Planning advertising campaign.

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Nowadays advertising is a very important part of our life. Almost everywhere we can hear: “Advertising is the engine of commerce”. It means that all companies, firms, organizations have to advertise their products and services to be competitive and successful.

So, what are the key elements of a really good advertising campaign?

Nowadays the most important thing is to be able to gain the consumer’s attention. Companies have to cut through all the competition and the competitive clutter and they have to be able to involve their target audience. Moreover, you have to have a very clear point of view, have to be very single minded in what you need to say. That is generally the key to a good advertising campaign.

And it starts before you would ever see anything on TV or hear it on the radio. The early stages are in discussion with your clients, and in that process you would develop a marketing strategy. Then you need to understand in details your target audience: what motivates them, how they think and feel about the communication.

And then you should pull all those pieces together and develop a creative brief and make the communication campaign.

So, in the conclusion I want to say that a successful advertising campaign takes time and patient and money that a company spends on advertising will repay considerably.




The concept of leadership.

Are leaders born or made?

Leadership is needed at all levels of organization. A typical definition is that the leader provides direction and influences others to achieve common goals. It’s true, but a Chief Executive must do much more than that. The leader of a large company needs to do three things. Firstly, to create a picture of where the whole team to be going. The second aspect is inspiration, which is very personal quality, but great leaders manage to inspire people that they work with. And thirdly, it’s momentum. They manage to create a momentum and make sure that people are moving forward with their various projects.

I think that good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower you can become an effective leader. Good leaders developed through a never ending process of self study, education, training and experience. The way the leaders development there skills is 70, 20, 10, which means the 70 percent of the way
they develop is on the job, 20 percent is through coaching by smb else and only 10 percent is by training. Leaders need to experience a lot of different types of activity, lots of different roles and lots of different challenges to lead people in different situation.

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Also there are three basic ways to explain how people become leader. This theories are:

The Trait theory. Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership role.

The Great Events theory. A crisis or important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which brings out extraordinary leadership qualities in an ordinary person.

The Transformational Leadership theory. People can choose to become leader, they can learn leadership skills.

To cut a long story short, respected leaders concentrate on three things: on what they are (such as beliefs and character), what they know (such as job, tasks and human nature) and what they do (such as implementing, motivating and providing direction).


Leadership styles

Leadership is needed at all levels of organization. A typical definition is that the leader provides direction and influences others to achieve common goals. It’s true, but a Chief Executive must do much more than that. The leader of a large company needs to do three things. Firstly, to create a picture of where the whole team to be going. The second aspect is inspiration, which is very personal quality, but great leaders manage to inspire people that they work with. And thirdly, it’s momentum. They manage to create a momentum and make sure that people are moving forward with their various projects.

Also, there are three basic styles of leadership: autocratic, democratic and free rein. No particular style of leadership s best in all situations.

Autocratic leaders make all the decisions and then tell employees what must be done and how to do it. An advantage of autocratic leadership is that it allows managers to make decisions quickly because they don’t have to consider input from a lot of people. It’s major disadvantage is its disregard to the ideas of employees. However, the autocratic style of leadership can be very effective when employees are unskilled, untrained or unmotivated.

Democratic leaders allow their employees to get involved in decisions. He presents a decision of situation to subordinates and encourages them to express opinion and contribute ideas. After that he considers the employees’ points of view and makes decisions.

Free-rein leaders let their employees to work without much interference. Such leaders set performance standards and allow subordinates to find their own ways to meet them. The free-rain style of leadership can be a powerful motivator because it shows a great deal of trust and confidence in the employee.

In the conclusion, the effectiveness of these three styles depends on several factors: the type of employees, the abilities of the manager and others.


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