Education The best way of learning English

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План-конспектурока по английскому языку (8 класс)

Дата: 23.11.2022

Школа: 12

Класс: 8 класс (13 человек)

Тема: Education: The best way of learning English

Цель урока:Совершенствование лексических навыков, повторение и обобщение по теме Education



Этап урока, подэтап,

название упражнения






режим работы, материал на доске



Орг. момент


-Good afternoon, my friends! Sit down, please. I’m really happy to see you.


-Let me introduce myself, my name is I.A.

And today we will work together.


— I hope you are all feeling nice.

1 слайд заставка




Ввод в проблему урока/Мотивация




 -I want you to watch a short video that my friend sent. She lives in Canada. She is a journalist and she is preparing a small research. So she wants to ask you a few questions.


— Please, think about the topic of our lesson while watching it.

(после просмотра)


-Let’s brainstorm the ideas about the topic.


-You are absolutely right! Today we are talking about the ways of learning English.


-Pay attention that there are a number of goals in your worksheet, think about it and mark the goals that you want to achieve today.





2 слайд вопросы журналиста


3 слайд с темой урока
























— We all already have certain skills to learn something. Am I right?

-But do you know that we can divide all our skills into soft skills (personal qualities) and hard skills (professional skills)?

— Lets work in pairs and try to distribute the skills in two columns. You have one minute for this task. (включаю таймер)

4 слайд Skills







5 слайд задания



6 слайд ответы









Делимся на группы


Great job!

And now I suggest you to work in teams of 4 people. At the entrance, you have chosen a color that matches your character. (показываю на слайде). In order to achieve success, the team must have people with different ideas and opinions.

Each team should have students with cards of different colors so you can change your places, if you need.

(but we are all different, so it may be that there will be two green or yellow in the team, it’s okay)

How many of you have a red card?…..



7 слайд цвета (команды)












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Проголосовало: 1358

Упражнение с

Текстами (читаем)







Представление текстов

Now we are ready to start the next ex. Each group will receive a text about the way of  learning English. You should read it and then one person from your team should present it, the rest can complete the answer. You have 3 minutes to complete the task. (включаю таймер)

-We can start. Please listen to each other carefully and compare the main ideas with the text numbers (ex 2)

8 слайд таймер


Работа на понимание текстов

-(персонально спросить, кому что понравилось) Thank you! What of these texts do you like the most…?

-And now let’s check out exercise number 2

Слайды с текстами



-You are absolutely right, thank you for your work. And in your opinion, what are the most effective ways of learning English? I want you to work in groups again and to make a list of the best ways to learn English for beginners. You have 5 minutes to do it.

(9)Все еще таймер



-Now lets listen to each other and exchange opinions, please.

10 слайд заставка



-Thank you all for your work today, you are all well done. I hope you enjoyed todays lesson.

-Now look at the goals that you have chosen for yourself at the beginning of the lesson. Have all the goals been achieved? Are you pleased with yourself today?

-You can write your impression or offer your ideas. Even if one of you has discovered new ways of learning English today, I will be very happy

The lesson is over, you may be free. Goodbye!

11 слайд заставка





Make English a part of your everyday life

https://magazine.skyeng.ru/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/card5.pngYoumay not live in an English-speaking country, but there are many ways to makeEnglish a part of your everyday life.  Here are a few things you can do:

·        You can switch the language on your smartphone to English.

  • You can listen to English radio stations and watch English TV channels.
  • Read English books for entertainment.
  • Write notes in English.
  • Label all the kitchen or bedroom items to memorize the vocabulary
  • Have Fun: Connect English to what you already love
  • Configure Your Gadgets/Technology in English

If you make English a part of your daily life, you’ll becomefamiliar with the language and you’ll begin to develop a contextualunderstanding of some words.

                                                                     Set specific goals

One good way to actually learn anything is to set specific goalswith a deadline. If you can’t do this, then you’re only fooling yourself. Ifyou set specific goals, you would be more determined to meet them with aspecific timeline, so that you can make progress. However, you can’t afford towrite goals like, “I want to learn how to speak English fluently in 6 months”.Even though this goal has deadlines, it’s not specific enough. https://miro.medium.com/max/1024/1*r5sG2e7HdOrWQ-BkGiVkTg.png

Examples of specific goals are:

  •  I want to learn how to write, read and deal with all English verbs and nouns in the next month.
  •   I must be able to have a conversation introducing myself, asking a native speaker about themselves while answering their questions in one month’s time.
  • I want to achieve a B2 English level by the end of the year.
  • A goal without a plan is just a wish
  • Look at your goal and plans every day
  • Set them somewhere you will see them every day. Tape them to your wall, make a note on your phone.

You should also be careful to pick specific goals that areambitious, yet realistic, which you can work toward every single day.







Sleep learning

https://image.winudf.com/v2/image1/Y29tLm4uc2xlZXAubGVhcm5lZV9zY3JlZW5fMF8xNTg5MTYyMDAwXzAxOA/screen-0.jpg?fakeurl=1&type=.jpgWhere it came from: Buddhist monks and Indian fakirs(Буддийские монахи и индийские факиры) have tried to use sleep for learningsince ancient times. The method received a new round of popularity in the 20sof the last century.
  What is the point?
During natural sleep, students listen torecordings of words, phrases, dialogues, texts. And when they wake up, they areable to reproduce them. Or at least memorize “consciously” (“сознательно”)much faster.

   Why can it work? In fact, scientistshave not yet agreed on the effectiveness of the method, but there are many morestudies with the conclusion that it does not work.



Learn online

One of the best places that can help you learn any language is theinternet. There are a lot of resources for different levels of Englishlearners. You can also contact English speakers all over the world via theinternet, particularly social media. You can also join chat rooms andforums about different topics and try out a writing service or two.

Find others who have learnt English by themselves

Many people have learnt different languages by themselves. If youwant to get extra tips and secrets about how to learn English by yourself, youcan simply find someone else who has. You don’t need to speak to thempersonally, what you need is tips, secrets and personal techniques that helpedthem learn the language themselves.


























My main goals for todays lesson

·         Я знаю и активно использую лексику по теме «Education»

·         Я могу задавать вопросы и отвечать на  них по заданной теме

·         Я понимаю главную идею текста

·         Я могу определить плюсы и минусы разных способов изучения иностранных языков

·         Я могу обобщить полученную информацию и дать советы людям, изучающим иностранные языки



Ex 1. Lets work in pairs andtry to distribute (распределить) the skills in two columns. You have one minute for this task.

Soft skills


-Ability to learn
new words
very quickly
-Social media skills


-Critical thinking

Hard skills



Ex 2. Match the names of the textswith their main ideas

Text’s names

Main ideas

Make English a part of your everyday life

·         During natural sleep, students listen to recordings of words

Set specific goals

·         You can switch the language on your smartphone to English.

  • You can listen to English radio stations and watch English TV channels.

Sleep learning


·         One good way to actually learn anything is to set specific goals with a deadline

·         A goal without a plan is just a wish



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