A nation that doesn`tknow its past has no future.
Lomonosov M. V.
Who are we?
Who are we and who are our ancestors? These are the questions that care.It is always interesting to discover something unusual, especially ancientcultural civilizations. It is very important to know our past and howeverything began.
The Kursk region is rich in cultural heritage, longstanding traditionsand has an extensive history. One of the most interesting objects of historicalheritage is situated not far from Kursk. This place attracts a lot ofarchaeologists and historians. It is the Avdeev Paleolithic site.
The Avdeev Paleolithic site was discovered in 1941 and consider itsage to be about 25 000 years. The oldest places of 2 settlements werediscovered there during archeological excavations. Pavel Borisovsky, MikhailVoevodsky and Mariana Gvozdover were the first who carried on archeologicalexcavations there. They found a lot of artefacts such as: figures of rhinoceros,hoes, needles, spearheads, arrows and knives made of bones and tusks belongedto mammoths and buffalos. It shows that people who lived there were hunters andcraftsmen. The sculptures of pregnant women, the figure of a woman withwell-defined face features and a hairstyle, amber pendants, pins, collars andother decorations are the evidence of a great civilization. Women tried to bebeautiful even then. The find of a bone flute shows people were not strangersto music.
It was a great settlement with its own culture. What is culture? Itincludes knowledge and values, art, rules and different patterns of humanbehavior.
Nobody knows where this civilization disappeared but evidence of it hascome down to our time. We can only suppose that climatic changes made them movefrom one place to another one. This site is located in the Oktyabrsky Districtof the Kursk region.
Nowadayswe have a lot of artifacts from the Avdeev Paleolithic site which are presentedin the Kursk State Regional Museum of Archeology. This place with rich history attractsattention of plenty of people!