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УМК «Spotlight»- 6, Unit 3A

«Road Safety»

Тема: «Безопасность надороге».

Класс: 6

Практическаяцель: Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков


— формировать уучащихся уважение к принятым в обществе нормам и правилам дорожногодвижения, умение соблюдать правила, уважать закон;

— создавать условиядля формирования коммуникативной культуры (умения работать в парах, группах,учебном коллективе);

— формироватьпотребности и способности к сотрудничеству.


— развивать навыкиграмотного логически связного изложения мысли;

— развиватьаудитивные умения и навыки;

— развивать умениевысказывать свое мнение и обосновывать свою точку зрения;

— развиватьязыковую догадку.

—  развиватьумения во всех видах речевой деятельности;

—  развиватьумения систематизировать новые лексические единицы для их осознанного усвоения (используя  spidergrams


— систематизацияязыковых знаний;

— формированиеумений и навыков коллективного речевого взаимодействия;

— автоматизациялексических навыков освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новыелексические единицы по теме «Виды транспорта, правила дорожного движения»;

— автоматизацияграмматических навыков (освоить образование форм повелительного наклонения);

— обеспечитьпрактическую направленность обучения.

Методы обучения: репродуктивный,продуктивный, проблемный, частично-поисковый

Оснащение урока: компьютер (видео),мультимедийный проектор, экран, колонки доска, магниты, рабочие листы учащихся(раздаточный материал).



Stage Aim

Речевая деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся и ее результат

Формы взаимодействия/время /Interaction patterns / Timing

Stage 1





to introduce the topic


to activate prior knowledge about the topic of the lesson



— Hello! Glad to see you! How are you? Sit down, please.

— I would like to see your smiling faces

— I want you to relax, enjoy and have fun today on our lesson. If you have a question, just raise your hand and say “Help me!”


-Good Morning! Glad to see you, too! We are fine, thank you!




Whole class,

3 min





Phonetic Warming Up.



Let’s listen to me and then we will read one by one

0k, Very good








Watch the video and guess, what we are going to talk about.



-Today we’re going to do different tasks, and they all will be connected with the topic of the lesson. Would you like to know the topic of our lesson?

-Look at the picture. What can you see? What is this girl doing?

That`s right! It is road safety. We know much about transport and signs. But it is very important to be safe on the roads. Today we will speak how to be safe on the road and make the instruction .

She is reading/ playing her phone/ texting/ writing, etc

She is wearing a seat belt

-It’s road safety.




Stage 2





to practice the vocabulary on the topic


to practice students’ communicative skills


And look at this picture. Name all things that you know

-All right! Let’s start!

p.26 ex1.

Which of these things can you see on the road (on your way to school)?

 (работа с электронной доской)

Well done!

You have cards. Look at them, please. Read and match the word and the picture.

You are smart and know this.

Now, let’s look at these pictures and translate them

(на слайдах картинки с фразами из упр.2)

What is dangerous and what is safe on the roads?

Put the marks

You have 4 min to think and then we’ll check.

На доске магнитами прикреплены листы бумаги с фразами:

·         wear a seat belt

·         walk straight across the road

·         walk on the pavement

·         look both ways when you cross the road

·         talk to the driver

·         cross between parked cars

·         look for a zebra crossing

·         push others when you enter the bus

·         lean out of the window

·         run onto the road

Go to the blackboard and

place the sentences correctly

Use “It’s safe to, it’s dangerous to”.



Well done!



Now, stand up, turn around, look at the celling, look at the floor, look at your right neighbour, look at your left neighbour, clap your hands, stomp your feet, close and open your eyes, sit down, please.

Tell me please, what type of the sentences did I say?

Yes, you are right. Let’s remember when we use them. We form the imperative by using the bare infinitive of the verb at the beginning of the verb at the beginning of the sentence. We form the negative of the imperative with don’t. We use the imperative to give instructions, commands.

Well, do ex.3

Use the phrases in ex.2 to give instructions on road safety. Work in groups. You have 2 min to do the task.



Thank you very much!




— Parking zone


Traffic sign

Traffic warden

Zebra crossing


Traffic lights

Yellow lines







Обучающиеся в группах обсуждают, потом один представитель от группы подходит к доске и прикрепляет магнитами листы с предложениями. Затем вслух читают их.

·         It’s dangerous to walk straight across the road.

·         It’s safe to look both ways before crossing the road.

·         It’s dangerous to run onto the road.

·         It’s dangerous to talk to the driver.

·         It’s safe to walk on the pavement.

·         It’s dangerous to lean out of the window.



Представленная информация была полезной?
Проголосовало: 1132





-The imperative











When on the street look both ways before crossing. Don’t run onto the road.

When in the car wear a seat belt. Sit in the back if you are under 12.

When on the bus don’t talk to the driver and don’t lean out of the window.




Whole class

2 min






In pairs

3 min














In groupswhole class

8 min


















Whole class

4 min



In groups/whole class

3 min

Stage 3




to develop communicative skills

to develop reading skills

to develop speaking skills


p.26 ex.4 Be safe on the road. (expert jigsaw)

Let’s check your homework. At home you read the text. Look at it. There are 4 parts. Every group will speak about your own part. The first group discuss about the first part, the second group-the second part, etc. You have 2 min. Name your part and discuss about the plot. You have 1 min.

Now, make expert groups. (the same roles of the different groups are gathered in an expert group: Encouragers to one of them, Taskmasters to another one, etc.)  

(Ученики создают новые группы так, чтобы в каждой группе находились дети, которые читали разные части текста).

Discuss about the plot of the whole text. And do ex.5 complete the spidergrams with words from the text. You should complete the graph with the words which are connected. You have 6 min.

Show me your answers.


Clever of you!

It’s time to return to the original group














Bicycle: brakes, tyres, helmet, bike, lanes

Bus: seats, handgrips, driver, window

Car: seat, seat belt, rear view mirror, handles

In groups

10 min


Stage 4


To practice writing skills


— Let’s create scenarios “On my way to school”

·         Develop a complete scenario from the given information.

·         Identify a suitable timeline and how the incidents might interact.

·         Write them out a fully as possible in the time available. Write 5-7 sentences.

 I’ll give you cards with phrases. You can use them.

The first group you go to school on foot.

The second- on a bus

The third – by car

The fourth – by bicycle.

You have 7 min

Give me your works. I’ll check them

Ss are writing the scenarios.




8 min

Stage 5


understanding the results of the lesson

— So, our lesson is going to the end.

Let’s make a conclusion of our work. What did we do at our lesson? How do you like the lesson? Now look at your desk, you have got 4 cards with different colours: dark (means bad), red (means no bad, no good )  blue (means good), green (means very good).

 Choose only one card,  give them to me. Now we know how to be safe on the road. Can you tell this instruction to your family members? Now, tell me traffic rules, which you have learnt at our lesson. — What did you like the most?


1. Go on the pavement taking the right side

2. Look for a zebra crossing on a traffic lights crossing

3. Cross the road on the green colour of the traffic lights

4. Look left, then right, while crossing the road

5. Don’t run on the road

6. Don’t cross between cars

7. Wait a bus only on the pavement

8. Wear a seat belt

9. Move your bike near while crossing

10.Don’t play on the road

11. Go on the pavement taking the right side


Whole class

3 min

Stage 6

Home task


-Your home task is to make a leaflet of do’s and don’ts to tell school students what to do when playing outside.  P.27 ex.9

Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye!



Whole class

1 min



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