Мероприятие «По страницам произведений Марка Твена» в 10 классе.

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Мероприятие«По страницам произведений Марка Твена» в 10  классе.


Ведущий: Ladies and gentlemen!Let me start our party dedicated to Mark Twain, a famous American writer of the19th century. We want you to increase your knowledge andunderstanding of his books. Children and adults read them with great pleasureand want to have Mark Twain’s books at their home libraries. Let’s visit a bookshop to buy some books.


Girl: Hello! Is this abook-shop?

Book-seller: Yes, it is, andIm a book-seller. What can I do for you?

Girl: Have you got abook by Mark Twain? Id like to buy it.

Book-seller: Im sorry, littlegirl, but I have no Mark Twain today. I have Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev andothers.

Girl: But Mummy saysthat book-sellers always have Mark Twains books.

Book-seller: I told you that Ihave no books by Mark Twain today, little girl.

Girl: But Mummy saysthat book-sellers always have Mark Twains books. Here is the money for a bookby Mark Twain.

Book-seller: Little girl, Ihave no books by Mark Twain!

Girl: But Mummy saysthat…

Book-seller: Go away, littlegirl!

Girl: But Mummy says…

Book-seller: I tell you, goaway, little girl!



Good afternoon,dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our English party. Our party isdevoted to Mark Twain, a famous American writer. Some of his books are verypopular with the children in our country, in other countries of the world andin America, of course. Here are his stories: «The Prince and the Pauper»(1882), «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» (1883) and «The Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn» (1884), «A Connecticut Yankee to King Arthur’s Court» (1889),«Life on the Mississippi» (1863). These books are great favourites not onlywith the boys and girls all over the world but also with grown – up readers.


MarkTwain, whose real name was Samuel Clemens, was born in 1835 in the small townof Hannibal on the Mississippi River. His father was a lawyer. Little Samuelspend his childhood in his native town. He was a bright lively boy. He wentfishing and swimming to the river and he was the leader in all the boys’ games.Samuel had a lot of friends at school. And when he became a writer he describedthem in his stories.


WhenSamuel was eleven years old his father died leaving his wife and four childrenwith nothing. And the boy had to leave school and look for a work. He learnedthe profession of a printer. For some years Samuel worked as a printer for thetown newspaper and later for his elder brother, who at that time started asmall newspaper of his own. The two young men published it themselves. Samuelwrote short humorous stories and printed them in their newspaper.


WhenSamuel was a boy he dreamed of becoming a sailor. At the age of 20 he found ajob on a ship travelling up and down the Mississippi. Here on a ship he «found»his pen – name «Mark Twain». «Twain» means «two». «Mark Twain» was a call usedby steam boat men, meant the depth of 12 feet and that it was safe for the boatto move ahead. This work gave him the opportunity to get know a great dealabout life. He worked as a pilot for more than 4 years.


Laterhe used to speak about this time as the happiest period of his life «Life onthe Mississippi». Then the young man worked with the gold – miners inCalifornia for a year. Here he began to write stories about camp life and sentthem to newspapers under the name of Mark Twain. Mark Twain did not get a goodeducation but he knew the folk songs and tales of the Negroes who lived alongthe Mississippi River where he grew up.




2. We suggest youto sing a very popular song in America.


 When I was walkingalong the highway,
I saw above me the endless sky-way,

I saw below me thegolden valley,

This land is madefor you and me.

2. This land isyour land,
This land is my land,

From California tothe New York Island,

From the Red-WoodForest to the Gulfstream Waters.

This land is madefor you and me.



Themany professions that he tried gave Mark Twain knowledge of life and people andhelped him to find his true calling – that of a writer. Writing did not bringmuch money to Mark Twain, so he had to give lectures on literature and read hisstories to the public. He visited many countries and lived in England for along time. In spite of the fact that his life was so difficult, humour helpedto take it easy. Here’s a funny episode from his life.


Youare very attentive listeners. You know that Mark Twain wrote many books, so heimagined many characters. But the most favourite characters are Tom Sawyer, hisfriend Huckleberry Finn, Becky, his family and his friends.


Сцена4: «Том и Бекки»

Налавочке сидит Бекки. Том садится на другой конец лавочки и начинает что-торисовать, закрывая ладонью. Она пытаетсяпосмотреть картинку.


Becky: Letme see it. I like this house. It’s nice. Draw a man.

Tom: I’lltry.

(рисуети дает картинку Бекки)

Becky: It’sa handsome man. Now draw me coming along.

(Томрисует и показывает)

Tom: Doyou like it?

Becky: It’svery very nice. I wish I could draw.

Tom: It’seasy. I can teach you.

Becky: Oh,will you? When?

Tom: Atnoon. Do you go home to dinner?

Becky: Ishall stay if you will.

Tom: Good.What’s your name?

Becky: BeckyThatcher. What’s yours? Oh, I know. It’s Thomas Sawyer.

Tom: Yes,that’s the name they call me by when they punish me. I’m Tom when I’m good. Youcall me Tom, will you?

Becky: Yes.

(Том начинает что-то рисовать,закрывая рукой)

Becky: Tom,let me see what you have written.

Tom: Oh!It’s nothing!

Becky: Pleaselet me.

Tom: You’lltell.

Becky: No,I won’t.

Tom: Youwon’t tell anybody at all?

Becky: No,I won’t ever tell anybody. Now let me.

Tom: (reads) Ilove you.

Becky: Oh,you bad thing!



Сцена 2: «Том красит забор»

AuntPolly: Tom, go and whitewash the fence.

Tom: Oh,Auntie, I can’t. I’ll do it… tomorrow.

AuntPolly: Whitewash the fence, I say!

Ben: Whatare you doing?

Tom: Iam whitewashing the fence.

Ben: Doyou want to do it?

Tom: No,I don’t. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly didn’t let him.

Ben: Tom,do let me. I’ll give you my apple.

Tom: Allright.

Billy: Hello!What are you doing here?

Ben: Tomand I are whitewashing the fence.

Billy: Youdon’t think it’s interesting.

Ben: Wedo. Jim wanted to do it, but Aunt Polly didn’t let him.

Billy: Letme do some whitewashing.

Ben: No,I won’t.

Tom: Stopthat! Now it’s your turn to whitewash, Billy.


Tom: Nowit’s your turn to whitewash, Ben.


AuntPolly: Oh, it’s all done. You are a good boy, Tom. Now you may goand play.

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Tom: Hurrah!Let’s run to the river!

Boys: Hurrah!

Tom: Oh,Sid, Sid!



We have a filmversion of this funny episode. Watch it.



Who is Tom’s bestfriend? Of course you know. It’s Huckelberry Finn. Here they are.


Сцена 6: «Том и его лучшийдруг Гекельберри Финн»

Tom: Waita minute, please. You forgot to introduce my best friend Huckleberry Finn. Herehe is.

(появляется Гекельберри Финн скошкой)

Huck: Hello!

Tom: Whathave you got in your hand?

Huck: Adead cat.

Tom: Whatis it good for?

Huck: Youcan cure warts with it.

Tom: Isthat so? And how do you do it?

Huck: Youtake your cat and go to the graveyard about midnight. When it’s midnight adevil will come. You must throw your cat after him and say: «Devil, followcorpse, cat, follow devil, warts, follow cat»

Tom: Didyou ever try it, Huck?

Huck: No,but old Mother Hopkins told me.

Tom: Ithink it’s true. When will you try the cat, Hucky?

Huck: Tonight.

Tom: Letme do with you, will you?

Huck: Ofcourse. If you are not afraid.

Tom: Ofcourse not. Come and meow at my window. Like this:… meow, meow

Huck: Andyou meow back if you can like this… meow, meow

Tom: Allright. Oh, I’m late for school. Good – bye!

Huck: Good– bye!


Let’swatch anothe interesting extract and it’s film version.




As MarkTwain said later, many events in «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer» really happenedand the characters were from real life. In his books Mark Twain shows the joysand sorrows of children with such deep understanding and sympathy that readersalways see themselves in the characters. This book is «The Prince and the Pauper».


Сидит набольшом стуле принц, рядом стоит солдат. Подходит нищий Том, солдат отталкиваетего.

Soldier: Let outof here.

Prince: How can you dothat to the poor lad? Open the gates and let him in. What is your name? Haveyou parents?

Tom: Tom Canty, sir. Ihave parents. I also have a grand­mother and twin-sisters. I dont love mygrandmother. I cant forget her beatings.

Prince: How can she beatyou? I shall order to throw her into prison for that.

Tom: My mother is verygood to me and twin-sisters are like her.

Prince: I have sisters andcousins too. Do your sisters not let their servants smile either?

Tom: Sir, they haveonly one dress and no servants.

Prince: Im going to helpthem. Soon your sisters have many dresses and servants. Is your life hard orpleasant in Of­fal Court?

Tom: Its hard whenIm hungry. But it has many good things when I am not hungry. In summer wealways swim in river, we fight in the water. When the weather is fine we dance,sing and play in the sand, and we cover each other with it and then jump intothe water again.

Prince: Its wonderful Iam really to give my crown for a

day like that, meyour clothes and put on mine for some

time, so that Ican go to Offal Court and have a good time




Once upon a time,a very long time ago, there lived a young farmer (выходит фермер) with his oldfather and mother (под руку выходят родители) and his wife (выходит жена). They didntknow anything about many things which we have in our houses today. They werevery poor, so once the young man decided to go and look for work. (Ha плече у фермера рюкзак, родные провожают его.) Не was lucky andafter a time he came home with rich presents for everybody. (Входятфермер с сумкой и его родственники. Фермер всех обнимает и вытас­кивает изсумки подарки.)

Young farmer: Here is a presentfor you, Mother (дает кошелек). And this is foryou, Father (дает шапку). This is foryou, my dear wife (дает шелковое платье). AU (All inunison.) Thank you, my dear son! Thank you, my dear son! Thank you, my dearhusband!

Mother: Now, lets go andhave a dinner.

(Все уходят,коробка остается на столе.)

Входит жена.

Wife: I am so happy! Andwhat else is there in this box? My husband
says he has some more presents for us.

(Открываеткоробку, достает вещи и вдруг отступает в ужасе.)

Oh, good Heavens!My husband has brought a beautiful girl! He does not love me any more!


Входит отец.

Father: Now, now, dontcry. Perhaps youre wrong. Let me have a look at that girl (смотрит в коробку). But there is nogirl here at all! Its a man in the box! Not very young, but quite strong andhandsome. Stop crying, my dear!

(Успокаивает её.)

(Входит мать.)

Mother: What has happenedhere? My daughter, why are your eyes so red? Were you crying?

Father: Yes, she was , butfor no reason. Our son has brought a hand­some old man with him, and ourdaughter thought it was a girl. Ha — ha — ha!

Mother: A man? What man?Where?

Father: Here, in this box.

Mother: Let me see him (смотрит в коробку). Oh, but itisnt a man! It is an old and a rather ugly woman!

Father: Woman? Let me lookagain! (Смотрит в коробку.) A man, ofcourse, its a man!

Mother: Let me see! (Смотрит.) A woman! Do youthink I cant tell a man from a woman?

Начинают кричать: Its a man!

Its a woman!

Wife: Let me look now!

(Начинает плакать.)

Oh, you are wrong!Its a girl, so young and beautiful! Oh, dear!

(Входит фермер.)

Young farmer: Whats all thisnoise about?

(Они спорят):

  • A handsome man!
  • An ugly old woman!
  • A pretty young girl!

Young farmer: Oh, I see what itis (вытаскивает зеркало). Oh, you sillypeople! Its a looking glass.

You each sawyourself in it.

Its like a pieceof glass

But more valuablefor us

We shall need itnow and then

For a woman, for aman.

Mother: We must have ithere and there.

Father: When we shave ordo our hair.

Wife: Man or wife orbaby small -Our glass reflects them all!

All: Dont you cry, dontmake a fuss. Now we have a looking-glass!


Mark Twain is avery popular and very tallented American writer. His tallent of writing storiesis really great. A lot of generations of young people adore and love thiswriter. Marina Tsvetaeva a Russian poet devoted to Mark Twain her poem “Thebook in a red cover”. Our students will recite it.


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