «Spotlight»
Темаурока: Тадж Махал
- Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний и умений (урок закрепления).
- Межпредметные связи: история, география.
- Цель урока: Систематизировать усвоение лексических навыков по теме «Дома», познакомить учащихся с одним из чудес света (Тадж-Махал).
- Задачи урока:
Образовательные: Развивать навыки ознакомительного и поискового чтения;умений монологической речи; аудирование
Развивающие:Развивать умения систематизации новых знаний и на их основе составлениесобственного монологического высказывания; Развиватьвнимание, память, познавательную и творческую активность, языковую догадку,
Воспитательные: Познакомить с 8-м чудесом света Индии Тадж Махал, воспитыватьуважительное отношение к культурному наследию разных стран.
Формы работыучащихся: индивидуальная, парная, фронтальная .
Оборудованиепрезентация к уроку, карточки с заданиями; аудиоприложение.
Ход урока
I Организационныймомент
T: Hello,boys and girls! I’mglad to see you today. Sit down, please. How are you? Who is on duty today?What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent today? Are you readyfor the lesson?
I’m glad becausewe all will work hard at our lesson today.
Ps: Hello, dearteacher. We are glad to see you too.
II. Фонетическая зарядка (слайд 1)
T: Let’s start withphonetics exercises.
[o:] – or, floor,door, wall, all
[æ] – at, flat, has
[ai] – nice, white, bright
III. Лексико—речевая зарядка
T: Now you answermy questions:
- Where do you live?
- Do you live in a flat or in a house?
- Is your room big or small?
- Do you like your house?
- Are you ready to tell us about your dream house?
Ps: (Supposedanswers)
- I live in a house.
- I live in a flat.
- Yes, I like it!
IV Проверкадомашнего задания.
Now, let’s checkyour homework. What was your homework? Are you ready?
V.Постановка цели урока (слайд2)
T: Look at thescreen. What can you see? How do you think what we will talk about? What is themain theme of our lesson?
Ps: Suggested answer:The wonders of the modern world. We will speak about beautiful houses andbuildings and read the text about Taj Mahal.
T: What iswonder? Which wonders of the modern world do you know? (обучающиеся называют чудеса света) (слайд3)
VI. Актуализация и первичное знание закрепление знаний. (слайд 4,5,6,7)
T: All wonders ofthe modern world are made of different materials. Open your book at page 53ex.1 (a) . Listen and repeat.
Complete thesentences….
1. This house is madeof …….. (marbles).
2. These building aremade of …… (grass).
3. This house is madeof…… (bricks).
4. These castle aremade of ……. (stones).
What words areconnected with the word “materials” glass, stone, brick, wood.
VII Развитиянавыков поискового чтения? (слайд 9, 10,11,12)
Let’s travel tothe very far but beautiful country, India., to see one of the seven wonders ofthe modern world – Taj Mahal. It’s a symbol of love.
Look at thepicture. What Taj Mahal consist of? Read and translate.
Suggested answer:dome (купол),wall (стена),minaret (башня),pool (бассейн)
How do you thinkwhat Taj Mahal is made of? (высказывание предложений).
Now find ex 1 atpg 53. Atfirst, we will listen text about Taj Mahal. Be attentive. Then we will readthis text and be ready to answer my questions. Give me pleaseyour full answers.
1. Where isTaj Mahal?
2. What ismade of?
3. What colors doesthe marble shine?
4. What does the maindome look like?
5. How many minaretsare there?
6. How many floorsare there inside?
7. What isthere outside?
8. Is the Taj Mahal smallbuilding?
9. Is the Taj Mahalfantastic building?
10. How many pools are there?
Well done.Thank you.
IX Закреплениепройденного материала. Выполнение упражнений.
1. Ex.2 pg 53.Прочитай и допиши предложения. (индивидуальная)
2. Упражнение — исправление ошибок. (групповая)
3. Упражнениена формирование монологической речи: Карточка №1 (парная)
Name (What’sname?)
Place (Where isit?)
Colour (What colouris it?)
Material (What is itmade of?)
X Рефлексия
4. Карточка№1 (True, False) (парная)
1. The Tag Mahal isin Agra, Pakistan.
2. It’s not a palace, it’s a mausoleum fora dead wife.
3. The building is made of red breaks andstones.
4. There’s a large dome in the centre ofthe building.
5. It has five minarets at each corner.
6. Inside there‘re three floors with 15beautiful rooms.
7. In the garden there’re 4 pools.
5. Test (фронтальная)
XI Подведениеитогов.
Now it’s time towrite down your homework. It will be Ex/ 4 pg 53 or you may retell the textabout the Taj Mahal. In Ex.4 you are to describe a famous building in Russia.You can use the plan of our lesson. I am sorry, but we must stop here. Ourtime is up. Well, youworked very well today. Thank you. Did you like our lesson?
T: Now your marks. Ithink today you will get only good marks. That’s all for today. Good bye.
Ps: Good bye, teacher.