ISSN 1054-660X, Laser Physics, 2008,Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 768–773. INTERACTION OF LASER RADIATION
© MAIK“Nauka/Interperiodica” (Russia), 2008.
Original Text © Astro, Ltd., 2008. WITH MATTER
PhaseControl of the Excitation of a Two-Level System with Short Laser Pulses
M. G.Arustamyan and V. A. Astapenko*
MoscowInstitute of Physics and Technology, Institutskii per. 9, Dolgoprudnyi, Moscowoblast, 141700 Russia
Received December 18, 2007
Abstract—The possibility of the phase control for the excitation of a quantumsystem in the discrete spectrum under the action of a short high-intensitylaser pulse with a controlled phase is theoretically analyzed. The analysis isperformed using the example of the simplest two-level system (TLS) employing anumerical solution to equations for the optical Bloch vector. It isdemonstrated that the excitation probability and the mean dipole moment of thequantum system, which determine the normal luminescence and the superradiancein the TLS ensemble, respectively, substantially depend on the phase of thelaser pulse for relatively short and powerful