План-конспект по английскому языку на тему: Urban transport

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Тема: «Городской транспорт»




Основные понятия и термины по теме:  vehicle (транспортное средство), car (машина), bus/coach(автобус), truck / lorry (грузовик), tram (трамвай), motorcycle (мотоцикл), bicycle/bike/cycle (велосипед), passenger vehicle(легковой автомобиль), trolleybus (троллейбус),  scooter (скутер/мотороллер), electric train (электричка),van (фургон), a double-decker bus(двухэтажный автобус), сargo/freight truck (грузовой автомобиль).

Задания для самостоятельного выполнения на занятии(аудиторная самостоятельная работа):


1. Warmup:



2. Look through the definition of transport:

Urban transport is a kind of systemwhere in different means are provided for the people to travel or move from oneplace to another conveniently. Transport is not confined (не ограничивается) to any single meanrather there are so many different types of transportation which are necessaryto keep the day to day tasks on track. For instance, we need to have open,unobstructed roadways to reach our destinations on time. Similarly, subways andpublic transportation are extremely important to carry out city operations.School buses, trucks, barges and rails all have an important role to play inperforming our daily tasks.


3. Find in the text:

v выполнить повседневныезадачи;

v перемещаться из одногоместа в другое;

v беспрепятственныедороги;

v сыграть важную роль в выполнениинаших ежедневных задач;

v добраться до местаназначения


4. Do you agree than automobiles & trucks are the majorsources to travel? Read the text below:

There is a class of people in UnitedStates that think that the automobile will never be appreciated so well tobecome a major mean of transportation in the country. The automobiles areperhaps one of the major sources to travel across the country. Also, the carsare not only the major mean of transportation in the country but it is also usedwidely all over the world. Interestingly, United States is holding the topmostposition all over the world for passenger vehicles. According to the estimatesgiven by the Department of Transportation, there were more than 254 millionregistered vehicles recorded until 2007. An interesting fact here is that thenumber of licensed drivers is far less than the number of registered vehicles.This is perhaps one of the major reasons for increasing traffic on the roads.The cyclic increase in the oil prices and the deteriorating conditions ofeconomy however, has forced many drivers to alter their driving habits.

Along with automobiles, you have to keepin mind the cargo or freight trucks that share a road with you. Cargo orfreight trucks are the means to transport goods from one place to another.These are basically the strength of the US economy. It is clear that with anincrease in population, the demands for the goods also increase. Someinteresting figures are provided by Federal Highway Administration which showsthat over 53 million tons of cargos are transported daily and that too of worthnear $36 billion. Freight trucks transport anything ranging from consumer goodsto industrial equipments.

We can expect a considerable increase inthe number of vehicles and trucks travelling on the American roads in future.According to Federal Highway Administration, the numbers will increase 30percent by 2035.


5. True or false:

ÿ      According to the estimates givenby the Department of Transportation, there were less than 254 millionregistered vehicles recorded until 2007.

ÿ      The automobiles are one of themajor sources to travel across the country.

ÿ      According to Federal HighwayAdministration, the numbers will increase 20 percent by 2035.

ÿ      Cargo or freight trucks are themeans to transport people from one place to another.

ÿ      United States is holding thetopmost position all over the world for passenger vehicles.


6. Use the adjectives to describe the means of urban transport:


Let’s talkabout    TRANSPORT:




ex: The car is rather expensive but comfortable mean of the urbantransport.


7. Work in pairs. You’ll tell your partner youropinion on different means of urban transport. What means of urban transport isyour favourite and why? You can have a plan of your talk on these cards:


MODEL: My favourite means of urban transport  is a bikebecause I don’t get stuck in traffic, it’s free and it keeps you fit.


You don’t have to stand in line for tickets or look at bus schedules.

It can take me to just about any place I want to go

You can get to any place at any time

You can take as much luggage as you want.

You are free to go where you want whenever you want

It helps avoid crowded public transport

It gives us freedom

You can travel when you want and to where you want without thinking about tickets and timetables.

It’s fantastic to speed along the road.

It’s usually the fastest way to travel

you do not get stuck in traffic, it is free and it keeps you fit.

because it is a fast way to travel and you can look out at the beautiful countryside.
      It’s usually a fast way to travel
      to get stuck in traffic-
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Задания для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы (домашнеезадание):

выучить ЛЕ по теме

Формы и методы контроля внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы:

словарный диктант


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