Shortterm plan 27
LESSON: Unit 3 Holidays and travel |
School: |
Theme: |
Present Continuous: affirmative and negative (p.25) |
Date: |
Teacher name: |
CLASS: 7 |
Number present: |
absent: |
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to |
7.C6 organize and present information clearly to others 7.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics |
Lesson objectives |
· recognize and use the affirmative and negative forms of the present continuous with teacher’s support · use the affirmative and negative forms of the present continuous · make simple texts about what is happening now; |
Language objectives
Learners can describe what is happening now. |
Assessment criteria |
· understand forming of affirmative and negative forms of the present continuous · make correct sentences with affirmative and negative forms of the present continuous. |
Values links |
Respect and cooperation by: · listening to each other; · helping each other. |
ICT skills |
Projector or Smart board, computer |
Intercultural awareness |
Students will be able to use and understand sentences in present continuous. |
Previous learning |
Learners are expected to know Present Continuous from previous grades. |
Planned timings |
Planned activities |
Resources |
0-3 minutes
Class routine. (The circle of joy) Learning and lesson objectives are introduced. In order to create friendly atmosphere in class Pupils should make a circle, touching each other with hands and say some wishes or warm words. I wish you…
3 min
2-3 min
2 min
4 min
2 min
5 min
5 min
6 min
4 min |
Vocabulary work. — Look at the sentences and complete them with words view, traditional, balcony, windows, holiday homes 1 The _____outside my bedroom is dangerous. Don’t stand on it! 2 Would you prefer a modern flat in the town centre, or a ______ house in the country? 3 The ____ from our roof is wonderful. You can see all of the city. 4 Many celebrities have ______ that they only visit once or twice a year. 5 My room has two large _________, so it’s light.
Checking home task WB p. 22 (differentiation), students describe their houses
Warm up. — Let us remember text on page 24. — Where is Jen sitting at the moment? — What is Britney doing in Europe? On the board: She is sitting in a Cadillac. She is looking for a holiday home. Представленная информация была полезной? ДА 61.03% НЕТ 38.97% Проголосовало: 1414 — These sentences use the present continuous because the actions are happening now.
Ex. 1, p.25 IW Checking. Answers. 1 ’re having 2 ’m sitting 3 isn’t living 4 is looking Rules.
Ex. 2, p.25
Students read the texts on page 24 again and find more examples. Individual students read these out. Answers:ANSWERS 1 We’re doing a tour of celebrity homes. 2 Britney isn’t sitting outside.
Ex. 3, p.25 PW. Check in class. Answers: 1 working 4 having 2 sitting 5 looking 3 living 6 putting
Ex. 4, p.25 IW Students read through the verbs in the box, listen to people doing different activities and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Answers: 1 ’s running 4 is calling 2 ’s writing 5 is crying 3 ’re sleeping
Formative assessment. Students complete the sentences using the present continuous form of the given verbs.(ex. 5, p25)
Ex. 6, p.25 Students read the example and write their sentences individually.
PPT slide
A text in the book
3 min |
Plenary Questions can be posed by the teacher, in pairs or groups. — Do you like today’s lesson? — Did you learn new words? Reflection: every pupil should say in which step he is. (ladder of success)
Home task (differentiation): Learn the prepositions, WB p.22: Ex 1,2, 3 – all level students Ex 4 – middle and high level students |
Additional information |
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? |
Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? |
Health and safety check |
Differentiation is present in hometask (to revise new material at home) |
Assessment is conducted by the teacher. Self-assessment is done by the learners as the teacher asks questions about what they have learnt and what they can do at the end of the lesson. |
Instruction about safety rules in the classroom. |
Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2: What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?