Урок-экскурсия Достопримечательности Лондона”
Рабаданова Асият Амирбековна, учительанглийского языка
Цели и задачи урока:
- дать визуальное представление о некоторых достопримечательностях столицы Великобритании;
- ввести новый лексический материал и отработать его употребление в речи ;
- обучать учащихся ориентироваться по плану, карте Лондона;
- развивать навыки аудирования , говорения и поискового чтения ;
- формировать социокультурную компетенцию через восприятие достопримечательностей Лондона, как достояния Британской культуры.
Оборудование: мультимедийный экран,проектор, компьютер .
Учебные материалы: компьютернаяпрезентация всех этапов урока, аудиозапись песни Where is CharingCross?
Ход урока
1) Организационное начало урока.
— Good morning, children! Im glad to see you again.
— How are you? Are you fine?
— Tell me please, where are you from?
— Where do you live?
— Would you like to go to London?
— Would you like to be a tourist?
2) Сообщение темы урока, учебных целей и задач:
— Dear children, please, can you guess what is the theme of ourlesson?
— Yes, of course, the theme of our lesson is The sights ofLondon
— Welcome to our excursion!
3) Речеваязарядка
— How can you get from your hometown to London? You are right.
— When we want to go to Great Britain we must get there byplane, because this country is very far from Russia. Lets go to London ! (словаучителя сопровождаютсяпрезентацией)
— Listen to me and repeat.
Up, down, up, down,
Which is the way
to London town?
Where? Where?
Up in the air,
Close your eyes —
And you are there!
4) Введение нового лексического материала и его отработка.
— And now imagine, my dear children, we are going on anexcursion to London.
— As you know, London stands on the river Thames.London, the capital of Great Britain, is a very old city. We can see a lot ofinteresting there. There are famous squares and streets, parks and palaces.
— Look! You can see the famous clock tower —Big Ben. Touristswant to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really abell. It is a big bell. The bell weights 13 tons. The man who built Big Ben wasvery tall and workers and his friends called him Big Ben. So the English peoplecalled the bell Big Ben too.
— You can see Buckingham Palace.
Queen Elizabeth lives there. Buckingham Palace has 600 rooms, aswimming pool, a cinema, a
ballroom and a garden. In summer the Queen Buckingham Palace isthe London home of the
kings and queens of Great Britain. Now the gives three gardenparties for about 9000 guests.
— On the right bank of the Thames you can see the Towerof London. The Tower of London is a very old building. It is 9 hundredyears old. In the early days of the history of England the English Kings livedhere. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much foodnear the walls of the Tower in those years. Black ravens live outside the Towernow. The English people like them very much. The Tower of London is a museumnow.
— And now we are making our way to Westminster Abbey.Westminster Abbey is a historic building. It is a symbol of England. Thecoronation of all British kings and queens takes place in Westminster Abbey. Itis a very beautiful building.
— You can see Trafalgar Square is a famoussquare in the centre of London. In the middle
of it a monument to Admiral Nelson is situated. The monumentincludes four bronze lions.
— Go for a walk to St. James Park or to Hyde Park.
— My dear students, our London sightseeing tour is over. I hopeyou liked it. Thank you for attention.
— But at first lets learn some new words. Listen to thespeaker, read the words in Ex. 1 on page 49 and repeat them. (Ученикипрослушивают новые слова с кассеты, читают и повторяют их за диктором).
— Lets find Trafalgar square and Big Ben on the map at page 50.
— Is Victoria Station far from St. James Park?
— Where is Trafalgar Square?
— What museum is not far from Hyde Park?
4) Проверка домашнего задания:
Подготовительное тренировочное — подстановочное упражнение наформирование лексических навыков:
Fill in the gaps with:
1) :. me, how do I get to the Globe?
2) Excuse me, . . . you tell me where Victoria Station is?
3) How :is it to Charing Cross?
4) Excuse me, could you tell me:Big Ben is?
5) Could you tell me: can we get to the London Eye from here?
Key: a) excuse; b) can; c) much ; d) where ; e) how.
Match the words and the translations.
1) The Tower of London |
a) Колонна Адмиралу Нельсону |
2) Westminster Abbey |
b) Лондонский мост |
3) London Bridge Представленная информация была полезной? ДА 59.46% НЕТ 40.54% Проголосовало: 1157 |
c) Замок Тауэр |
4) Sherlock Holmess House |
d) Вестминстерское Аббатство |
5) Madame Tussauds |
e) Биг Бен |
6) Big Ben |
f) Музей восковых фигур |
7) Nelsoncolumn |
g) Дом — музей Шерлока Холмса |
Key: a) 7; b) 3; c) 1 ;d) 2; e) 6 ;f) 5; g) 4
— London is a very big city. It is easy to be lost there. Do youremember Alice?
— Where does she live? Lets read her story. Ex .A p. 48.
— And now read questions about Alice and answer them, please.
Work in a pair. Ex. B. 48p.
5) Развитие навыков аудирования и чтения.
— Alice in London now. She is lost and she asks the way.
Lets listen her talk with a man in the street. (учащиесяпрослушивают диалог с кассеты Упр.5 стр. 52.)
— Lets read this dialogue once more and well try to helpAlice.
— Very good. But we must answer the question:
— Where is Charing Cross?
Listen to the song. (приложенние 1)
Read the words of this songs: Ex.7 on page 52. Let singtogether!
6) Этапзакрепления.
— Lets play a game Detectives. Look at the map ofLondon, follow the instructions and find the place — palace, two museums, undergroundstation.
1) Start from Victoria Station, turn left at Eccleston Street,turn left at Knightsbridge underground station, go down Brampton Road. It is onthe right side of the road.
2) Start from Victoria Station, go up Victoria Street, and go pastWestminster Abbey. It is near the park.
3) Start from Victoria Station, go up Victoria Street, go pastWestminster Abbey, go past Big Ben and go up White Hall, turn right.
4) Start from Charing Cross, turn left at Charing Cross Road, goup Charing Cross Road, turn left at Oxford Street, go along the street and turnright at Baker Street. Go up the street
1) The Natural History Museum .
2) Buckingham Palace.
3) Charing Cross — underground station.
4) Sherlock Holmess House.
— Choose the right variant:
1) Which bridge is in London?
a) Brooklyn Bridge
b) Tower Bridge
c) Boston Bridge
2) The Queen lives in:
a) the Tower of London
b) the Houses of Parliament
c) Buckingham Palaсe
3) The Tower of London is:
a) a prison
b) a museum
c) a shop
4) Big Ben is the name of:
a) the clock tower
b) the palace
c) the church
7) Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.
I think our lesson was very interesting today. Youve learned alot of interesting about London. You read and spoke well. Thank you. Your marksare :
Write down your homework: do ex.1 3)
Learn the new words, please. See you tomorrow.