Местоимения SOME, ANY, NO и их производные

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В утвердительных предложениях В вопросительных предложениях В отрицательных предложениях
some какой-то, несколько any какой-нибудь, сколько-нибудь no никакой, нисколько
something что-то, что-нибудь anything что-либо, что-нибудь nothing ничего
somebody, someone кто-то, кто-нибудь anybody, anyone кто-либо, кто-нибудь nobody, no one, none ни один, никто
somewhere где-нибудь, куда-нибудь anywhere где-либо, куда-либо nowhere нигде, никуда
somehow как-нибудь anyhow как-нибудь    
somewhat немного, в какой-то степени anyway в любом случае    

Ex.1. Прочитайте предложения, заменив русские местоимения английскими. Переведите.

(Я) am at the English lesson now.

(Он) is at home on Sundays.

(Они) are present today.

(Она) is a teacher of English at our Institute.

(Мы) are busy now.

(Ты) are my best friend.

(Вы) are first-year students.

Ex.2. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями.

Model: My father is a teacher. – He is a teacher.

1. Your sister is a journalist. 2. His brother is a driver. 3. His mother and father are doctors. 4. Her grandfather is a scientist. 5. Their grandparents are pensioners. 6. My mother is a dentist. 7. Our parents are artists. 8. Your cousin is a student. 9. Her grandmother is a pensioner. 10. Your brother is a manager.

Ex.3. Прочтите предложения, заменяя местоимения, данные в скобках, соответствующими английскими местоимениями.

1. Let’s meet (его) and (его) wife here. 2. We are glad to see (вас) and (ваших) friends. 3. Let (ему) go and see (ее) and (ее) new flat. 4. Will you take (нас) and (наших) students to your new school, please? 5. Let (мне) and (моему) friend read these English books. 6. Tell (им) and (их) students this news.

Ex.4. Замените личные местоимения притяжательными.

1. What is this? – This is (I) bag. 2. Is (he) textbook new or old? 3. These are (we) flowers and those are (they) apples. 4. These pictures are (they) and those are (he). 5. This house is high. (It) windows are large. 6. That is not (I) bag, that is (she) bag. 7. There is milk in (I) glass. 8. There is no salt on (we) table. 9 Are (they) dresses short or long? – They are short.

Ex.5. Раскройте скобки, используя абсолютную форму притяжательных местоимений. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. His English sounded as good as (their). 2. She looked into her room and came quickly back to (his). 3. His imagination was at least as active as (our). 4. He tried to rally himself, raising his eyes, attempting to beat down (her). 5. I shall make the court martial thoroughly understand that the fault was not (my). 6. With one quick move he sat upright. His eyes met (my).

Ex.6. Заполните пропуски нужными возвратными местоимениями.

1. I can’t understand it …. 2. Helen rose and threw … on the sofa. 3. If you need some more fruit, help … to it. 4. She wound … into their confidence. 5. Pull … together, sir. 6. Eliza glanced at her parents, and as they made no movement towards the hall accompanied her brother …. 7. He asked me for a photo of …. 8. Then go back and shut the door, my boy. Doors do not shut by …, do they? 9. I don’t understand German …. 10. He tried to rally ….

Ex.7. Поставьте предложения во множественное число, сделав соответствующие изменения.

Model: This is a book. – These are books.

That is a book. – Those are books.

1. This is a notebook. 2. This is a clip. 3. That is a pen. 4. This is an article. 5. That is a ruler. 6. This is a composition. 7. That is a pin. 8. This is a journal. 9. That is a disc. 10. This is a cassette.

Ex.8. Переведите следующие фразы на английский язык.

мой день, твой город, наша лаборатория, его друг, их улица, твоя сестра, тот трудный текст, эта остановка, эти маленькие квартиры, те остановки, их имена, его трудные дела, наши маленькие дети, мои лучшие друзья, те мужчины, эти женщины, наши города, те длинные тексты, мои ноги, их деньги, эта новость, наши семьи, те корабли, это письмо, та коробка, эти столы.

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Ex.9. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Он ваш старый знакомый. 2. Попробуйте сами эту микстуру. 3. В действительности, я никогда не был ее любимым учеником. 4. Это нелепое его замечание рассердило ее. 5. Она старалась сделать все сама, чтобы войти в его доверие. 6. Вам нельзя самой поднимать такие тяжелые вещи.

Ex.10. Заполните пропуски соответствующими неопределенными местоимениями.

1. I haven’t got … money with me. 2. I’m sorry but I didn’t have … time to translate the text. 3. He never makes … mistakes. 4. Nick says he has … English magazines. 5. There was … in the street at that time. 6. Have you passed … exams? 7. Unfortunately, I have … friends in Kiev. 8. Did he tell you … about the meeting? 9. She went … last night. 10. Sorry, but I can do … for you. 11. There were … newspapers on the table. 12. Have you taken … books from the library? 13. I think you have … news.14. I have never met him …. 15. He told me … about it. 16. I know … phoned her yesterday.

Ex.11. Вставьте much или many.

1. I don’t drink … milk. 2. How … bread is there on the table? 3. There weren’t … people at the party yesterday. 4. Did you spend … time on your English exercises? 5. He writes … letters to his parents. 6. How … did you pay for your new suit? 7. I like … sugar in my tea. 8. There are … pupils in the classroom. 9. I read this article … times. 10. He drank … cups of coffee today. 11. She doesn’t know … English words. 12. We learnt … grammar rules last week. 13. She hasn’t … money with her. 14. She made … sandwiches.

Ex.12. Вставьте little, a little, few, a few.

1. Does anybody know French here? I can speak …. 2. There is … light in the room because the window is too small. 3. He couldn’t answer our questions at once and promised to do it in … hours. 4. … time is left, but we can still wait … minutes for him. 5. Only … days were sunny in October. 6. There are many English books in our library but very … French ones. 7. I don’t need a lot of money, just …. 8. Not many people came – just …. 9. He did … to help us, which was not very friendly. 10. She was tired and had … to say. 10. He spends only … of his time in London.

Ex.13. Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужный вариант.

a) Is (anybody/somebody) there?

b) Is (anything/something) wrong with you?

c) I cant find (any/some) butter, but I have (any/some) oil.

d) I havent got (anything/something) nice to put on tomorrow.

e) Give me (any/some) apples, please.

f) Ann, come here quickly, (anybody/somebody) wants to speak to you.

g) John wants to tell us (anything/something).

h) Could I have (any/some) coffee, please?

i) Look, there is (anybody/somebody) in the garden!

j) Is there (anything/something) I can do for you?

k) Do you have (any/some) pets?

1) Do you have (any/some) brothers?

m) I have many photos of Emma, but I cant find (any/some) of them now.

n) If there is (any/some) butter left, put it into the fridge.

0) I dont think we can do (anything/something) for him now. Its too late.

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