КИМ и КОС — Экзамен по Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

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профессиональноеобразовательное учреждение Воронежской области

«Воронежскийгосударственный промышленно-экономический колледж»











по дисциплинеОП.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

попрофессии СПО: 08.01.25  Мастер отделочных строительных и декоративных работ 



































Экзаменационные материалы рассмотрены и одобрены на заседании цикловой  комиссии  №6 профессионального учебного цикла, реализующего программы подготовки квалифицированных рабочих, служащих





Заместитель директора по УПР

________________ А.П. Юдина

Протокол № _____ «___»__________2022 г.


Председатель ЦК № 6 ________ Г.А. Галкина


«_____» _______________ 2022 г.














__________________ Л.В. Иванова








Экзаменационныйматериал разработан в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственногообразовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования (приказМинистерства образования и науки РФ от 9 декабря 2016 г. № 1569) по программам подготовки квалифицированных рабочих, служащих по профессии: 08.01.25 Мастеротделочных строительных и декоративных работ 








Разработчик:Позднякова И.Г. – преподаватель иностранного языка (английский)










Пояснительная записка


Контрольно-оценочныесредства предназначены для проведения промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине ОП03 «Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» в форме экзамена.

Экзаменпроводится за счет учебного времени, выделяемого в учебном плане, в устной иписьменной форме. Задания для проведения экзамена направлены на оценкудостижений студентами следующих результатов:


-распознавать задачу и/или проблему в профессиональном и/или социальномконтексте;

анализироватьзадачу и/или проблему и выделять её составные части; определять этапы решениязадачи;

-выявлять и эффективно искать информацию, необходимую для решения задачи и/илипроблемы;

-составить план действия;

-определить необходимые ресурсы;

-владеть актуальными методами работы в профессиональной и смежных сферах;

реализоватьсоставленный план;

— оценивать результат и последствия своих действий (самостоятельно илис помощью наставника)

-организовывать работу коллектива и команды;

— взаимодействовать с коллегами, руководством, клиентами в ходепрофессиональной деятельности

-выявлять особенности социального и культурного контекста;

— правила оформления документов и построения устных сообщений.

-понимать общий смысл четко произнесенных высказываний на известные темы(профессиональные и бытовые), понимать тексты на базовые профессиональные темы;

-участвовать в диалогах на знакомые общие и профессиональные темы;

-строить простые высказывания о себе и о своей профессиональной деятельности;

-кратко обосновывать и объяснить свои действия (текущие и планируемые);

— писать простые связные сообщения на знакомые или интересующиепрофессиональные темы


-общаться в простых типичных ситуациях трудовой деятельности, требующихнепосредственного обмена информацией в рамках знакомых тем и видовдеятельности;

-поддерживать краткий разговор на производственные темы, используя простые фразыи предложения, рассказать о своей работе, учебе, планах.


-понимать отдельные фразы и наиболее употребительные слова в высказываниях,касающихся важных тем, связанных с трудовой деятельностью;

-понимать, о чем идет речь в простых, четко произнесенных и небольших по объемусообщениях (в т.ч. устных инструкциях).


-читать и переводить тексты профессиональной направленности ( со словарем).

письменная речь:

— писать простые связные сообщения на знакомые или интересующиепрофессиональные темы


-актуальный профессиональный и социальный контекст, в котором приходитсяработать и жить;

-основные источники информации и ресурсы для решения задач и проблем впрофессиональном и/или социальном контексте;

-алгоритмы выполнения работ в профессиональной и смежных областях;

методы работы впрофессиональной и смежных сферах;

-структуру плана для решения задач;

— порядок оценки результатов решения задач профессиональнойдеятельности

-психологические основы деятельности  коллектива, психологические особенностиличности;

— основы проектной деятельности

-сущность гражданско-патриотической позиции, общечеловеческих ценностей;

— значимость профессиональной деятельности по профессии

-правила построения простых и сложных предложений на профессиональные темы;

-основные общеупотребительные глаголы (бытовая и профессиональная лексика);

-лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и процессовпрофессиональной деятельности;

— особенности произношения; правила чтения текстов профессиональнойнаправленности

-правила построения простых и сложных предложений на профессиональные темы;

-основные общеупотребительные глаголы (бытовая и профессиональная лексика);

-лексический минимум, относящийся к описанию предметов, средств и процессовпрофессиональной деятельности;

-особенности произношения;

-правила чтения текстов профессиональной направленности



В результате освоения дисциплины уобучающихся должны формироваться общие компетенции (ОК):

ОК01.  Выбирать способы решения задач профессиональной деятельности,применительно к различным контекстам.

ОК 02. Осуществлять поиск, анализ и интерпретацию информации, необходимой длявыполнения задач профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 03. Планироватьи реализовывать собственное профессиональное и личностное развитие.

ОК 04. Работать вколлективе и команде, эффективно взаимодействовать с коллегами, руководством,клиентами.

ОК 05. Осуществлятьустную и письменную коммуникацию на государственном языке с учетом особенностейсоциального и культурного контекста.

ОК 06. Проявлять гражданско-патриотическую позицию, демонстрировать осознанноеповедение на основе традиционных общечеловеческих ценностей, применятьстандарты антикоррупционного поведения.

ОК 07. Содействовать сохранению окружающей среды,ресурсосбережению, эффективно действовать в чрезвычайных ситуациях.

ОК08. Использовать средства физической культуры для сохранения и укрепленияздоровья в процессе профессиональной деятельности и поддержание необходимогоуровня физической подготовленности.

ОК 09. Использоватьинформационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 10. Пользоватьсяпрофессиональной документацией на государственном и иностранном языке.

ОК 11. Использовать знания по финансовой грамотности, планироватьпредпринимательскую деятельность в профессиональной сфере.


В процессе освоения дисциплины у обучающихся должны формироваться профессиональныекомпетенции (ПК):

ПК1.1. Выполнять подготовительные работы, включающие в себя: организацию рабочегоместа, выбор инструментов, приспособлений, подбор и расчет материалов, приготовление растворов, необходимых для выполнения работ при производствештукатурных и декоративных работ в соответствии с заданием и требованиямиохраны труда, техники безопасности, пожарной безопасности и охраны окружающейсреды

ПК 1.2. Приготавливатьобычные и декоративные штукатурные растворы и смеси в соответствии сустановленной рецептурой, безопасными условиями труда и охраной окружающейсреды

ПК 1.3. Производитьоштукатуривание поверхностей различной степени сложности вручную имеханизированным способом с соблюдением технологической последовательностивыполнения операций и безопасных условий труда

ПК 1.4.  Выполнятьдекоративную штукатурку на различных поверхностях и архитектурно-конструктивныхэлементах в соответствии с технологическим заданием и безопасными условиямитруда

ПК1.5.  Выполнять ремонт оштукатуренныхповерхностей с соблюдением технологической последовательности выполненияопераций и безопасных условий труда

ПК 1.6. Устраиватьналивные стяжки  полов  с соблюдением технологической последовательностивыполнения операций и безопасных условий труда

ПК 1.7. Производитьмонтаж  и ремонт систем фасадных теплоизоляционных композиционных с соблюдениемтехнологической последовательности выполнения операций и безопасных условийтруда

ПК 3.1.Выполнять подготовительные работы при производстве малярных и декоративныхработ в соответствии с заданием и требованиями охраны труда, техникибезопасности, пожарной безопасности и охраны окружающей среды

ПК 3.2.Приготавливать составы для малярных и декоративных работ по заданной рецептурес соблюдением безопасных условий труда и охраны окружающей среды

ПК 3.3.Выполнять грунтование и шпатлевание поверхностей вручную и механизированнымспособом с соблюдением технологической последовательности выполнения операций ибезопасных условий труда

ПК 3.4. Окрашиватьповерхности различными малярными составами, используя необходимые инструменты,приспособления и оборудование, с соблюдением безопасных условий труда.Оклеивать поверхности различными материалами с соблюдением требованийтехнологического задания и безопасных условий труда.

ПК 3.5.Оклеивать поверхности обоями простыми или средней плотности и тканями. Отделка стени потолков высококачественными обоями.

ПК 3.6.Выполнять декоративно-художественную отделку стен, потолков и другихархитектурно-конструктивных элементов различными способами с применениемнеобходимых материалов, инструментов и оборудования с соблюдением безопасныхусловий труда.

ПК 3.7.Выполнять ремонт и восстановление малярных идекоративно-художественных отделок в соответствии с технологическим заданием исоблюдением безопасных условий труда.

ПК 4.1. Выполнятьподготовительные работы, включающие в себя: организацию рабочего места, выборинструментов, приспособлений, материалов, приготовление

растворовпри производстве облицовочных работ плитками и плитами, в соответствии сзаданием и требованиями охраны труда и техники безопасности

ПК 4.2.  Выполнятьоблицовочные работы горизонтальных и вертикальных внутренних поверхностейпомещений в соответствии с заданием, с соблюдением технологическойпоследовательности выполнения операций и безопасных условий труда

ПК 4.3.Выполнять облицовочные работы горизонтальных и вертикальных наружныхповерхностей зданий и сооружений с соблюдением технологическойпоследовательности выполнения операций и безопасных условий труда

ПК 4.4. Выполнять облицовочные работы наклонных элементов внутренних и наружных поверхностейзданий и сооружений с соблюдением технологической последовательности выполненияопераций и безопасных условий труда

ПК 4.5.Выполнять ремонт облицованных поверхностей плитками и плитами с соблюдениемтехнологической последовательности выполнения операций и безопасных условийтруда

ПК 4.6.Устраивать  декоративные и художественные мозаичные поверхности с применениемоблицовочной плитки


Экзаменсостоит из 14 билетов, в каждый из которых входят следующие экзаменационныезадания:

1.      Аудированиеи выполнение заданий в ходе прослушивания;

2.      Грамматико-лексическиезадания;

3.      Устнаячасть – чтение текста вслух и перевод его на русский язык.


Критерииоценки экзаменационных заданий:

Грамматико-лексическиезадания: подсчитывается общее количество баллов исходяиз расчета – 2 балла за каждый правильный ответ. Всего – 50 баллов за тест.


Процент выполнения

практического задания

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

40 ÷ 50



39 ÷ 30



29 ÷ 10



менее 10




Чтение вслух:

5 (отлично)  чтениетекстов без ошибок, извлечение нужной информации; речь воспринимается легко:необоснованные паузы отсутствуют

4 (хорошо) — незначительные ошибки при чтении, при извлеченииинформации допускается 1-2 ошибки;

3 (удовлетворительно) — Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за пауз, запинок,неверной расстановки ударений и ошибок в произношении слов; количество ошибокпри чтении – не более 5, при извлечении информации более 3 ошибок;

2 (неудовлетворительно) — большое количество ошибок при извлечении информации. Причтении — более 5 ошибок. Не учитываются знаки препинания


Устный перевод:

1.смысловая связность текстаперевода,

2. полнота и точность передачисодержания

3. передача тематической лексики.


5 (отлично)  — Все смысловые блоки исходного высказыванияпереданы логично и последовательно, полно, без каких либо потери значимойинформации, темп речи естественный, без пауз и замедлений. Допускается не более1 суммарной полной ошибки, кроме смысловой.

4 (хорошо) — Всесмысловые блоки исходного высказывания переданы логично и последовательно,допущены незначительные пропуски второстепенной информации, прецизионнаяинформация соответствует исходной, темп речи естественный, без пауз изамедлений. Допускается не более 2 суммарных ошибок, в том числе не более 1смысловой ошибки.

3 (удовлетворительно) — Основные смысловые блоки исходного высказывания переданы, но при этомдопущено значительное количество пропусков второстепенной информации, имеютсянекоторые неточности в передаче прецизионной информации, несколько замедленныйтемп речи, наличие пауз. Допускается не более 20% потери информации, а также неболее 4 суммарных ошибок, в том числе не более 2 смысловых ошибок.

2 (неудовлетворительно) — смысл исходного высказывания искажен в связи с потерейнескольких смысловых блоков, добавлениями или опущениями второстепеннойинформации, не передана или искажена прецизионная информация, темп речизамедленный, с большим количеством пауз речи замедленный, с большим количествомпауз.



Оценивается, исходя из количества неправильных ответов.

5 (отлично)  — все ответыправильные;

4 (хорошо) – 1 ответневерный

3 (удовлетворительно) – 2 ответаневерны

2 (неудовлетворительно) – 3 и более ответов неверны.






1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующими словами:


blocks     bricks     concrete (x2)     ingredient     materials     mixture walls


The most common type of cement is Portland cement, which is the

basic (1) ________ of concrete and mortar. It is made of Portland cement clinker (calcium silicates, aluminium and other compounds) and other minor constituents. Portland cement clinker is produced by heating a mixture of raw (2) ___________ up to 1450° C in a kiln. There are three production stages:

• preparation of the raw mixture,

• production of the clinker,

• preparation of the (3) ___________

Limestone is the main raw material for the production of clinker, followed by sand, shale, iron ore, bauxite, fly ash

and slag. About 2% gypsum is also added and then the (4) _________ is pulverised. The resulting powder will react when water is added.

Portland cement is commonly used to produce (5) _________ , which is made of gravel, sand, cement and water.

Blocks of cinder concrete, ordinary concrete and hollow tile are known as Concrete Masonry Units (CMU). They are larger than ordinary (6) ________ and used for applications where appearance is not very important, such as in factory walls, garages and industrial buildings. One of the advantages of concrete (7) _________ is that they can

~ reinforced, grouting the voids, inserting rebar or using grout, so that they are stronger than typical masonry (8)_____________.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1). Дополните предложения соответствующими формами глаголов to be (is, am, are) или have/has.


1. You…… welcome.

2. The metro station……. far from my house.

3. Mary and Nelly ……. friends.

4.It…… 5 o’clock now.

5. She…… a nice flat. 

6. We …… a little child. She … four.


2). Вставьте much или many:

1 Did you buy…….. food?

2. There aren’t ……. hotels in this town.

3. We don’t have …… petrol. We need to stop and get some.

4. Were there ……… people on the train?

5. Did ……. students fail the exam?

6. Paula doesn’t have ……. money.

7. How ……does this suit cost?


3) Заполните пропуски в предложениях по смыслу, используя словосочетания – прилагательное +существительное.



sharp, black, dangerous, fresh, hot, long, foreign

air, clouds, holiday, job, language, knife, water

1.      Do you speak any ______     __________?

2.      Look at those _________     __________ . It’s going to rain.

3.      Sue works very hard, she’s very tired. She needs a _________     _________.

4.      I ‘d like to have a shower, but there’s no _______________    ___________.

5.      Can you open the window? We need some _____________     ___________ .

6.      I need a ____________     ____________ to cut these onions.

7.      Fire-fighting is a ____________     ______________ .

4) Поставьте глагол в скобках, в форму пассивного залога:

1. Many buildings ___________(damage) in the storm last week.

2. A new road is going to _________(build) next year.

3. We ____________(invite) to the party, but we didn’t go.

4. The museum is very popular. Every year it _________(visit) by thousands of people.

5. “Where’s your jacket?” “It _________(clean). It will be ready tomorrow.


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его на русский язык:



Masonry construction is a method that has been used for centuries around the world. It is usually used for walls of buildings, retaining walls and monuments. The most frequent type of masonry is brick, but concrete block is also becoming more and more popular. Brick was one of the first building materials that man used and has been used since the times of the ancient Egyptians because it offers a great number of advantages. First of all, it has an affordable price and it is made of accessible raw material, which has long durability and good insulating properties. It is a strong material and is perfect for load-bearing systems where the loads are compressive. It is the size of a mans hand and therefore simple to use. The appearance of the final work depends on the ability and expertise of the bricklayer. Another advantage of using brick is that, like stone, it offers increased comfort in the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter. Being heat resistant, this material also offers good fire protection. One of the disadvantages of using this material is that masonry must be built on a firm foundation to prevent settling and cracking, and in the presence of expansive soils the foundation may need to be elaborate. Moreover, this is a heavy material, consequently the structural requirements will have to be increased, especially if the area is subject to earthquakes.






1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:


 electrical     wood    surface     covering     underfloor     strength


Floor structure contributes to the general (1) _________ of the buildingsystem. It is formed of a

steel I-beam frame with a horizontal upper (2) ___________ to which anumber of adjacent composite floor panels is fastened firmly.

Floors consist of a subfloor for support and a floor (3) ________ used togive a good walking surface. In  modern buildings the subfloor often has (4) ________wiring, plumbing, and may provide other services built in, like (5) _______heating.

There is a wide variety of floor covering materials: carpet, ceramictiles, (6) _________ flooring, laminated wood or stone.


2. Выполните письменноследующие задания:


1) Поставьте глагол в скобках в формупрошедшего времени (Past Simple Tense)

1. He (to lose) his balance and (to fall).

2. Ann’s grandfather (to found) his firm in 1901.

3. Clearing out the room I (to find) these old letters.

4. The lion (to jump) and (to spring) at her.


2) Найдите в правой колонке русскиеэквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний.

1. alloy

a) встроенный

2. embedded

b) шлакобетон


c) строительный раствор

4.cinder concrete

d) сплав


e) каркас

6.mortar mix

f) оконное стекло


g) электропроводка


h) каменщик


j) каменная/кирпичная кладка

11.electrical wiring

k) выемка


3) Составьте предложения из слов в настоящемвремени, вставляя недостающий глагол have, tobe, play:

1.Sarah often /tennis

2. my parents/ a new car

3. dirty/ my shoes

4. 32 years old/ Sonia

5. I/ two sisters


4) Поставьте глагол в скобках,в форму пассивного залога:

1. She’s famous now, but in a few years her name will_________ (forget)

2. “Shall I do the washing-up?” No, it _____  _________(already/do)

3. Milk should ________ (keep) in a fridge.

4. _____________ (you/ ever/ bite) by a snake?

5. My bag ________- (steal) from my car yesterday afternoon.


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:


Plastic products offer a numberof ecological advantages: they save resources, have a low maintenance cost andcan be recycled. Furthermore they contribute to save energy (plastic foams areused for thermal insulation in many applications). Plastic is also useful fornoise protection and insulation. The main fields of application of thesematerials are pipes, insulation, wall covering, flooring (both in houses and inpublic areas) and, quite recently, window frames (made of PVC). PVC stands forPolyvinyl Chloride and it is the plastic which has seen the most rapid growthin recent times in industry. PVC is often used in piping systems because of itsgood chemical resistance to corrosive fluids.PVC pipes are used for a greatnumber of applications: to drain waste, for natural gas distribution, forelectrical and communications wiring, for municipal water. As it is the newestprimary construction material and entirely man-made, plastic is extremelyversatile. Improvements made through research have increased its acceptanceamong designers, contractors and building code officials.





1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:


  tank     roof    common     pollution     sunlight     storing


Solar energy is the electricity produced from thesuns rays and captured by means of solar panels, which are becomingincreasingly (1)____________ nowadays. The two types of solar panel systems aresolar photovoltaic systems and solar thermal system.

In the solar photovoltaic systems the solarthermal panels contain cells whose semiconductors react with (2) _________.

Electricity is produced when sunlight hits them.This kind of technology is still quite expensive and its disadvantage nowadaysis the problem of (3) ___________ energy.

In the solar thermal system solar energy is usedfor water heating. The panels are positioned either on the (4)_________ or awall facing the sun and contain flowing water. When the thermal collectors inthe panel are exposed to the sun, they heat the water (stored in a hot watercylinder) that is either pumped or driven by natural convection through it.

The storage (5) ___________ is mountedimmediately  above or below the  solar collectors on the  roof. This system isnot very expensive and offers a number of advantages, including beingrenewable, creating less environmental (6) __________, reducing costs andmaintenance and saving resources. Hot water can be produced for most of theyear. A conventional boiler can be used to make the water hotter, or to providehot water when solar energy is not available.


2. Выполните письменноследующие задания:

1) Дополните текст нижеприведеннымисловами


electrical      wood     surface     covering      underfloor       strength



Floor structure contributes tothe general (1) of the building system. It is formed of a steel I-beam framewith a horizontal upper (2) to which a number of adjacent composite floorpanels is fastened firmly.

Floors consist of a subfloor forsupport and a floor (3) used to give a good walking surface. In modernbuildings the subfloor often has (4)  wiring, plumbing, and may provide otherservices built in, like (5)  heating. There is a wide variety of floor coveringmaterials: carpet, ceramic tiles, (6) flooring, laminated wood or stone.


2). Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.

1. timber

a). кирпич

2. cement

b). бетон

3. gypsum concrete

c). гравий

4. prestressed reinforced сoncrete

d). стекло

5. concrete

e). камень

6. soil

f). гипсовый бетон

7. gravel

g). цемент

8. glass

h). древесина

9. brick

i)напряженно армированный бетон

10. stone



3) Поставьте глагол в скобках,в форму пассивного залога:

1. Paper ________(make) from wood

2. Oranges ________ (import) from Brasil.

3. These houses ________(build) 100 years ago.

4. We _________(invite) to the party

5. Three people ________(injure)


4) Переведите предложения, используя глаголы can, could, cant, couldnt:

1. Наташа умеет говорить по-немецки.

2. Я не могу спать ночью.

3. Вчера Влад не смог пойти на работу.

4. Петр не умеет водить машину.



3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его на русскийязык:


Stone walls are one of the oldestconstruction methods known to mankind. The first stone walls were made layingup stones without any mortar. With this method stones are held together bygravity. These walls are usually larger at the base. In Ireland and north-easternUK counties this kind of wall was made by farmers to create fences. It wasquite a long and labour-intensive method, but with no costs. When cementappeared, the first mortared. stone walls were created, where cement pastefills the gaps between the stones. The first cements were made using burntgypsum or lime, mixed with water. Concrete includes Portland cement mixed withsand, gravel and water, which makes it resistant to cracking. To make it evenmore resistant, steel reinforcing bars can be added. Most stone walls today aremade using this method, because it is fast and cheap.






1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующими словами:


blocks     bricks     concrete (x2)     ingredient     materials    mixture walls


The most common type of cement isPortland cement, which is the

basic (1) ________ of concreteand mortar. It is made of Portland cement clinker (calcium silicates, aluminiumand other compounds) and other minor constituents. Portland cement clinker isproduced by heating a mixture of raw (2) ___________ up to 1450° C in a kiln.There are three production stages:

• preparation of the raw mixture,

• production of the clinker,

• preparation of the (3) ___________

Limestone is the main rawmaterial for the production of clinker, followed by sand, shale, iron ore,bauxite, fly ash

and slag. About 2% gypsum is alsoadded and then the (4) _________ is pulverised. The resulting powder will reactwhen water is added.

Portland cement is commonly usedto produce (5) _________ , which is made of gravel, sand, cement and water.

Blocks of cinder concrete,ordinary concrete and hollow tile are known as Concrete Masonry Units (CMU).They are larger than ordinary (6) ________ and used for applications whereappearance is not very important, such as in factory walls, garages andindustrial buildings. One of the advantages of concrete (7) _________ is thatthey can

~ reinforced, grouting the voids,inserting rebar or using grout, so that they are stronger than typical masonry(8)_____________.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.




3.to crush


5.waterproof concrete

6. timber


8. brick

9. an apartment house

10. to tend

a) дробить

b) древесина

c) бетон

d) кирпич

e) многоквартирный дом

f) качество

g) мелкозернистый

h) направлять

i) высокопрочный бетон

j) водонепроницаемый бетон


2) Поставьте глагол в скобках в формупрошедшего времени (Past Simple Tense)


1. He (to lie) there for an hour till someone finally (tohear) his cries for help.

2. We (to meet) last summer.

3. I (to decide) to stay with my uncle until I (to find) aflat.

4. As it (to grow) darker, we (to find) it hard to walk.

5. The critic (to write) a very bad review of my play.

6. We (to go) for a walk every day before lunch.




3) Поставьте на месте пропусков артикли a, an,the, где необходимо


1…. population of… Britain is… 57 million;

2…. Romans came to … Britain in … first century BC;

3…. Labour Party is in … power in … UK now;

4. … Queen Elizabeth … Second became … British monarchon … 6 February, 1952;

5…. Queen Mother is one of… most popular members of … Royal family;

6. … English is not … only language spoken in … GreatBritain;

7…. national flag of… UK is… Union Jack;

8…. Caledonia,… Cambria and… Hibernia were… Romannames for … Scotland, Wales and Ireland respectively;

9…. English eat… dinner at… 6 or 7 o’clock in…evening.


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:



The foundations, walls, floor,stairs and roof are some of the building elements that all types of buildinghave in common.

Foundations are structures thattransfer weights from walls and columns to the ground. There are two types offoundations: shallow foundations and deep foundations. Shallow foundations areusually embedded a metre into the soil, whereas deep foundations are embeddedmore in depth. They are recommended in case of very large design loads, a poorsoil at shallow depth or site constraints, such as property lines. There aredifferent types of deep foundations and they can be made of timber, steel andreinforced or pretensioned concrete.

Geotechnical engineers designfoundations to ensure that they have an adequate load capacity with limitedsettlement. When designing foundations, it is also important to consider scour(when flowing water removes supporting soil from around a foundation) and frostheave (when water in the ground freezes and forms ice lenses).





1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:


aim    quantity    lower    moreover    deconstruction   two    wood    example    idea    biological


The (1) ________ of environmentally-friendly buildings is to decrease the(2) _______ of waste material. If a building is designed well, the amount ofwaste produced by the people living in it will be (3) __________ thanks toon-site solutions such as compost bins.

(4) ________, a building IS  usually demolished at the (5) ____________of its life and most of the waste is taken to landfills, but now, thanks to (6)__________ some material is  kept and used again, with (7) __________advantages: recycling materials that are still  usable (for example (8) _________) and reducing waste. Also waste water from dishwashing or washing machines canbe used again, for (9) _________ for irrigation, and rainwater can be collectedfor a number of useful purposes. Converting waste and waste water intofertiliser is a good (10) _______ for cutting down costs: liquid fertiliser canbe created by collecting human and other (11) ___________ waste.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.

1. timber

a). кирпич

2. cement

b). бетон

3. gypsum concrete

c). гравий

4. prestressed reinforced сoncrete

d). стекло

5. concrete

e). камень

6. soil

f). гипсовый бетон

7. gravel

g). цемент

8. glass

h). древесина

9. brick

i)напряженно армированный бетон

10. stone



2) Поставьте артикль a,an, the, где необходимо

1. … Canada is situated in… northern part of… NorthAmerica.

2. Beyond lay… Smoky Mountains.

3. We left for … East on the following morning.

4. We came to … Ohio River after that.

5. They passed many coal mines on… way.


3) Выберите правильную форму глагола.Заполните пропуски:

1. Lara always ….at 7 o’clock. (get up)

2. Dolphins ….with one eye open. (sleep)

3. I  …..for a walk yesterday evening(go)

4. Bill ….TV every evening. (watch)

5. Dennis can sing but he…..draw. (can)


4) Составьте предложения из слов в настоящемвремени, вставляя недостающий глагол have, tobe, watch:

1. she/ two brothers

2. we/ often/ TV/ in the evening

3. a bicycle/ two wheels

4. these flowers/ beautiful

5. my jacket/ new


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:



Roofs can be divided in cutroofs, where a carpenter measures, cuts and places every length of wood needed forthe frame; and fixed roofs, made of pre-built and assembled trusses.  Trussesare custom-designed by computer so as to adapt to the typical weatherconditions of the house. As they generally rest only on outside walls, theyleave the inside free to move walls and to accommodate different room sizes.

When the frame of the roof isready, a waterproof membrane is placed over it and it is held in place bybattens (long pieces of wood) that are nailed into the truss and are thesupporting system for the tiles. Tiles are then nailed to the wood. The top ofthe roof is finished off with ridge tiles that cover both sides of the roofstop roof tiles. Then the end of the wood at the bottom of the roof is coveredby a fascia. The fascia allows air to flow safely through the membrane. To takeaway the water from the building, guttering is attached to the fascia. As heatcan go straight out of the roof, insulation is also necessary.

When designing the roof structureit must be remembered that all the load on the roof has to be transferred tothe supporting beams, bearing walls, building foundation and the earth.





1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующими словами:


blocks     bricks     concrete (x2)     ingredient     materials    mixture walls


The most common type of cement isPortland cement, which is the

basic (1) ________ of concreteand mortar. It is made of Portland cement clinker (calcium silicates, aluminiumand other compounds) and other minor constituents. Portland cement clinker isproduced by heating a mixture of raw (2) ___________ up to 1450° C in a kiln.There are three production stages:

• preparation of the raw mixture,

• production of the clinker,

• preparation of the (3) ___________

Limestone is the main rawmaterial for the production of clinker, followed by sand, shale, iron ore,bauxite, fly ash

and slag. About 2% gypsum is alsoadded and then the (4) _________ is pulverised. The resulting powder will reactwhen water is added.

Portland cement is commonly usedto produce (5) _________ , which is made of gravel, sand, cement and water.

Blocks of cinder concrete,ordinary concrete and hollow tile are known as Concrete Masonry Units (CMU).They are larger than ordinary (6) ________ and used for applications whereappearance is not very important, such as in factory walls, garages andindustrial buildings. One of the advantages of concrete (7) _________ is thatthey can

~ reinforced, grouting the voids,inserting rebar or using grout, so that they are stronger than typical masonry(8)_____________.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:


1) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.

1. alloy

a) встроенный

2. embedded

b) шлакобетон


c) строительный раствор

4.cinder concrete

d) сплав


e) каркас

6.mortar mix

f) оконное стекло


g) электропроводка


h) каменщик


j) каменная/кирпичная кладка

11.electrical wiring

k) выемка


2) Расположитеслова в предложении в правильной последовательности.

1. My/ goes/ every/ shopping/mother/ Saturday.

2. have /you/eating/cakes/and/icecream/stopped/pies?

3. help/Can/me/you?



3) Заполнитепропуски подходящим по смыслу глаголом is, am, are или have got, has got, havent got, hasnt got.

1.      Everybody likes Tom. He___________a lot of friends.

2.      I can’t open the door. I___________a key.

3.      I____________very happy today.

4.      It’s 10 o’clock. You_________late again.

5.      It’s a nice town. It____________a very nice shoppingcenter.


4) Сопоставьтеслова с описанием их значения.

1. Two or three people can sit together on it.

2. You use it when you talk to your friends.

3. You use it when you listen to music.

Представленная информация была полезной?
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4. You can put things on it.

5. You can enjoy looking at it.

a) a phone

b) a stereo

c) a picture

d) a sofa

e) a table


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:



Timber framing and conventionalwood are two different forms of construction. Timber framed structures usefewer, larger timbers with dimensions from 15 to 30 cm and mortice and tenon orwooden pegs as fastening methods, whereas conventional wood-framed buildingshave a greater number of timbers with dimensions from 5 to 25 cm, and nails orother mechanical fasteners are used to join the timbers.

Today timber structures are oftensurrounded in manufactured panels, such as Structural Insulating Panels (SIPs).They are made up of two rigid wooden-based composite materials with a foamedinsulating material inside. This method is used is used because thesestructures are easier to build and they provide more efficient heat insulation.

Timber-framed construction offersa lot of advantages. It is kind to the environment (when the wood used is takenfrom sustainable forests) and the frames can be put up quickly. Its design iselegant and simple, and also both practical and adaptable. It can give a housecharacter, both inside and outside. Thanks to its strength, large open spacescan be created, something which is not so easy to obtain with other techniques.It is a very versatile, so timber-framed houses can also be clad with stone orbrick. This offers two more advantages: the house can blend in with thesurrounding area (both urban and rural) and it is very energy-efficient. Timberis also cheaper than other materials.






1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:


electrical     wood     surface     covering     underfloor    strength


Floor structure contributes to the general (1) _________ of the buildingsystem. It is formed of a

steel I-beam frame with a horizontal upper (2) ___________ to which anumber of adjacent composite floor panels is fastened firmly.

Floors consist of a subfloor for support and a floor (3) ________ used togive a good walking surface. In  modern buildings the subfloor often has (4) ________wiring, plumbing, and may provide other services built in, like (5) _______heating.

There is a wide variety of floor covering materials: carpet, ceramictiles, (6) _________ flooring, laminated wood or stone.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.




3.to crush


5.waterproof concrete

6. timber


8. brick

9. an apartmenthouse

10. to tend

a) дробить

b) древесина

c) бетон

d) кирпич

e) многоквартирный дом

f) качество

g) мелкозернистый

h) направлять

i) высокопрочный бетон

j) водонепроницаемый бетон


2) Завершите предложения, используя have/ hasgot  или havent / hasntgot.

1. I don’t feel well. I__________________a headache.

2. It’s a nice flat but it_________________ a balcony.

3. Most animals______________________four legs.

4. Kate likes animals. She______________ a lot of pets.

5.Grandma can’t read the letter. She_____________herglasses.


3) Поставьте на месте пропусков слова muchили many.

1. How ______ money haveyou got?

2. How ______ brothers have yougot?

3. How ______ were your jeans?

4. Were there ______ people inthe cinema?

5. Fifty pence isn’t ______ fora cup of coffee.


4) Вставьте is/ are/ was/ were

1. This bridge ____________ built10 years ago.

2. Where __________ you born?

3. Glass ___________ made ofsand.

4. This is a very old photograph/It _______ taken long time ago.

5. The streets_______ cleaned everyday.




3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его на русскийязык:


There are several advantages totimber frame construction but there are also disadvantages that you should beaware of before deciding if it meets your needs. Wood is a porous and verycombustible material, susceptible to water, fire and bugs. Water can beabsorbed into the material, causing it to rot and mould, which can compromisethe strength and cause adverse health effects.

This can be a major problem inhumid or damp climates. Wood is also very flammable, which makes the material afire hazard. Ants and termites eat wood framing, with serious effects on thestrength of the construction. Logging for timber framing can have a majorenvironmental

impact. Producing boards andbeams for timber frame construction requires cutting down trees. Large, old-growthforests are sometimes clear cut to produce wood for timber construction, whichcan lead to other problems such as soil erosion and destruction of wildlifehabitats.

Wood is an excellent transmitterof sound waves so any noise inside or outside is easily heard throughout thehome. This can be a major problem if there are several people living in thehouse or if it is located near a noisy street as sounds are transmitted veryclearly.

Timber frames are quite strong upand down but not as strong as other materials horizontally. So if your buildingdesign has a large room with a long span, it will be difficult for timber frameconstruction to handle the weight. You may need to have a post in the middle toabsorb some of the weight.








1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:

  tank     roof     common    pollution     sunlight     storing


Solar energy is the electricity produced from thesuns rays and captured by means of solar panels, which are becomingincreasingly (1)____________ nowadays. The two types of solar panel systems aresolar photovoltaic systems and solar thermal system.

In the solar photovoltaic systems the solarthermal panels contain cells whose semiconductors react with (2) _________.

Electricity is produced when sunlight hits them.This kind of technology is still quite expensive and its disadvantage nowadaysis the problem of (3) ___________ energy.

In the solar thermal system solar energy is usedfor water heating. The panels are positioned either on the (4)_________ or awall facing the sun and contain flowing water. When the thermal collectors inthe panel are exposed to the sun, they heat the water (stored in a hot watercylinder) that is either pumped or driven by natural convection through it.

The storage (5) ___________ is mountedimmediately  above or below the  solar collectors on the  roof. This system isnot very expensive and offers a number of advantages, including beingrenewable, creating less environmental (6) __________, reducing costs andmaintenance and saving resources. Hot water can be produced for most of theyear. A conventional boiler can be used to make the water hotter, or to providehot water when solar energy is not available.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:


1) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.

1. timber

a). кирпич

2. cement

b). бетон

3. gypsum concrete

c). гравий

4. prestressed reinforced сoncrete

d). стекло

5. concrete

e). камень

6. soil

f). гипсовый бетон

7. gravel

g). цемент

8. glass

h). древесина

9. brick

i)напряженно армированный бетон

10. stone



2) Заполните пропускиподходящим по смыслу глаголом is, am, are или have got, has got, havent got, hasnt got.

1.      Everybody likes Tom. He___________a lot of friends.

2.      I can’t open the door. I___________a key.

3.      I____________very happy today.

4.      It’s 10 o’clock. You_________late again.

5.      It’s a nice town. It____________a very nice shoppingcenter.


3) Дополните предложения словами: my, your, his, her, its,our, или their.

1. I’m an actor. ___ job is veryinteresting.

2. We have a dog. ______ name isBlackie.

3. We live in a small village.______ house is small and very pretty.

4. My sister works in a theatre.She loves ______ job.

5. You’re a doctor. Do you like ______ work?



4) Поставьте следующие глаголы в нужной форме,используя правила времени Present Simple

go (2 раза)    leave     eat     have.

1 Jane __ lunch at a restaurantnear her office.

2 Giorgio and Maria ___ out inthe evenings.

3 Bruce ______________ home at7.30 in the morning.

4 Sharon and Richard often______________ pizza at home in the evening.

5 I ______________ to work bybus.


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:


Towns building

The first stable human settlementsappeared when agriculture replaced nomadic existence. The first cities werecentres for commerce, politics, defence and distribution of agriculture surplus.The earliest examples of planned cities in history were in modern-day Iraq andIndia. In these

cities some streets were pavedand there were both commercial and residential streets.

The first examples of cities inthe West were in Greece and in Italy. Many European towns are still based onschemes that date back to the times of the Romans, who put all the streets atright angles, set out in a square grid. During the Middle Ages there was notrace of rational urban planning in Europe. Cities grew around a fortress or afortified abbey. Most of them were (6) situated on high defensible ground andtheir plans followed the irregularities of elevation contours. They offeredprotection both to urban city and rural inhabitants during enemy attacks.

Things changed again during theRenaissance. A great number of important artists created beautiful buildings inmany cities which were accurately designed by architects and city planners.




1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:


electrical     wood     surface     covering     underfloor    strength


Floor structure contributes to the general (1) _________ of the buildingsystem. It is formed of a

steel I-beam frame with a horizontal upper (2) ___________ to which anumber of adjacent composite floor panels is fastened firmly.

Floors consist of a subfloor for support and a floor (3) ________ used togive a good walking surface. In  modern buildings the subfloor often has (4) ________wiring, plumbing, and may provide other services built in, like (5) _______heating.

There is a wide variety of floor covering materials: carpet, ceramictiles, (6) _________ flooring, laminated wood or stone.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Поставьте следующие глаголы в нужной форме,используя правила времени Present Simple

have     go     speak    work     play

1 Anna __ lunch at a restaurantnear her office.

2 Giorgio and Maria ___ out inthe evenings.

3 My parents ______________German and Spanish.

4 She ______________ in a bank.

5 They ______________ the piano.


2) Заполните пропуски подходящим по смыслу глаголом is, am, are или have got, has got, haven’t got, hasn’t got.

1.      Everybody likes Tom. He___________a lot of friends.

2.      I can’t open the door. I___________a key.

3.      I____________very happy today.

4.      It’s 10 o’clock. You_________late again.

5.      It’s a nice town. It____________a very nice shoppingcenter.


3) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.

1. alloy

a) встроенный

2. embedded

b) шлакобетон


c) строительный раствор

4.cinder concrete

d) сплав


e) каркас

6.mortar mix

f) оконное стекло


g) электропроводка


h) каменщик


j) каменная/кирпичная кладка

11.electrical wiring

k) выемка


4) Расположите слова в предложении в правильной последовательности.

1. My/ goes/ every/ shopping/father/ Monday.

2. to/I/lose/am/trying/weight.

3. did/do/How/it/you?

4. eat/What/you/are/allowed/to?




3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:


Тhе history of buildings

For many thousands of yearspeople have lived in houses and 1iked comfortable and safe living, not sodependent on weather conditions. At first people began building houses of wood,stones or clay. Clay was mostly used in hot countries, as people had learntthat clay bricks dried in the sun became as hard as stones. Men learnt the useof these sun-dried с1ау bricksespecially in ancient Egypt. Some of buildings created at that time are stillstanding though several thousands of years passed.

Hundreds of years later, theancient Egyptians discovered that stone can Ье used as а building material. With it they built temples, palaces, tombs.The greatest tomb ever built was the stone pyramid of Кhufu,Pharaoh of Egypt. Another ancient civilization, the Greeks, also used stone,and their beautiful buildings remind us of their great culture. The Greeksdecorated the houses with splendid carvings, they were very fond of usingupright pillars for supporting and decoration. In Greece parts of many of theseancient buildings can still bе seen today. The elements ofancient Greece architecture began to bе used again duringthe period of the Renaissance in Europe. In our country the latest period whentrends were followed was the period of Stalin classicism. Greek culture wasinherited bу Roman one. The emperor August said that whenhe become emperor the Rome was made of clay and that he leaves Rome made ofstone. The Roman period left many architectural monuments, such as Coliseum,arch of Titus, Pantheon, and many other buildings and their relics.

Modem architecture is quitedifferent from ancient buildings. In all epochs there are buildings that aredesigned to bе beautiful and stand for centuries, andbuildings which are built for practical purposes.

Modem architecture is free tochoose and combine all the experience accumulated during the centuries. Thereare hundreds and hundreds of buildings worth admiring in any country. Newbuildings that appear should match them in quality, longevity and beauty!





1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:


aim    quantity    lower    moreover    deconstruction   two    wood    example    idea    biological


The (1) ________ of environmentally-friendly buildings is to decrease the(2) _______ of waste material. If a building is designed well, the amount ofwaste produced by the people living in it will be (3) __________ thanks toon-site solutions such as compost bins.

(4) ________, a building IS  usually demolished at the (5) ____________of its life and most of the waste is taken to landfills, but now, thanks to (6)__________ some material is  kept and used again, with (7) __________advantages: recycling materials that are still  usable (for example (8) _________) and reducing waste. Also waste water from dishwashing or washing machines canbe used again, for (9) _________ for irrigation, and rainwater can be collectedfor a number of useful purposes. Converting waste and waste water intofertiliser is a good (10) _______ for cutting down costs: liquid fertiliser canbe created by collecting human and other (11) ___________ waste.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.

1. timber

a). кирпич

2. cement

b). бетон

3. gypsum concrete

c). гравий

4. prestressed reinforced сoncrete

d). стекло

5. concrete

e). камень

6. soil

f). гипсовый бетон

7. gravel

g). цемент

8. glass

h). древесина

9. brick

i)напряженно армированный бетон

10. stone



2) Поставьте соответствующую форму глагола tobe (is, am, are)

1. It was beautiful yesterday when we went out for a walk,it … not raining, the sun … shining.

2. I couldn’t get you on the phone last night, who … youtalking to so long?

3. What… you doing at 6 tomorrow?

4. We … playing chess in half an hour.

5. She … listening to her favorite music at 8 o’clocktomorrow.

6. What… you … doing when I come?


3) Выберите правильный вариант степени сравненияимен прилагательных

1. My dog soon became (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) ofall.

2. He is the (dangerous, more dangerous, the most dangerous)man in the country.

3. Stonehenge is the second (popular, more popular, the mostpopular) tourist attraction in Britain. 12. Oxford Road is not so (pretty,prettier, the prettiest) as Walnut Street.

4. He knew he was (little, less, the least) desired personat the party.


4) Поставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо

1. They took… wonderful boat ride around … Manhattan on… last day of their visit.

2. … Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist.

3….. Lions donated… money for… new park.

4. You could buy … Picasso for 300 in those days.

5. I’m reading … Agatha Christie at… moment.


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:


Steel is resistant to corrosion,rusting and general deterioration. It can be used both for exterior as well asinternal infrastructure. Compared to conventional concrete buildings, steelbuildings offer a longer lifetime and they cause less harm to the environmentthanks to the resistance and durability. Because steel buildings are usuallypre-fabricated or made in sections and parts that are assembled on theconstruction site, they are cheaper than conventional buildings. The quantityof carbon contained in steel determines whether the alloy is hard or soft.Nowadays steel buildings are often appreciated for their design. In fact, theflexibility of this material allows different forms and shapes. More than anyother building material, steel has a high strength-to-weight ratio. This meansthat it is easy and cheap to span large distances elegantly eliminatingcolumns. Thanks to this, it is easier to subdivide and customise office- andwarehouse space.




1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующими словами:


blocks     bricks     concrete (x2)     ingredient     materials    mixture walls


The most common type of cement isPortland cement, which is the

basic (1) ________ of concreteand mortar. It is made of Portland cement clinker (calcium silicates, aluminiumand other compounds) and other minor constituents. Portland cement clinker isproduced by heating a mixture of raw (2) ___________ up to 1450° C in a kiln.There are three production stages:

• preparation of the raw mixture,

• production of the clinker,

• preparation of the (3) ___________

Limestone is the main rawmaterial for the production of clinker, followed by sand, shale, iron ore,bauxite, fly ash

and slag. About 2% gypsum is alsoadded and then the (4) _________ is pulverised. The resulting powder will reactwhen water is added.

Portland cement is commonly usedto produce (5) _________ , which is made of gravel, sand, cement and water.

Blocks of cinder concrete,ordinary concrete and hollow tile are known as Concrete Masonry Units (CMU).They are larger than ordinary (6) ________ and used for applications whereappearance is not very important, such as in factory walls, garages andindustrial buildings. One of the advantages of concrete (7) _________ is thatthey can

~ reinforced, grouting the voids,inserting rebar or using grout, so that they are stronger than typical masonry(8)_____________.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Найдите слова, не относящиеся к понятию«неметаллические строительные материалы»:

1. cements

2. steel

3. concrete

4. timber

5. brick

6. stone

7. iron


2) Найдите русские эквиваленты английским словам исловосочетаниям:

1. concrete

2. quality

3. to crush

4. fine

5. timber

6. high-strength concrete

7. brick

a) дробить

b) древесина

c) бетон

d) кирпич

e) высокопрочный бетон

f) качество

g) мелкозернистый


3) Заполните пропуски в предложениях посмыслу, используя словосочетания – прилагательное +существительное.



sharp, black, dangerous, fresh, hot, long, foreign

air, clouds, holiday, job, language, knife, water

1.                 Doyou speak any ______     __________?

2.                 Lookat those _________     __________ . It’s going to rain.

3.                 Sueworks very hard, she’s very tired. She needs a _________     _________.

4.                 I‘d like to have a shower, but there’s no _______________    ___________.

5.                 Canyou open the window? We need some _____________     ___________ .

6.                 Ineed a ____________     ____________ to cut these onions.

7.                 Fire-fightingis a ____________     ______________ .


4) Поставьте глагол в скобках, в форму пассивного залога:

1. Many buildings ___________(damage) in the storm last week.

2. A new road is going to _________(build) next year.

3. We ____________(invite) to the party, but we didn’t go.

4. The museum is very popular. Every year it _________(visit) bythousands of people.


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:


Glass and metals

Glass is a fashionable  materialin  contemporary architecture. Transparent buildings and structures are verypopular in  contemporary architecture. Structural glass components such ascolumns and beams are often required, but this material seems structurally unsafe because of its  brittleness. For this reason a new constructiontechnique has been developed using: • very long  overlapping glass segments tocreate glass beams. These are made by bonding the segments adhesively; •  asmall stainless steel profile that has been added to the layout of the glassbeam to reinforce it.

To prove that glass structurescan be as safe as reinforced concrete, an experimental transparent pavilion hasbeen designed (with dimensions 9 x 9 x 3.6 m3) that combines a number ofinnovative ideas. Many different kinds of glass and glass systems have beenused. The outermost and the triple-layered insulating glass units have beentempered and sometimes laminated and some glass has also been coated with solarcontrol glass to reflect some of the unwanted sunshine outwards. In other casesglass that can be heated electrically and glass panes free of iron oxide havebeen used to make the inside light more natural.

Painted, stainless, hot dipgalvanised and weather resistant steel, as well as aluminium, have also beenused for supporting structures. Aluminium has some advantages (it is light,resistant to corrosion and easy to work) but also some disadvantages (itsthermal expansion and conductivity are high and it has low elastic modulus andfire resistance). Stainless steel  also offers some advantages (it has goodfire resistance and it is easy to keep) but its high price is a majordisadvantage. Both hot dip galvanised and painted steel are not as expensive,but they are difficult to work on site and are not resistant to corrosion.




1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:


electrical     wood     surface     covering     underfloor    strength


Floor structure contributes to the general (1) _________ of the buildingsystem. It is formed of a

steel I-beam frame with a horizontal upper (2) ___________ to which anumber of adjacent composite floor panels is fastened firmly.

Floors consist of a subfloor for support and a floor (3) ________ used togive a good walking surface. In modern buildings the subfloor often has (4) ________wiring, plumbing, and may provide other services built in, like (5) _______heating.

There is a wide variety of floor covering materials: carpet, ceramictiles, (6) _________ flooring, laminated wood or stone.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Найдите в правой колонке русские эквивалентыанглийских слов и словосочетаний.




3.to crush


5.waterproof concrete

6. timber


8. brick

9. an apartmenthouse

10. to tend

a) дробить

b) древесина

c) бетон

d) кирпич

e) многоквартирный дом

f) качество

g) мелкозернистый

h) направлять

i) высокопрочный бетон

j) водонепроницаемый бетон


2) Завершите предложения, используя have/hasgot или havent/hasntgot.

1. I don’t feel well. I__________________a headache.

2. It’s a nice flat but it_________________ a balcony.

3. Most animals______________________four legs.

4. Kate likes animals. She______________ a lot of pets.

5.Grandma can’t read the letter. She_____________herglasses.


3) Расположитеслова в предложении в правильной последовательности.

1. My/ goes/ every/ shopping/father/ Monday.

2. to/I/lose/am/trying/weight.

3. did/do/How/it/you?

4. eat/What/you/are/allowed/to?


4) Выберитеправильный вариант ответа по содержанию текста “Plastic

1 Plastic products save …

A industry.

B materials.

C resources.


4 The … fields of application of these materials

are in flooring.

A alternative

B main

C useful


2 Plastic insulation is also useful for … protection.

A recycled

B resources

C noise


5 PVC has good … resistance to corrosive fluids.

A physical

B public

C chemical


3 PVC is the plastic whose use has grown more …

A recently.

B slowly.

C primary.


6 PVC pipes are used for … gas distribution.

A natural

B chemical

C piping



3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:


Plastic products offer a numberof ecological advantages: they save resources,  have a low maintenance cost andcan be recycled. Furthermore they contribute to save energy (plastic foams areused for thermal insulation in  many applications). Plastic is also useful fornoise protection and insulation.

The main fields  of applicationof these  materials are pipes, insulation, wall covering, flooring (both in houses and in  public areas) and, quite recently,  window frames  (made  ofPVC). PVC stands for Polyvinyl Chloride and it is the plastic which has seenthe most rapid growth in  recent times in  industry. PVC is  often used in piping systems because of its  good chemical resistance to  corrosive fluids. PVC pipes are used for a great number of applications: to drain waste, fornatural gas distribution, for electrical and communications wiring, formunicipal water. As it is the newest primary construction material and entirelyman-made, plastic is extremely versatile. Improvements made through researchhave increased its acceptance among designers, contractors and building codeofficials.




1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:

  tank     roof    common     pollution     sunlight     storing


Solar energy is the electricity produced from thesuns rays and captured by means of solar panels, which are becomingincreasingly (1)____________ nowadays. The two types of solar panel systems aresolar photovoltaic systems and solar thermal system.

In the solar photovoltaic systems the solarthermal panels contain cells whose semiconductors react with (2) _________.

Electricity is produced when sunlight hits them.This kind of technology is still quite expensive and its disadvantage nowadaysis the problem of (3) ___________ energy.

In the solar thermal system solar energy is usedfor water heating. The panels are positioned either on the (4)_________ or awall facing the sun and contain flowing water. When the thermal collectors inthe panel are exposed to the sun, they heat the water (stored in a hot watercylinder) that is either pumped or driven by natural convection through it.

The storage (5) ___________ is mountedimmediately  above or below the  solar collectors on the  roof. This system isnot very expensive and offers a number of advantages, including beingrenewable, creating less environmental (6) __________, reducing costs andmaintenance and saving resources. Hot water can be produced for most of theyear. A conventional boiler can be used to make the water hotter, or to providehot water when solar energy is not available.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Найдите русские эквиваленты английским словам исловосочетаниям:

1. concrete

2. quality

3. to crush

4. fine

5. waterproof concrete

6. timber

7. high-strength concrete

8. brick

a) дробить

b) древесина

c) бетон

d) кирпич

e) высокопрочный бетон

f) качество

g) мелкозернистый

h) водонепроницаемый бетон



1.резцы, стеклорезы и плиткорезы.

2. Облицовка стен

3. крепление

4. уширенный шов

5. скобы

6. гвозди.

7. извлекать

8. схватывание раствора

9. установка

10. осколки стекла, обрезки металла, щепки

11. профильные раскладки

12. пробки на шурупах

1. glass fragments, metal scraps, splinters

2. to get out / to extract

3. plugs on screws

4. the widened seam

5. nails.

6. staples

7.  Wall cladding / (coating)

8. setting the solution

9. profile layouts

10. cutters, glass cutters and tile cutters

11. installation

12. mounting


3) Вставьте is/ are/ was/ were

1. This bridge ____________ built10 years ago.

2. Where __________ you born?

3. Glass ___________ made ofsand.

4. This is a very old photograph/It _______ taken long time ago.

5. The streets_______ cleanedevery day.


3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:


WorldSkills International

WorldSkills bringsyouth, industries, and educators together to give young people the chance tocompete, experience, and learn how to become the best in their skill of choice.

From the traditional trades tomulti-skilled technology careers in the industry and service sectors, supportedby partners, industries, governments, volunteers, and educational institutions,WorldSkills is making a direct impact on raising the level of skills throughoutthe world.

Every two years WorldSkills hosts theCompetition which attracts more than 1,300 Competitors from over 60 countriesand regions. At this event, young people from all corners of the globe gathertogether for the chance to win a prestigious medal in their chosen skill. Thereare competitions in 56 skills across a wide range of industries — from joineryto floristry; hairdressing to electronics; and autobody repair to bakery.

Through international cooperation anddevelopment between industry, government, organizations, and institutions,WorldSkills promotes the benefits of and need for skilled professionals throughgrass-roots community projects, conferences, skill competitions, and knowledgeexchange. WorldSkills show how important skills education and training is foryouth, industries and society by challenging young professionals around theworld to become the best in the skill of their choice.

WorldSkills is the collective voice forskills excellence and development in vocational, technological, and serviceoriented careers around the globe. Since 1950 WorldSkills has raised theawareness among youth, as well as their parents, teachers and employers, thatthe future depends on an effective skills training system. The twenty largesteconomies in the world are Members of WorldSkills, as are the five mostpopulous. In all, the membership represents two-thirds of the world’spopulation.





1. Прослушайте текст и заполните пропуски следующимисловами:


aim    quantity    lower    moreover    deconstruction   two    wood    example    idea    biological


The (1) ________ of environmentally-friendly buildings is to decrease the(2) _______ of waste material. If a building is designed well, the amount ofwaste produced by the people living in it will be (3) __________ thanks toon-site solutions such as compost bins.

(4) ________, a building IS  usually demolished at the (5) ____________of its life and most of the waste is taken to landfills, but now, thanks to (6)__________ some material is  kept and used again, with (7) __________advantages: recycling materials that are still  usable (for example (8) _________) and reducing waste. Also waste water from dishwashing or washing machines canbe used again, for (9) _________ for irrigation, and rainwater can be collectedfor a number of useful purposes. Converting waste and waste water intofertiliser is a good (10) _______ for cutting down costs: liquid fertiliser canbe created by collecting human and other (11) ___________ waste.


2. Выполните письменно следующие задания:

1) Найдите русские эквиваленты английским словам исловосочетаниям:

1. acids and other toxic


3.load-lifting devices

4. electric winches

5. flammable substances

6. a source of electric current.

7. craddle

8. to lower

9. the work area

10. to wipe

11.to  lubricate

12. to unplug


1. снизить

2. рабочая зона

3. протирать

4. отключить

5. смазать

6. люлька

7. источник электрического тока.

8. кислоты и другие токсичные вещества

9. облицовщики

10. грузоподъемные устройства

11. легковоспламеняющиеся вещества

12. электрические лебедки



2) Прочитайте текст снова и подберите соответствующее определение ксловам.

1. outermost

2. stainless steel

3. galvanized

4. brittleness

5. pane

a) a metal made from steel that does not rust

b) fragility

c) external

d) flat sheet of glass

e) coated with zinc to protect it from rust


3) Найдите русские эквиваленты английским словам исловосочетаниям:

1. concrete

2. quality

3. to crush

4. fine

5. waterproof concrete

6. timber

7. high-strength concrete

8. brick

a) дробить

b) древесина

c) бетон

d) кирпич

e) высокопрочный бетон

f) качество

g) мелкозернистый

h) водонепроницаемый бетон





3. Прочитайте текст вслух и устно переведите его нарусский язык:


WorldSkills Documentation.


1. when working with pneumatic machines, the sleeves ofworkwear at the hands should be buttoned or wrapped with a wide elastic band.If it necessary, wear safety glasses.

2. to make Cutting of small-sized plates on the equippedtables (workbenches) by means of cutters, glass cutters and tile cutters.

3. it is Forbidden to make cutting of plates on knees

4. Facing of walls with use of a template to make after itsfastening.

5. When facing with the widened seam to use inventory metalclips or nails. It is allowed to remove the brackets after setting the solutionunder the tile (after installing 15-20 tiles).

6. it is Forbidden to use random objects (glass fragments,metal scraps, wood chips, etc.) for the device of seams.3.

7. large-Size plates for internal facing arerigidly attached to the surface using profile layouts or plugs onscrews. Plates that are installed on the solution should be temporarily fixedwith steamers and supports.

8. Drying of the lined surface is carried out in a naturalway.



1. to the Liners working with load-lifting devices (lifts,electric winches) to disconnect them from a source of electric current.

2. Cradle to lower and unplug them from the electricalsource.

3. Tools and fixtures clean. Wipe the tool and lubricate itwith oil.

4. Machines to disconnect from the mains, clean the workarea from  rubbish /debris/ .

5. close the Remains of mastic, acids and other toxic andflammable substances with a tight lid and hand them over to the warehouse /storage/.

6. Lubricants and cleaning materials put in a metal box.

7. Decking of scaffolding, scaffolds, cradles, ladders shouldbe cleaned of construction debris, and when working in winter – from snow andice and sprinkle with sand.

8. put the workplace in order, remove construction debrisand clear the passage ways,

9. clean work Clothes, special shoes, personal protectiveequipment from dust and other contaminants.

10. All defects noticed during operation, to inform themaster.








1.      English for colleges –Английский язык для колледжей: учебное пособие. Т.А. Карпова, 12-еизд. М.:Кнорус, 2019. – 288 с.

2.       Flash on Englishfor construction -Caruzzo Patrizia, 2019. – 47 c.

3.      ГолубевА.П., Балюк Н.В., Смирнова И.Б.Английский язык: Учебное пособие для студентовучреждений СПО. – М.: ИЦ Академия, 2018. – 336 с.

4.      Essential Grammarin Use – Raymond Murphy. – Cambridge University press, 2020. -319 c.


Дополнительные источники:

1.      Агабекян,И.П. Английский язык: учебное пособие для СПО / И.П. Агабекян. — РнД: Феникс,2019. — 316 c.;

2.      Ткаченко И.А. Английский язык для строителей (В1-В2): учебноепособие для СПО/ И.А. Ткаченко, Л.О. Трушкова. – 2-е изд.- М.: ИздательствоЮрайт, 2019. – 161 с.

3.      Карпова,Т.А. Английский язык. Базовый курс с тестовыми заданиями / Т.А. Карпова, А.С.Восковская, М.В. Мельничук. — М.: КноРус, 2020. — 477 c.

4.      Jenny Dooley-Virginia Evans, Grammarway 1,2., Express Publishing: 146 с.



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