Дистанционные курсы для педагогов

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планпрактического учебного занятия

поанглийскому языку

Тема: «Покупка продуктов, одежды, подарков»


https://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=b44805c5466edb860608b08b4176d0d4&n=33&h=190&w=254 https://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=0f920146121868fc557b4121ae31ac8d&n=33&h=190&w=294 https://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=9b1716db9f308ed77ad6b1a23ac47a22&n=33&h=190&w=273 https://im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=0f920146121868fc557b4121ae31ac8d&n=33&h=190&w=294


Основные понятия и термины по теме: gift shop(сувенирная лавка), to do the shopping (делать покупки),cashdesk (касса), to tryon (примерять), purchase (покупка), shopassistant (продавец), shopassistant (продавец),discount rates (товары по сниженнымценам), to sell (продавать), department store(универмаг), knitted goods (трикотажные изделия), household goods(товары для дома), mens or ladiesoutfitters (мужская и женская галантерея), footwear department (обувной отдел), hosiery department (отдел трикотажа), book sellers(книжный магазин), florists (цветочный), butchers(мясной отдел), grocers (бакалейный отдел), greengrocers (овощной магазин), bakers(хлебный отдел/булочная), fishmongers (рыбный отдел), dairy(молочный отдел), trolley (тележка).


Задания для самостоятельного выполнения на занятии(аудиторная самостоятельная работа):


1.     Answer the questions:

2.     Do you like to go shopping?

3.     What shop is it?

4.     What fruits do you like?

5.     What do we buy at thesupermarket?

6.     At the dairy we usually buy …

7.     Where do we go to buy some meat?

8.     We buy bread at the…

9.     What can we buy at the shoesshop?


2. Look through the cluster. Write down it in your copybooks:




3. Read and translate this text:


One day Nick and Andrew decided to goshopping. There were a lot of shops and supermarkets in the centre of the city,so the first shop on their way was a large supermarket. They wanted to buy somegroceries. There was a large choice of foods there. So they bought some fish,meat and poultry. At the bakery they bought bread and biscuits. At the dairy,they bought milk, a kilo of cheese, and half a kilo of butter. And when theycame to the cashier their baskets were full of groceries.


4. Answer my questions:

1. Where did Nick and Andrew go to buygroceries?

2. What did they buy at the dairydepartment?

3. Did they buy bread at the bakery?

4. Where their baskets full of groceries?


5. Read and translate the dialogue below:

Dialogue 1

At the clothes shop

Shop assistant: Hello, Can I help you?

Customer: Hello, yes please. I’m lookingfor a T-shirt.

Shop assistant: What colour do you prefer?

Customer: I like blue or red.

Shop assistant: And what size do you need?

Customer: I usually use a large /medium / small size.

Shop assistant: OK. In your size we havethese three models.

Customer: Oh, they are very beautiful!

Shop assistant:  Do you want to trythem on?

Customer: Yes, please. Where are thefitting rooms?

Shop assistant: Just at the end of thecorridor / They are just over there.

Customer: Ok, thanks.

(A few minutes later…)

Shop assistant: Do they suit you?

Customer: Yes, I choose this one. How muchis it?

Shop assistant: It is 20 euros.

Customer: Ok. Have you got anythingcheaper?

Shop assistant: Yes, of course. ThisT-shirt is very similar but it costs only 12 euros.

Customer: Much better. Ok, I’ll take it.

Shop assistant: Would you like to buyanything else?

Customer: No, thank you / Yes, I also needa ….

Shop assistant: Ok, come with me, please.Will you put it on your credit card?

Customer: No, Ill pay with cash. Here itis.

Shop assistant: Thank you. Here’s yourchange.

Customer: Thank you. Good bye.

Shop assistant: Good bye.


6.  Act out the Dialogue 2


At the gift shop

Shop assistant: Good day! How can I help you, ladies?

Продавец: Добрый день! Чем я могу помочь Вам, уважаемые дамы?


Cheryl: Do you have any fancy mugs on sale and the T-shirts with Chicago Bulls on them?

Шерил: Есть ли у вас симпатичные кружки в продаже и футболки с Чикаго Буллз на них?



Shop assistant: We have several fancy mugs for present but we dont have any T-shirts on sale now, sorry ladies.

Продавец: У нас есть несколько интересных кружек в подарок, но сейчас нет никаких футболок в продаже, извините дамы.



Nancy: Thats fine. Ill take a mug then. Can you wrap it in a festive paper?

Нэнси: Ничего страшного. Я возьму тогда кружку. Вы можете обернуть ее в праздничную бумагу?



Shop assistant: Yes, of course. Here you are. Its 15 dollars all together. Will you pay by credit card or by cash?

Продавец: Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. Все вместе будет 15 долларов. Будете ли Вы платить с помощью кредитной карты или наличными?



Nancy: Ill pay by cash. Thank you.

Нэнси: я заплачу наличными. Спасибо.



Cheryl: Im sure, your sister will like this mug.

Шерил: Я уверена, твоей сестре понравится эта кружка.



Nancy: I hope so.

Нэнси: Надеюсь на это.


7. Read and learn by heart the Dialogue 3:

Shop-assistant: Morning, can I help you?

Frank: Yes, I’d like a kilo of plums,please

Shop-assistant: I’m sorry, we haven’t gotany plums.

Frank: Well, I’d like two lemons, please.

Shop-assistant: Here they are. Anythingelse?

Frank: No, thanks. How much are they?

Shop-assistant: That will be sixtyroubles, please. Thank you very much. Bye.

Frank: Bye.



Задания для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы (домашнеезадание):

выучить ЛЕ к диктанту, наизустьлюбой диалог

Формы и методы контроля внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы:

словарный диктант, устный опрос


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