Практическое занятие по английскому языку Мышцы,ткани

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1. What do you know about muscles?


1.1. Read the information below andfind the answers to the following questions.

1.     Whyare muscles important?

2.     Whatare muscles?

3.     DoI have lots of muscles?

4.     Whattypes of muscles are there?

5.     Whatdo muscles do?

6.     Howdo muscles move?

7.     Canyou hurt muscles?


1.2.Pay attention to the new words for better understanding.

1.     tissue–  ткань

2.     elongatedcells – удлиненные клетки

3.     contraction(contract) – сокращение (сокращаться)

4.     majorreasons – главные причины

5.     propel– двигать(ся), приводить в движение

6.     motion(movement) – движение

7.      move– двигаться

8.     makeup – образовывать, составлять

9.     voluntary(involuntary)– произвольно (непроизвольно) сокращающийся

10. mend –  заживать,поправляться

11.  striated muscles– поперечнополосатые мышцы

12. smooth muscles – гладкиемышцы

13. cardiac muscles – сердечныемышцы

14. attach – прикрепляться

15. tendon – сухожилие

A.  Muscleis a tissue composed of bundles of elongated cells capable of contractionand relaxation to produce movement in an organ or a part of the body.


B.   Musclesare very important for two major reasons:1. Muscles are theengine that our bodies use to propel ourselves. They turnenergy into motion. 2. It would be impossible for you to do anythingwithout your muscles.


C.   Musclessimply move you! Without muscles you couldnt open your mouth, speak,shake hands, walk, talk, or move your food through your digestive system. Therewould be no running, climbing, smiling, blinking and breathing. The fact is,without muscles, you wouldnt be alive for very long.


D.  Onaverage, 40% of your body weight is in muscles. You have over 650 muscles thatmove you.


E.   Thecells that make up muscles contract and then relax back to original size. Thecells of your muscles use chemical energy from the food you eat to do this.Without food, and particular kinds of nutrients, your muscles wouldnt be ableto make the energy to contract. Muscles can be voluntary and involuntary.Voluntary muscles are muscles that you can move whenever you want to.Involuntary muscles contract and relax automatically inside your body. Wecannot control our involuntary muscles.


F.    Yes.If you hear someone says that they have pulled a muscle, they have,in fact, torn a muscle in the same way that you can tear a ligament or break abone. And, like other living body parts, they generally mend themselves.


G.  Thereare three types of muscles: striated muscles, smooth muscles and cardiacmuscles. Smooth muscles make up the walls of the internal organs andcontrol their movement. They are involuntary muscles. Striated muscles movebones. They muscles work in pairs. When one contracts, the other relaxes. Thesemuscles are attached to bone by tendons. They are voluntarymuscles. Cardiac muscles make up the heart and control its contractions.

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2.Make up the vocabularyto the topic “Muscles”. Find the English equivalents of the given words.

1.    способныйна что-либо

2.    превращать энергиюв движение

3.    быть живым

4.    первоначальный размер

5.    расслабляться автоматически

6.    «потянуть» мышцу

7.    порвать связку

8.    сломать кость

9.    стенки внутренних органов

10.контролировать движение


3.Write out all theactions from the text which you couldn’t do without muscles


I couldn’t speak / …


4. Fill in the tableaccording to the types of muscles


Smooth muscles

Striated muscles

Cardiac muscles


1.    Theyare special fibrous tissues of the body.

2.    Theyare involuntary muscles.

3.    Theyare voluntary muscles.

4.    Theyare attached to bones by tendons.

5.    Theymake up the walls of the internal organs.

6.    Theymanipulate the bones of the skeleton.

7.    Theycontrol the contractions of the heart.

8.    Theycontract and relax automatically inside your body.

9.    Youcan move these muscles when you want.

10.Theyturn energy into motion.

11.Thesemuscles work in pairs: when one contracts, the other relaxes.

12.Thesemuscles make up the heart.


5.Speak about muscles.


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