Form 8
Тема:Конфликты и их разрешение/Dealing with conflicts M1 PSHE
Across the curriculum p. 22-23 video lesson (16 min)
Цели: ввести тематическую лексику,активизировать в чтении и на письме, развивать навыки поискового иознакомительного чтения, развивать слуховую память, языковую догадку, развиватьпоэтическое творчество, воспитывать толерантность и дружелюбие в общенииподростков.
I. PSHE Personal, Social and Health Education
Ex. 1, p. 22 Read the poem How is itrelated to the text?
II. Ex. 2, p.22 Read the text “Dealing with Conflict” andStudy Skills “Completing the text”
(gap filling) Answer the questions:
· How do youdeal with arguments?
· What’s thebest way to handle such situations?
III. Ex 3, p.22 Read and complete the missing words.
Explain the words in bold. Use WL p.3
Vocabulary: show up, frustrated,annoyed, disappointed, resolving process, blame, accuse, bossing me around,flexible, opinion, handle, open-minded, forgive, bother, shame, taut, swear,thunder, thruway, willing, detour, byway, apologize, dim, anger, accuse, cooloff, deal with, the pros and cons, step by step.
IV. Ex. 4. P. 22 Changethe following “you” into “I feel” statements
· Ifeel bad because we don’t hang out any more.
V. Speaking
Ex. 5, p. 23
Listen and read the text again. Advise your friend how tocontrol his/her anger ad resolve a conflict. Use the text p.23 and video lesson
How to resolve aconflict
1. Listen attentively
2. Knowyour feelings
3. Thinkbefore speaking
4. Staycalm
5. Don’tattack your partner
6. Askyour partner’s opinion
7. Talkabout the problem later
8. Youneed to understand what the issue is
9. Controlyour temper
10. Mind your nonverbal communication
ThInk Do you agree with the statement?
Whatever begins in anger, ends in shame.
/Benjamine Franklin/ (US stateman)
1. Ex 6, p.23
Find the opposites of the words andtry to write a short poem about arguing as in the Ex. 1, p. 22
2. Learn new words and phrases WL p. 3
3. Complete the text below, filling thegaps (use the words in red)