Конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе посвященный Рождеству

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План-конспектоткрытого урока английского языка

Тема: «Рождество в Великобритании».

Типурока: Урок закрепления изученного материала

Видурока: Урок-презентация

Дата: 19.12.2022


Учитель:Ребус Елизавета Александровна

Цели и задачи урока:


·       Совершенствование навыков устной речи

·       Расширение лексического запаса по теме «Рождество»

·       Расширение кругозора и знакомство с традициями страны изучаемогоязыка


·       Воспитание у учащихся чувства уважения к культуре и традициямдругих стран;

·       Воспитание чувства взаимной ответственности, развитие навыкаработы в коллективе


·       Развитие творческих способностей учащихся

·       Формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка


Формыорганизации учебной деятельности учащихся:

·       работа в парах;

·       коллективная;

·       индивидуальная;


·       компьютер;

·       интерактивная доска;

·       презентация Power Point

·       раздаточный материал


Ход урока.

Этап урока

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Организационный момент.


Введение в тему.


T: Hello, everybody! Today we are going to talk about the most interesting, important and, of course, the most beautiful holiday of the British which is celebrated on the 25th of December. It’s Christmas. British people have lots of special Christmas traditions. The pupils are going to tell you about the traditions that British people love. Christmas time starts from decorating the houses with Advent calendars.

Основная часть.


Pl1: (ученик выносит и вешает календарь)

An Advent calendar is a poster  with twenty-five small windows. Each window has got a picture. Every morning in December children open one window of the calendar.

T: Whats the date today?

Pl2: (открывает окошко календаря) Its the 1st of December. Look! Its a Christmas tree. Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London, in Trafalgar Square. This is a present from the people of Norway to the people of Great Britain. Most houses in Britain have got a Christmas tree, too. People decorate it with Christmas decorations.

T: Let’s decorate our Christmas tree.

Pls: Short play “Christmas tree”. (дети украшают елку)

Pl1 — Let’s decorate our Christmas tree.  I‘ll hang Christmas balls on our Christmas tree.

Pl2 – I’ll hang stars on our Christmas tree.

Pl3 – I’ll decorate our Christmas tree with Christmas bells.

Pl1 – I’ll hang chocolates on our Christmas tree.

Pl2 – I’ll hang apples on our Christmas tree.

Pl3 – I’ll decorate our Christmas tree with candy canes.

Pl1 – I’ll hang tinsel on our Christmas tree.

Pl2 – I’ll put a present under the tree.

Pl3 — Let’s count: 1,2,3, shine Christmas tree! (все кричат)

T:Whats the date today?

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Pl3: Its the 4th of December. Look! Its a Christmas card. Before Christmas English people send Christmas cards to their family and friends. The first Christmas card was sent in 1843 (eighteen forty-three). This card shows an English family enjoying the holiday. You can buy Christmas cards or you can make them.

Pls: Short play “ Christmas Cards”.

Pl1 : What are you doing, Jack?

Pl2 : I am writing a Christmas card.

Pl1: What are you writing in your Christmas card?

Pl2 :Im writing … To Emma. Happy Christmas! From, Jack. I send Christmas cards to all my friends and my family.

Pl1 : Dear Grandma and Grandad. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Love, Sally. Come on, Jack. Lets post our Christmas cards. (бросают письма в почтовый ящик)

T: Whats the date today?

Pl4: Its the 10th of December. Look! Its a Christmas carol. A Christmas carol is a special Christmas song. This song is about Jesus and the time when he was born. People go from house to house, they sing carols and collect money for charity.

Исполнение песни “We wish you …”.

T: Whats the date today?

Pl5: Its the 14th of December. Look! Its a Christmas stocking. On Christmas Eve people put presents under the Christmas tree and hang up Christmas stockings. A Christmas stocking is a long sock. At night Father Christmas puts presents in it.

Pls: Short play “Christmas stockings”.

Pl1: What is it?  Is it a book?

Pl2: Jack!

Pl1: Ah! Its a computer game.

Pl2: Jack! Wait! Tomorrow is Christmas Day. You can open your presents tomorrow.

Pl1: OK.

Pl2: Lets hang up our stockings.

Pl1: Good idea. (дети вешают чулки на камин)

T: Whats the date today?

Pl6: Its the 16th of December. Look! Its a mince pie. A mince pie is a small round pie. It has got sweet dried fruit inside. People make mince pies at Christmas.

Short play

 (Ученик делает «пирог» и комментирует свои действия).

I am going to make a mince pie.

Ive got some pastry, a jar of mincemeat, a rolling pin and a spoon. First, roll out the pastry. Then, cut out one big circle and one small circle. Put the big circle in the tin. Put in the mincemeat. Put the small circle on top.

Put the mince pies in the oven for 15 minutes. (Все считают до 15)

The mince pies are ready. Help yourself!

T: Whats the date today?

Pl7: Its the 19th of December. Look! Its Father Christmas. Father Christmas is the British Santa Claus. He is an old man with white hair, a beard and a moustache. He has got a red coat and black boots. Father Christmas and his elves make all the toys for Christmas in his home in the North Pole. The children leave a mince pie for Father Christmas, and a carrot for the reindeer. (Выходят дети, кладут тарелку, печенье и морковку под елку, читают стихотворение)

Poem “Santa Claus”

T:Whats the date today?

Pl8: Its the 21st of December. Look! Its a Christmas Cracker. A Christmas Cracker is a bright paper tube, twisted at both ends. Two people pull the cracker and when the cracker breaks, it makes a bang. Inside a Christmas cracker there is a paper crown, a small gift and a joke. Who wants to pull a cracker with me? – Pl9: I do. Выходит ученик, тянут хлопушку на счет «три». Все дети считают: One, two, three. Bang! Ученик достает из хлопушки вещи и говорит: Ive got a hat, a gift and a joke. Listen … (читает шутку)

T: Whats the date today?

Pl10: Its the 22nd of December. Look! Its a Gingerbread man. Gingerbread men are cookies made of ginger, flour, butter and eggs.  They look like people. They are very popular at Christmas. You can see Gingerbread men on our Christmas table. (показывает печенье на столе)

T: Whats the date today?

Pl11: Its the 23rd of December. Look! Its a Christmas bell.

T: The traditional song of Christmas is “Jingle bells”. Lets sing the song.

Все исполняют песню “Jingle bells”.

T: Whats the date today?

Pl12: Its the 24th of December. Look! Its a reindeer. Rudolph is Santa’s reindeer. He has got a big red nose. It shines in the dark and guides Santa’s sleigh in the fog.

T: Let’s play a popular Christmas game “Pin the nose on Rudolf”. (все играют)

T: Whats the date today?

Pl13: Its the 25th of December. Look! Its Christmas dinner. Christmas dinner is at midday. For Christmas dinner people eat turkey, potatoes, green vegetables, mince pies and Christmas pudding. At three oclock in the afternoon, the Queen gives her Christmas Message on radio and TV.

Все смотрят видео “ The Queen’s Message”.

We congratulate you on this holiday and we wish you Merry Christmas! we wish you to be always happy, healthy, wealthy and wise!


Закрепление изученного материала.


What did you learn about British traditions? Let’s do a quiz.

Подведение итогов.

Sorry but it’s time to finish our journey to Christmas. We want to say thank you to the pupils. You showed that you know a lot about Christmas in Britain. We enjoyed your work. Everybody gets “a five”. We also want to say thank you to everybody for coming and we especially want to thank the parents who created the Christmas spirit in this classroom and helped us with Christmas cooking.


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