Темаурока: Спорт – это весело («Sport is fun»).
Степени сравнения наречий. (“Degrees ofcomparison adverbs”).
Класс: 7
Тип урока: комбинированныйурок
Целии задачи урока:
— активизация и систематизация лексических единиц по теме «Спорт»;
-формирование и развитиебилингвистической коммуникативной компетенции;
-формирование умений и навыковадекватного восприятия иноязычной речи, как в устной, так и в письменной форме;
-введение нового материала по теме«Степени сравнения наречий»;
-закрепление введенногограмматического материала в устной и письменной речи.
-воспитание активности и уменияпринимать самостоятельные решения;
-воспитание коммуникативно-речевого такта,коммуникабельности.
-расширение кругозора;
-повышение общей культуры учащихся.
-развитие способностей школьниковиспользовать иностранный язык как инструмент общения;
— развитие языковой догадки, умениянаблюдать;
-развитие языковых способностей иустойчивого интереса к изучению английского языка.
Оборудование: наглядный материал по теме “Sport”,мультимедийное оборудование, раздаточный материал, учебник.
Ход урока
I. Organizationmoment. Task of the lesson
Goodafternoon, children! It’s nice to see you again! How are you? Take your seats,please!
Lookat the screen. There are a lot of pictures. Answer my question. What do youthink we`re going to speak about?
Well.Today we’ll continue our theme “Sport is fun”. Sport is very good for yourhealth and that’s why you must do sports to be healthy and strong.
Look at blackboard! I have prepared a proverb for you. Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: A soundmind in a sound body. Millions of people who go in for sports knowfrom their own experience that this famous saying is true to fact. At the sametime great members of people do not go in for sport. Some of them realize that sport is useful but preferwatching sports competitions on TV to going in for sport themselves.
II.Warm-up activities
Ex.68, p. 116
Now Isuggest you to look at the pictures and name kinds of sports. There arepictures of different kinds of sports on the screen. (Приложение 1) Answer myquestion/ What sports is it? (Учащиеся отвечают на поставленный вопрос It is … .)
I see that the kinds of sport you know very well.
IV.Vocabulary revision:
Work in groups
Work in groups of 4. At the screen You can see the list of sports. (Приложение 2) Choose the rightanswers on your questions and write out them.
Football, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, chess, gymnastics, aerobics,dance, cycling, swimming, walking, skiing, ice-skating, horse-riding, windsurfing,jumping, running, boxing, polo, figure skating, hockey, baseball, athletics, handball.
1group: What sports are played in the winter? What sports do you need to wearspecial clothes for? (Skiing, ice-skating, figure skating, hockey.)
2group: What sports do people play in teams? What sports use balls?(Football, volleyball, gymnastics, polo, baseball, handball.)
3group: What sports do people play in pairs? (Table tennis, badminton,chess, boxing, dance, figure skating.)
V.Work in pairs.
Look at the cards on your desks. (Приложение 3) You must match thesentences or expressions with sports. It’s interesting what pairs do thisexercise better and without mistakes.
1. A round ball. Twoteams of 11 d) football
playerskick (ударять ногой) it.
2. A small ball, table,small f) table tennis
bats (ракетки).
3. One or two menskate. a) figure skating
4. A group of men skate
with a hockeystick and e) hockey
beat a puck (шайба).
5. Two men withgloves c)boxing
beat each other.
6. To keep fitthey travel b) cycling
by bicycle everyweekend.
VI.Предъявление нового грамматического материала. Degrees ofcomparison of adverbs
Работас учебником. Правило Ex.71, p.117
VII. Первичноезакрепление изученного грамматического материала.
VIII. Results
IX.Home work