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Schooleducation in Russia and abroad



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— To examine the education system inother countries

— Compare schools abroad with Russia



— Make a comparative analysis in English-speakingcountries

— Introduce this information to classmates

The object of the study:



Subject of study:

The education system in English-speaking countries andRussia




 Many people choose education abroad without evenknowing the education system and school characteristics



Product of the study:

A comparative analysis of education systems indifferent countries





Education is one of the main part of our life. Westudy all our life. We were interested to know about studying in differentcountries and compare with the Russian system. There are many amazing facts inthe educational system of different countries.The aim of our project is to findinformation about school education in Russia, China and the USA, the commonfeatures and distinctions.

So lets look at education in Russia:

Modern Russian education is a continuous system ofsuccessive levels of education, each of which includes state, non-state andmunicipal educational institutions of various types and types.

The Russian system of educational institutions has amultilevel concept: pre-school education, school education, secondaryeducation, higher education and postgraduate education.

In Russia, schooling is compulsory for 11 years.School is divided into three grades: primary (Grades 1-4), secondary (Grades5-9) and comprehensive (Grades 10-11).

The modern education system is a social institutiondeveloped by society itself. It has an inherent structure with its own normsand interrelationships that meet the needs of society as well as the conditionsfor the socialisation of the individual. A clear picture of the system can be seenby understanding all of its components.

Education also refers to the development andself-development of the individuals. It is not only the process of learningthat is important, but also the competent and rational use of knowledge.

One of the important functions of the modern educationsystem in the Russian Federation is to ensure the necessary preparation ofyoung professionals for working life, as well as their socialisation, a healthyperception of society and the world around them, and the preservation of theirauthenticity.

The school system in Russia has been developing formany years, dating back to the era of the Russian Empire. Since then, it hasundergone changes, having come a long way in its development. The most radicalreforms took place after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the approach toeducation and training of children changed fundamentally, although structurallythe Soviet and Russian schools are very similar.

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A school-leaving certificate should be issued with aclear set of knowledge and skills. Lets open the Federal State EducationalStandard (FSES) and list some of them:

— To master basic logical operations: analysis,synthesis, comparisons, to be able to operate abstract concepts, to drawlogically consistent conclusions;

— To be able to read fluently journalistic and popularscience, fiction and official business texts. Have a reading rate of at least200 — 250 words per minute with a reading rate of 50-60%;

— Have skills of anticipation, projection, modelling,research and creative work;

— Master the skills of working with iron, wood,fabric, etc;

— Master the basics of computer literacy and technicalskills;

— Proficiency in mother tongue culture, knowledge ofat least one foreign language;

— Have health and safety skills.

All stages of general education in the RussianFederation are officially free, since the right of every citizen to educationis enshrined in the Constitution. However, practice shows that it is ratherconditionally free with a list of commercial options for whichparents have to pay. The most typical example is tutor services, which areresorted to in order to prepare for a particular subject or to pass the EGE, asit is not possible to master it properly within the framework of the currenteducational programme.

One way or another, the practice-oriented approach ismore popular in contemporary Russia. It is assumed that from 8th-9th grade apupil should know what he or she will become in the future and to whichuniversity he or she will go. The main conclusion that parents should thinkabout the choice of school before the child will go to the first form.






Theeducation system in China

Good education is one of the foundations for thesuccessful development of the Peoples Republic of China. But how exactly isits quality evaluated? Everyone can look at the ranking of prestigiousuniversities. However, this would not be objectively. It is worth evaluatingthe entire of education system. After all, the knowledge and values will beneeded in the future cadres from kindergartens and primary schools.

The Chinese school year starts on 1st  Septemberand finishes by mid-summer in July. Students have a long winter weekend, whichlasts all January until early February. The holidays finish at the beginning ofthe Chinese New Year.

The Chinese education system is divided into thefollowing levels:

— Pre-school education. These are kindergartens forchildren aged 3 to 6 years old;

— Primary education;

— General secondary education;

— Higher education;

An alternative to higher education is the vocationaleducation and training system. These are vocational schools, colleges andtechnical colleges, which teach technical skills for industry and agriculture.

The gaokao graduation exam:

The final exam is a written examination. It starts on7 June and lasts from two to three days. In 2020, because of the coronavirus,it was postponed by a month — it was taken on 7 and 8 July.

Among the subjects, you must pass Maths and twolanguages: a foreign language (English) and Chinese. These subjects are each studied2 hours a day. The applicants themselves, depending on the university’s requirements,mustchoose two more subjects. The optional subject Gaokao is 1.5 hours long.

The Chinese exam is an alternative to our EGE. Andjust like in Russia, it is stressful for Chinese graduates.

Examinations are administered under the strictest controls.There are metal detectors at the entrances and the Ministry of Educationcampaigns against the sale of wireless and recording devices.

The punishment for cheating is severe: up to sevenyears in prison. Those who caught cheating will also be banned from taking thegaokao and other national exams for three years.

Chinese universities and institutes rank at the top ofworld rankings and attract students abroad. But schools cannot be socategorical in their praise.

The Chinese school system is like other countries: ithas its features, strengths and weaknesses.





The education system in America

The US public school system is a three-tiered systemcomprising Elementary school, Middle school and High school. Sometimes themiddle and high schools are combined under the name High School, but are stilldivided into two parts — grades 6, 7 and 8 are Junior, and grades 9-12 areSenior High School, with separate buildings.

Children start school between the ages of five andeight. Each stage of an American school usually has its own building and is acompletely separate school.

The academic year in an American school is dividedinto two terms. Classes are 5-6 hours a day with a lunch break. The afternoonsare most often for sports, hobby clubs and other social activities, which are acompulsory part of an American school education. Grades are given in letterform: A, B, C, D, F would be equivalent to Russian grades of one to five

In contrast to the US higher education system, whichis a world leader, the school sector is graded in a counter-versus-principlemanner. On the one hand, the set of compulsory subjects is small: Mathematics,English, Science, History, Art and Physical Education are among them.

On the other hand, pupils have a huge choice ofspecialist classes, from theatre to ecology. Foreign languages are also on thelist. Many schools offer Advanced Placement programmes for high schoolstudents: the most eager and capable students can take an additional subject atuniversity level. So, the school system in the USA is good for those who wantto learn, but is not aimed at increasing the general educational level of thecountry.

The US higher education system is characterised byeven greater freedom than schools. Most higher education institutions do notaccept students into a specific department, but simply into a university.However, applicants are more likely to choose the university that is the strongestin the field they plan to study. For example, the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology is famous for its development in robotics and artificialintelligence, but, if plans change, it is also possible to study history,theatre and literature.  This is because during the first two years a studentcan take almost any course offered within the institutions walls. The onlyrequirement is a sufficient number of credits, which a student earns forsuccessfully completed courses.

The education system in America is heterogeneous. USpublic primary and secondary schools do not always inspire confidence. Theyoffer a set of basic subjects which a gifted student is likely to findinsufficient. Parents who want their children to have successful careers preferto send them to public schools. However, American universities and colleges,both private and public, crown the world rankings year after year. They combinea democratic learning process with a high level of education, so the motivatedstudent can be sure he or she will get exactly what he or she needs out of hisor her studies.








So,lets summarise and do a comparative analysis:

Americanstudents are winning through maths clubs and summer maths camps. But it costs alot of money for low-income families.


Chinaleads the way thanks to huge school workloads, iron discipline and compulsorysupplementary education.


Russiais strong in additional and specialized education, but in 80% of cases it isfree, which means that all schoolchildren can get a high quality education,regardless of how much their parents earn.




1.      https://www.scholaro.com/db/Countries/China/Education-System

2.      https://www.chinaeducation.info/Education-System

3.      https://www.unipage.net/en/education_system_usa

4.      https://www.studycountry.com/guide/US-education.htm

5.      https://leverageedu.com/blog/education-system-in-usa/

6.      https://www.gosuslugi.ru/situation/obtain_education/education_system_in_Russia

7.      https://edunews.ru/education-abroad/sistema-obrazovaniya/v-rossii.html


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