Контрольная работа по 1четверти

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MODULE1 Matchthe objects to the school subjects.

Atlas                Paints

Experiment Sportshoes

Dictionary        Calculator PC                      Piano

English   IT     Maths

Geography       Music

Science     PE    Art

1.     What are their favourite subjects?PE,Music, Maths, Art, Geography, Science, IT, History

1.      Jane likes computers.

2.      Dave can draw and pain.

3.      Max is a good football player.

4.      Kate can sing and play the piano really well.

5.      Harry knows a lot about countries and people.

6.      Mike likes to read about old times.

7.      Sam likes doing sums.

8.      Lily likes to learn about nature.

2.     Read the dialogues and fill in the gaps with the wordsfrom the box. One is extra.

Literature, subject, PE, school, like

         Sasha,what’s your favourite (1) ___ ? Maths?

         No,I love sports, so (2) ___ is my favourite. Do you (3) ___ Maths?

         No.I like reading. My favourite subject is (4) ___ .

3.     Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.

         Hi.I’m Jill.

         Hello,I’m Alex.

         Niceto (1) ___ you, Alex. Where are you (2) ___?

         I’mfrom Moscow, Russia. Are you from England?

         Yes,I (3) ___. How (4) ___ are you, Alex?

         I’mtwelve (5) ___ old.

4.     Fill in the right form of «be».

Dear David,

Hi! How are you? I (1) ___ fine. I (2) ___ at my newschool. It (3) ___ far from my home so I can walk there. It (4) ___ very bigand it (5) ___ great. I like my classmates. They (6) ___ very friendly.

I (7) ___ in class 5V. we have five lessons every day.The lessons (8) ___ very difficult so I have a lot of free time. My favouritesubject (9) ___ Maths. My Maths teacher (10) ___ very nice!

What about your school this year?

Best wishes,


5.      Readthe text. Choose the correct answer.

Hi Henry!

How are you? My name is Chris and I’mten years old. I go to Green School. My favourite subject is PE. I also likeHistory and English. I have a lunch break from 12:30 to 1:30 every day. Myfavourite day at school is Friday. I have History, English and PE on this day.

Well, that’s about it.

Please write soon and tell me aboutyour school.

Bye for now.


1.      Chrisis 9/10 years old.

2.      Chrisgoes to Yellow/Green School.

3.      Hisfavourite subject is Information Technology/Physical Education.

4.      Helikes Science and Maths/English and History too.

5.      Chrisstarts lunch at 12:30/1:30.

6.      Hisfavourite day at school is Friday/Thursday.

7.      Heasks Henry to tell him about his family/school.


Урок 10. ModularTest 1

Цель: проверить,как учащиеся усвоили языковой материал модуля 1.

Оборудование: копииконтрольных заданий.

Ход урока

I.       Организационный момент

·        Good morning, children! (Goodmorning!)

·        How are you? (Fine, thanks!)

·        Are you all here?

II.       Работа по теме урока

Выполнение контрольной работы

(Учащиеся выполняют контрольную работу № 1 из сборникаконтрольных заданий Spotlight Test Booklet 5. Учительтакже может предложить ученикам контрольные задания, приведенные ниже (2варианта).)

Вариант 1

1.    Choose the correct item.

1.    Where’s the English lesson? — In … B.

a) Class b) Room c) School

2.    Kate’s favourite subject is … .

a) maths b) school bag c) break

3.    What do we need for the science class? — You need a pencil,a ruler and….

a) a timetable b) a teacher c) an atlas

4.    This boy is new to the school. How old is he? — He’s….

a) twelve b) fine c) two

5.    The art class is… Tuesdays and Fridays.

a) in b) at c) on

6.    — …, mum! — Goodbye, Jane. See you later.

a) Goodbye b) Good evening c) Excuse me

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Paul and Steve are at secondary class

… is on the desk?


…is your PE teacher?


I haven’t got… in my a pencil case

2.    Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, isn’t or aren’t.

1.    .. they in Year 5? — No, they … .

2.    Wendy… eleven. She … ten.

3.    My name … John. I… at Merton secondary school.

4.    .. you good at PE? — Yes, I … .

5. Rita and Linda … best friends, but they … in thesame class.

3.    Circle the correct word.

1.    Are (I/you) new to the school? — No, (I/you) amnot.

2.    Mark and I are best friends. (He/We) are inClass B.

3.    Have you got (a/an) eraser in your pencil case?

4.    What’s this in English? — It’s (а/an) ruler.

5.    Is he at primary school? — (No/Yes), he isn’t.

4.    Translate the sentences into English.

1.    Урок английского языка в кабинете № 10.

2.    Какой твой любимый школьный предмет?

3.    Он новенький в нашем классе.

Вариант 2

1.    Choose the correct item.

1.    Where’s the history lesson? — In … B.

a) Room b) Class

2.    His favourite subject is … .

a) art b) pencil case

3.    You don’t need … for geography lesson,

a) a book b) a timetable

4.    This girl is new to the school. How old is she?

a) thirteen b) fine

5.    The art class is … Thursdays,

a) in b) at

6.    — Good morning, Miss Green! — …, David,

a) Goodbye b) Good morning

7.    My brother is at primary ….

a) class b) room

8.    .. is on the desk?

a) Where b) What

8.    .. is your English teacher?

a) What b) How

10. I’ve got a notebook in my … today, a) school bag b)blackboard

2. Fill in the gaps with amis, areisn’t or aren’t.

1.    .. Liz in Year 7? — No, she ….

2.    My sister… fifteen. She … sixteen.

3.    Their names … John and Paul. They … at primary school.

4.    .. you good at maths? — Yes, I….

5.    Cathy and I … best friends, but we … in the same class.

3. Circle the correct word.

1.    This is my school. (It/She) is Hillside secondaryschool.

2.    Mr Brown is my favourite teacher. (He/She) teaches IT.

3.    1 haven’t got (a/an) dictionary.

4.    Whats this in English? — It’s (a/an) eraser.

5.    Are they new to the school? — No, they (are/aren’t).

4.    Translate the sentences into English.

1.    Где проводится урок физкультуры?

2.    Кто твой любимый учитель?

3.    Она учится в 5 классе.

(Keys:Вариант 1

1.    lb, 2а, Зс, 4а, 5с, 6а, 7с, 8Ь, 9с, 10а.

2.    1 — Are, aren’t; 2 — isn’t, is; 3 — is, am;4 — Are, am; 5 — are, aren’t.

3.    1 — you, I; 2 — we; 3 — an; 4 — a; 5 — No.

4.    1 — The English class is in Room 10. 2 — What is yourfavourite school subject? 3 — He isnew to our class.

Вариант 2

1.    la, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5c, 6b, 7c, 8b, 9c, 10a.

2.    1 — Is, isn’t; 2 — is, isn’t; 3 — are, are; 4 — Are, am; 5— are, aren’t.

3.    1 — It; 2 — He; 3 — a; 4 — an; 5 — aren’t.

4.    1 — Where is the PE lesson? 2 — Who is your favouriteteacher? 3 — She is in Grade 5.)

III.       Подведение итогов урока

— Have you all finished? Leave your worksheets on my desk asyou go out.

(Ученики сдают работы на проверку.)

Today I’m not going to set you any homework.

He забудьте принести на следующий урок книгу длячтения

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