План урока «Собеседование о приеме наработу»
Возраст: 2курс
Время: 45мин.
1. Организация – 1 мин.
2. Разминка – 2 мин.
3. Введение в тему, проверка домашнего задания – 5 мин.
4. Развитие навыков анализа и принятия решений – 5 мин.
5. Развитие навыков аудирования и разговорной речи – 7 мин.
6. Предоставление дополнительной информации по теме – 10 мин.
7. Релаксация – 4 мин.
8. Развитие коммуникативных навыков – 10 мин.
9. Подведение итогов – 1 мин.
• Развивать у учащихся навыки аудирования и разговорной речи.
• Развивать словарный запас учащихся.
• Развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
• Развивать у учащихся навыки анализа и принятия решений.
• Помочь учащимся узнать немного больше о процедуре подачизаявления о приеме на работу.
• Поощрять студентов использовать англоязычные веб-сайты длясамостоятельных занятий.
Компоненты плана:
• План урока: руководство для учителя по ходу занятия.
• Слайд-шоу
• Флэш-карты с часто задаваемыми вопросами на собеседовании.
• Учебные фильмы размещены на Интернет-сайте http://www.best—interview—strategies.com/videos.html.
Ход занятия:
Оргмомент: (1min)
– Hello, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Sit down. Who ison duty today? Who is absent? What’s the matter with …? Sorry to hear that … isill. What were you to do at home to prepare for our lesson? Thank you.
Разминка: (2min) addressingone of the students:
– Maxim,you are looking so serious today. It’s not in your way.Are you OK? … Are you going to impress your classmates as an excellentstudent? … We hope you manage it. Let the girls give Maxim some compliments.….. (You are so kind / clever / creative / smart etc.) … It’s very kind of you.Thank you. And now let’s get down to business.
Этап 1. Введениев тему Прием на работу. Собеседование.Взаимодействие учителя и учащихся на основе письменных заявлений,подготовленных учащимися в качестве домашнего задания.
<cлайд 2>
T: Today we go on discussing the activities connectedwith the process of Job Application. At our last lesson we learnt some rules offormal letter writing and found out what information should be included in aLetter of Application and a Curriculum Vitae (CV). Now I’d like you to revisethese rules. Will you open your text books page 54, ex.1 and say what featuresFormal Letters are characterized by.
S: Formal letters are characterized by: formal greetingsand endings, advanced vocabulary, set phrases, formal linkers, the use of thepassive, the use of full forms. Formal letters don’t use everyday language,phrasal verbs, short forms or abbreviations.
T: What information should be included in the CV?
<слайд 4>
S: A CV should contain your personal details, theinformation about your education and qualifications as well as about thelanguages you speak, the information about your work experience and personalqualities.
T: What information should be included in the Letter ofApplication?
<слайд 5>
S: A letter of application, also known as a coverletter, provides additional information on your skills and experience. It sayswhy you are writing, what job you are applying for and where you found thelisting. It also gives the information on your relevant skills and experienceand on your personal qualities.
Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest inthe specific organization and should persuade the Hiring Manager to select youfor an interview.
T: Right you are. You were to write a Letter ofApplication and a CV at home. I would like you to keep them close at hand.You may find them helpful.
And now, when you have these papers written, what would you expect tohappen?
S: I hope to be selected for a job interview.
T: And I wonder if you know how to prepare for a jobinterview. Would you like to learn some useful tips so that you will besuccessful at the Job Interview?
S: I’d like to know more about the procedure ofapplying for a job. I wonder what questions I’m going to be asked and how I’mexpected to answer them.
I’d like to know what things can influence the Hiring Manager’s decision.
I don’t know how to answer the question ‘What are you looking for insalary?’
T: As I see you have a lot of questions. And I hope youfind the answers to some of them at today’s lesson. So, the topic of ourlesson is ‘a Job Interview’.
Let us develop some strategies for playing a perfectinterview. Will you write them down step by step on the other side of yourLetters of Application?
II этап. Развитие навыкованализа и принятия решений. Взаимодействие преподавателяи студентов на основе слайд-шоу.
T: Now, students, will you make any assumptions of what youare strongly recommended to do before going to the interview?
S: Making assumptions based on the slide. Ithink that before going to the interview it is necessary to do companyresearch so that you will be able to express your interest in thecompany profile, how you are impressed by the company’s success, its productsand its portfolio.
T: Right you are. Write down ‘Log on to the official siteof the company and find out the information on its profile, products, partnersetc.
Step two. You are getting dressed for the interview. Whatdo you think you should wear to make a good impression? (ask a boy/girlto come to the smart board, point to the picture of a man/woman wearing properclothes and say why they think the other clothes are inappropriate to theoccasion)
S: Making assumptions based on the slides. Ithink that bright colours, casual or evening wear are inappropriate to a jobinterview. I would put on a suit for a business wear.
T: In some minutes we are going to find outif you are right. But now, students, will you write down the second point,‘Choose the proper clothes’.
<слайд 9>
And now I’d like our boys to imaging themselves being a HiringManager and to choose a girl they would like to be a member of their team.Remember to prove your choice.
<слайд 10>
S: Making decision based on the slide. Iwould choose this girl to work with our company because the others are wearingtoo much make-up, two of them are wearing too big earrings and one has her browpierced.
<слайд 11>
T: If I were you, I would choose the same girl. Now,students, will you write the third point, ‘Light make-up. No piercing.’
III этап. Развитие аудирования иразвитие навыков говорения. Взаимодействиепреподаватели и студентов на основе учебного фильма, размещенного наИнтернет-сайте http://www.best—interview—strategies.com/videos.html
T: Now, students, I would like you tocheck your assumptions and correct your decisions if they are not right. We aregoing to watch a training film provided on the Internet sitehttp://www.best-interview-strategies.com/videos.html. I wonder if you couldwrite down some other useful tips in order to be successful at a job interview.
<Приложение 1, видео1>
T: Now, students, I wonder if there were anyuseful tips for job applicants in this video. Which of you have written downsome advice? Will you look at the smart board and see if you could use theseword combinations as prompts.
<слайд 13>
S: Giving answers learnt when watching thevideo.
· You should keep the eye contact with the Hiring Manager.
· You should keep smiling at the interview.
· You shouldn’t make a bone crashing handshake.
· You should give only relevant information about yourself, nottell the Manager your biography.
· You should turn off your cell phone. If you forget to do it andyour phone is ringing, you should apologise and turn it off without checking upwho is calling.
· You should not wear too much perfume.
· You should not set a stress on your weak points. On thecontrary, you should concentrate on the points which can be improved.
· You should have a copy of your CV/resume
· You can ask for a Manager’s business card.
· You should ask right questions and answer the Manager’squestions right.
IV этап. Предоставлениенекоторой дополнительной информации о процедуре собеседования при приеме наработу. Взаимодействие преподавателяи студентов на основе карточек.
T: As you see, there are a lot of points tobe taken into consideration when you are getting ready for a job interview. Andthere are a number of good interview questions that are asked on a regularbasis at the interview. As an applicant, you must be prepared for the mostcommonly asked interview questions. There is a list of such questions on yourflash cards. It will give you a good idea of what to expect. Will you readthese questions?
S: Reading the questions on the flash cards. <Приложение3> <слайд 14>
T: Thank you.Now you know some of the questions you should be prepared for whengoing to a Job Interview. But as an applicant you are also expected to ask somequestions. As the interview comes to a close, one of the finalquestions you may be asked is What can I answer foryou? …Remember, that a question asked during an interviewthat was poorly thought out can eliminate your chance of getting hired. Whenyou ask the wrong questions you’ll be finished before you even have a chance.
Let’s have a look at the list of questions the applicants sometimes askduring the interview and decide which of them are right and which of them arewrong. Will you turn over your flash cards, read the questions and make youdecision.
S: Reading and making assumptions. <Приложение4>
· Can you tell me about the company? (Wrong. You should docompany research before the interview.)
· Will I be required to work overtime? (Wrong. The Hiring Managermay think that you won’t be enthusiastic about working long hours.)
· What kind of people seem to succeed in the company? (Right. Youwant to be successful.)
· What is the company’s policy on promotion? (Right. You are readyto work hard to be promoted.)
· How long is the interview? I have someplace I need to be after.(Wrong. You are not organized.)
· What are the unique talents of the current employees? (Right.You are interested in the human resources policy of the company.)
· What do you see are the key goals for the company during thenext year? (Right. You are interested in the company plans.)
· Do you offer free parking? (Wrong. You should ask this questionin later interviews. The initial interview is not the place to discuss suchquestions.)
· How long is my lunch break? (Wrong. You should beinterested in your professional duties. The manager may think that you are notready for working hard.)
· What current challenges are associated with my position? (Notethe use of my as if you’ve already been given the job). (Right.You are interested in your professional duties.)
· Who will be part of my team? (Right. You are a team player.)
· What type of health insurance do you offer? (Wrong. Youshould ask this question in later interviews. The initial interview is not theplace to discuss such questions.)
T: Ask the right questions to the employer and yousignificantly increase your likelihood of being short-listed or being offeredthe position.
Этап V.Релаксация. Взаимодействие преподавателя и студентов на основе юмористическогофильма, размещенного на Интернет-сайте http://www.best—interview—strategies.com/videos.html.
T: Well done! Now it’s time torelax. Let us watch a humorous video about the origin of a job interview. Note,that the characters of this film have rather strange pronunciation, so it’sadvisable to follow the titles. Try to detect if the job interview presented inthis video follows the common rules of this procedure.
<Приложение 2, видео2>
Teacher: Did you enjoy the video? Doesthe job interview presented in the video follow the common rules? Are theclothes of the applicants appropriate for this procedure? Which of these twoapplicants has a chance to get a position in the tribe? Why?
S: The job interview presented in the videofollows the common rules. I cannot say that the clothes of the applicants areappropriate for this procedure, but as far as I know there were no businesssuits then. I’d say that all characters of this video are wearing clothes fortheir business that is for hunting.
As for the applicants, I don’t think that either of the two can get aposition. One of them tells a lie, the other is late for the interview and hashis CV broken.
Этап VI.Развитие коммуникативных навыков. Студенты: работа впарах и разыгрывание собеседования при приеме на работу. Преподаватель:оценка успеваемости учеников
T: Now, students, will you work in pairs and tryto make up a dialogue. Let one of you be the Hiring Manager and the other onebe an applicant. I’d like you to act out a Job Interview. You will have 3minutes to prepare your performance which will be assessed by your classmates.
SS: Acting out dialogues
– Please have a seat, Mr. Saunders.
– Thank you.
– What is your age, Mr. Saunders?
– I’m 20.
– And what position are you applying for?
– I’m applying for a position of an interior designer.
– Tell about yourself.
– I’m in my final year at the College of Art and Design. And I have twoyears’ experience working with Artic Advertising Company. I have preparedportfolio with some photos of my works.
– Well done. And why do you want to work with our company?
– I’m impressed with your company reputation in the field. And I believeit is the right place where my skills can develop.
– What personal qualities do you have that would be useful in this job?
– My colleagues say that I’m reliable, highly organized, hardworking andcreative.
– Great! Are there any questions you would like me to answer?
– I’d like to know who will be part of my team.
– There are five interior designers working for our company. All of themare experienced and talented. They will be helpful.
– Great! When can I start?
– We’ll let you know in a couple of weeks. Thank you for coming.
– Thank you.
Этап VII. Подведение итогов
T: Our lesson is coming to the end.And now I’d like to know if the information you’ve learnt is essential? Willyou be able to put it into practice? Did you find the website http://www.best-interview-strategies.com/videos.html useful?
SS: Assessing their work at the lesson
<слайд 15>
T: I hope you’ll make a strong impression atthe job interview and hopefully you’ll get a chance to answer one finalquestion, ‘When can you start?’
Your home task:
Log on to the websitehttp://www.best-interview-strategies.com/videos.html and read the article “JobSearch Strategies”. Be ready to give your classmates some advice.
Our lesson is over. Thank you. Good—bye.
Большое значение имеетпохвала студентов и вознаграждение за хорошую работу.