Методические рекомендации по использованию пословиц и поговорок на уроках английского языка

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Методическиерекомендации по использованию пословиц и поговорок на уроках английского языка


учительанглийского языка

МОАУ«СОШ №57» г. Оренбурга


Данные рекомендации  могут быть использованы студентами отделения «Иностранный  язык»,проходящих активную практику в качестве учителя  английского   языка  в школе иучителями английского языка. Основная цель  методических   рекомендаций  –раскрыть приемы работы с  пословицами   и   поговорками   на   уроках  английского   языка; доказать их  использование, для развития навыковговорения; для углубления знаний по разделам грамматики; для развития  и совершенствования наблюдательности учащихся, чувства  языка, переводческихумений.

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Teacher: You should readthe texts to yourself, match the proverb with the text. There is only one extraproverb. Let’s read them aloud and check.

1. There is no place like home. Нет места подобного дому.

a) British nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe. It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system, their weights and measures.

2. Home is home though it be never so homely. Своя земля и в горсти мила.

b)The British prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats, because he doesn’t wish his doing to be overlooked by his neighbours.  The British people are prudent and careful about almost everything. Their lawns are cropped; their flower beds are primly cultivated. Everything is orderly.

3. When in Rome do as the Romans do. — В каком народе живешь, того обычая и держись.

c) Patriotism is a feeling of support for the country you live in. It’s when people feel proud of their country and are ready to defend it anytime. Being a patriot is important for every citizen. It cultivates the spirit of peace and love, creates inner harmony. In my opinion, the person who is proud of his family and friends, his surrounding and neighborhood, his city and country, feels much happier that the one who is constantly complaining. That’s why I think that being a patriot is good. Patriots are ready to do a lot for their country. They can write a book praising their motherland or sing a patriotic song.


Loving one country doesn’t mean that one should hate others. All countries are motherland to certain groups of people, as well as every human being in the world has a motherland. It’s the place where he was born and grew up. A true patriot loves every street and every historic site in his city.

4. An Englishmans house is his castle. Мой доммоя крепость.

d) A large, detached house not only ensures privacy. It is also a status symbol. At the extreme end of the scale there is the aristocratic “stately home” set in acres of garden. Of course, such a house is an unrealistic dream for most people. But even a small detached house, surrounded by garden, gives the required suggestion of rural life which is dear to the hearts of many British people. Most people would be happy to live in a cottage, and if this is a thatched cottage, reminiscent of a pre-industrial age, so much the better.

5. Unbidden guests are welcome when they are gone. — Непрошеным гостям радуются, когда они уже ушли.


e) Almost everybody in Britain dreams of living in a detached house; that is, a house which is a separate building. The saying “________” is well known. It illustrates the desire for privacy and the importance attached to ownership, which seem to be at the heart of the British attitude to housing.

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6. Every dog is a lion at home.Каждая собакалев дома.






Teacher: On your desks youcan find texts. You should read them to yourself then fill in the gaps withproper proverb. Only one proverb will be odd. Let’s check the task. Let’s readit.

a. He has no home whose home iseverywhere.

b. Every dog is a lion at home

c. An Englishmans house is his castle.

d. Home is home though it be never sohomely.

e.There isno place like home.



British people love their homes and often say “     1      “. 

In the UK there are a lot of TV programs about houses.One program, called ‘Changing rooms’ is very popular. One family or coupletakes a room in another family’s house and they change the look of the room.Sometimes they change it completely, changing the furniture and the style.Sometimes the people who live there are very happy with the new room, sometimesit does not suit their taste and they don’t like the changes at all. That’s whythey follow such a rule as 2’.

There are various types of housing in Britain. These range from the traditional thatched cottages to modern blocks of flats inthe cities. Houses are often described by the period they were built in, forexample, Georgian, Victorian, 1930’s or post-war. They are also described bythe type of house they are. A terraced house is a house joined to anotherhouse. A semi-detached house is two houses joined together. A detached house isa house which has no houses attached to it. A bungalow is a one story house,and the word comes from hindi, the Indian language. The word was introducedinto Britain during the British occupation of India. British houses arealso described by the number of bedrooms they have, e.g. 3 or 4 bedrooms.

British houses are usually built of brick.Semi-detached houses are usually in the suburbs, which are near the towncentre. Terraced houses and blocks of flats are mostly in the town centre.These are often the inner city areas which have the poorest people and thehighest crime. Although not always, it depends on whether it is a working classarea, or a middle class area. Also the area may have changed over time from anarea of rich people to an area of poor people. In such cases (for example, NewCross in London), the big Georgian and Victorian houses have been divided upinto lots of flats. Where one large house would have had one family and someservants, it may now have 5-10 families. So, British people are faithfulwherever they live, they consider that “   3 “.

Most British people love gardens, and this is onereason why so many people prefer to live in houses rather than flats. Actually,about 80% of British people live in houses. About 67% of British people owntheir houses or flats.

Almost everybody in Britain dreams of living in adetached house; that is, a house which is a separate building. The saying    4     ’’ is well known. It illustrates thedesire for privacy and the importance attached to ownership, which seem to beat the heart of the British attitude to housing.



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