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  • Catherine

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    Catherine II the Great was born on May 2, 1729 in Prussia. Catherine II is the Empress and autocrat of All-Russia and the monarch of consecrated absolutism.The daughter of the Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst, Catherine ascended to the throne as a result of a palace coup against her husband, Peter III, who soon died under unclear circumstances (perhaps he was killed).
    The Catherine era was marked by the maximum enslavement of peasants and the comprehensive expansion of the privileges of the nobility.Under Catherine the Great, the borders of the Russian Empire were significantly extended to the west (sections of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) and to the south (the annexation of Novorossiya, Crimea, and partly the Caucasus).
    Mother — Johanna Elizabeth, the family tree of Johanna Elizabeth goes back to Christian I, King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the first Duke of Schleswig-Holstein and the founder of the Oldenburg dynasty.

  • In

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    In the family of the Duke of Zerbst, Catherine received a home education. She studied English, French and Italian, dance, music, the basics of history, geography, theology. She grew up a frisky, inquisitive, playful girl, loved to flaunt her courage in front of the boys. The parents were unhappy with their daughters boyish behavior, but they were satisfied that Frederica took care of her younger sister Augusta. Her mother called her Fike as a child.
    Sofia first saw her future husband, Pyotr Fedorovich, in the Eytinsky Castle in 1739.
    Russian Russian language, history, Orthodoxy, and Russian traditions began to be studied immediately after her arrival in Russia, as she sought to get to know Russia as fully as possible, which she perceived as a new homeland. On June 28 (July 9), 1744, Sophia Frederica Augusta converted from Lutheranism to Orthodoxy and received the name of Ekaterina Alekseevna, and the next day she was betrothed to the future emperor.

  • On

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    On September 20 (October 1), 1754, Catherine gave birth to her son Pavel. The baby was immediately taken away from his mother by the will of the reigning Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, and Catherine was deprived of the opportunity to raise her son, allowing only occasionally to see him. The Grand Duchess saw her son for the first time only 40 days after giving birth. After the birth of Pavel, relations with Peter and Elizabeth Petrovna finally deteriorated. Peter called his wife spare madam and openly took mistresses.
    She had 4 children:Anna Petrovna, Alexey Grigoryevich Bobrinsky, Pavel I Nameless, Elizabeth Grigoryevna Temkina.


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    Order of Saint Catherine (February 10 (21), 1744)
    Order of St. Andrew the First-Called (June 28 (July 9) 1762)
    Order of St. Alexander Nevsky (June 28 (July 9) 1762)
    Order of Saint Anne (June 28 (July 9) 1762
    Order of St. George 1st art. (November 26 (December 7) 1769)
    Order of St. Vladimir 1st art. (September 22 (October 3) 1782)
    Prussian Order of the Black Eagle (1762)
    Swedish Order of the Seraphim (February 21 (March 4) 1763)
    Polish Order of the White Eagle (1787)

  • IN

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    Stamp of the Russian Empire, 1913 14 kopecks. Catherine II.
    In 2004, the Russian Post issued a series of stamps: The History of the Russian State.
    275 years since the birth of Catherine II.Russian Postal Unit, 2014.
    250 years of the foundation of the State Hermitage Museum.
    Paintings by V. L. Borovikovsky Catherine II on a walk in Tsarskoye Selo Park (1794, GTG).
    The inscription at the bottom of the block reads: The beginning of the Hermitage collection was laid in 1764, when Catherine II acquired 225 paintings.

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  • Until

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    Until the end of her life, Catherine the Great wrote with mistakes and spoke Russian with a noticeable accent.
    When an epidemic broke out in Moscow in 1771, and the city was quarantined, the Empress ordered to hide this fact in every possible way, and to accuse everyone who talks about the epidemic of lying and discredit.
    She especially liked cigars.
    Catherine II masterfully mastered bone and wood carving, knitting, embroidery and metal engraving.

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  • Death

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    Death of the Empress
    On November 5, 1796, Catherine got up, as usual, at 7 a.m., drank coffee, then went to the wardrobe, where she never stayed for more than 10 minutes. On this day, she did not leave there for more than half an hour. The valet Tyulnin thought that the Empress had gone for a walk to the Hermitage and told Prince Zotov about it. However, later, after examining the wardrobe with the empresss outerwear, he became restless and after a few minutes decided to go into the wardrobe. There he found the Empress unconscious, almost lying on the floor with her eyes closed, her complexion was purple, wheezing could be heard from her throat. Because of the dislocation, the heavy body of the empress was put not on the bed, but next to her, on a red morocco mattress from the sofa. The court physician Englishman Rogerson and the doctors who came for him came to the conclusion that the blow was to the head and fatal.At nine oclock in the morning on November 6, 1796, the life physician Rogerson informs Pavel about the impending death of the empress. With his wife, sons Alexander and Konstantin, the Grand Duke approaches the headboard of the dying woman. The clock struck a quarter past nine, when, without regaining consciousness, Catherine the Great breathed her last.After the death of the Empress, Paul ordered her to be buried together with Peter III; the grave of the latter was opened, Paul put a crown on his fathers head, after which Catherine and Peter III were buried together in the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

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Поделиться статьей(Выдержка из Чемпионата Днепропетровской области по «Что? Где? Когда?» среди юношей (09.11.2008) Редакторы: Оксана Балазанова, Александр Чижов) [Указания ведущим:

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Поделиться статьейЛитейные дефекты — понятие относительное. Строго говоря, де­фект отливки следует рассматривать лишь как отступление от заданных требований. Например, одни

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Введение. Псковская Судная грамота – крупнейший памятник феодального права эпохи феодальной раздробленности на Руси

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Поделиться статьей1. Псковская Судная грамота – крупнейший памятник феодального права эпохи феодальной раздробленности на Руси. Специфика периода феодальной раздробленности –

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Нравственные проблемы современной биологии

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Поделиться статьейЭтические проблемы современной науки являются чрезвычайно актуальными и значимыми. В связи с экспоненциальным ростом той силы, которая попадает в

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Семейство Первоцветные — Primulaceae

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Поделиться статьейВключает 30 родов, около 1000 видов. Распространение: горные и умеренные области Северного полушария . многие виды произрастают в горах

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Вопрос 1. Понятие цены, функции и виды. Порядок ценообразования

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Поделиться статьейЦенообразование является важнейшим рычагом экономического управления. Цена как экономическая категория отражает общественно необходимые затраты на производство и реализацию туристского

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