Методическаяразработка по теме «Описание городов»
Describing towns
Задание1. Прочтите короткий текст о типичном английском городке. Затем потренируйтесьв употреблении новых фраз, попробуйте составить аналогичный рассказ о городе,который вам хорошо знаком.
AnEnglish town.
Cheimlsfordis a small town about 35 miles west from London. Most of the buildings inCheimlsford are at least 100 years old. You can see the Cheimlsford Cathedralhere,it is about 100 years old, and a lot of houses are the same age. NewStreet is one of the oldest streets. It is full of antique shops,pubs, museumsand a hotel. New Street Works is the most famous factory in this street, it wasopened in 1911.Now it is a big Radio Factory.
Butnot all the buildings in the town are old, the town hall is a very modernbuilding, there two modern shopping centers and a very new sports center. Thetown has a local football club. There are some restaurants in Cheimlsford andmany shops. Every Friday, there is a market in the town.
Thecommunications in Cheimlsford are very good. There are two railway stations,with lines going north to London, east to Gatwick, the second airport ofLondon. In 2012 Cheimlsford was granted city status.It is a very beautiful andcosy town.
Задание2. Опираясь на содержание приведенного выше текста, подберите английскийперевод слов на русском языке.
1at least a паб
2full b пути сообщения
3antique shops c спортивный центр
4pub d как минимум
5modern e полный
6new f антикварные магазины
7sports center g рынок
8market h аэропорт
9communication I современный
10airport j новый
Задание3.Ответьте на вопросы, относящиеся к тексту о Чемлсфорде.
1How far is Cheimlsford from London?
2How old is the Cheimlsford Cathedral?
3Where can you find antique shops?
4New Street is one of the oldest streets, is not it?
5What is the most famous factory in this street?
6How many modern shopping centers are there?
7Which day is market day?
8Is there a local football club?
9What can you say about the communications in Cheimlsford ?
10What is Gatwick?
11When was Cheimlsford granted city status?
Задание4. По образцу описания Челмсфорда напишите небольшой рассказ о российскомгороде, который вам хорошо знаком.
ARussian Town
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Задание 5. Ищем слова по теме «Города»
Найдите десять слов, относящихся к теме «Города»
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