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— OW!

— What`s the matter, Ted?

— I slipped and fell down stairs.

— Have you hurt yourself?

— Yes, I have. I think that I have hurt my back.

— Try and stand up. Can you stand up? Here let me help you.

— I am sorry, Pat. I am afraid that I can not get up.

— I think that the doctor had better see you. I shall telephone Dr. Carter.

— The doctor says that he will come at once. I am sure that you an X – ray, Ted.



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— I have not been feeling well, doctor.

— What`s wrong with you?

— I have had pain here – just bellow my heart.

— Do you have these pains all the time?

— No, not all the time. They usually come after meals.

— After meals? Do you eat much?

— Well, I am very fond of food.

— That`s reason why you have these pains near the heart. You`d better eat not so much. What`s your weight?

— About 85 kilograms, I think.

— Try to get your weight down. Not so much bread, no sugar, no butter, no cake.

— Well, I`ll try, but it is not so easy.



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For a week I felt pain in my stomach and I decided to consult a doctor. Here is the conversation between me and the doctor.

— good morning.

— Good morning. What is your name?

— My name is Volkov.

— What`s the matter with you?

— I have a stomach ache for a week and I want to find out what`s wrong with me.

— Show me with your finger the place where it hurts you.

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— Here, doctor.

— Does this pain go to another place?

— It goes to my back sometimes.

— Does it bother you at night?

— Most of the time.

— We`ll take Z – rays of your stomach and make some more tests:

Blood test, urine test. I`ll tell you the diagnosis after I have all your tests and I`ll prescribe you some treatment.



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Yesterday in the evening I had a bad tooth ache. I was at home when my mother came.

Mother: What`s the matter with you, dear?

Ann: I have a bad toothache, Mummy.

Mother: You must see a dentist.

Ann: Oh, Mummy, I an afraid of going to him.

Mother: But you must go to him or you will feel bad.

In the morning I went to the dentist. The dental nurse let me in.

Ann: Good morning, doctor.

Dentist: Good morning. Sit down, please. What`s the matter with you?

A: I have a bad tooth ache.

D: Open your mouth, please. I shall take a probe and a dental mirror and examine your teeth. Have you any pain in this tooth?

A: No, I have not.

D: But it is a decayed tooth and I must fill it. Today I shall put only a temporary filling. But…Oh…does this tooth hurt you?

A: Yes, it does.

D: Your tooth is working loose, I must extract it. So today I shall extract this tooth and two or three days I`ll put a filling in that one.

A: Oh, doctor, I am afraid. Please, do not extract the tooth.

D: Well…well my dear. I`ll give you an injection and in ten minutes I`ll extract the tooth.

You will not feel any pain. Rinse your mouth, please, and spit out.

D: Open your mouth. I`ll take the dental forceps and in a minute everything will be all right. Here is your tooth. Look at it. Are you afraid now?

A: Oh, doctor, thank you.

D: Come to me in three days and I`ll put you a filling. Good bye.

A: Thank you, doctor, good bye.

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Поделиться статьей(Выдержка из Чемпионата Днепропетровской области по «Что? Где? Когда?» среди юношей (09.11.2008) Редакторы: Оксана Балазанова, Александр Чижов) [Указания ведущим:

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