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1 слайд
Выполнила : ученица 10 а класса
Норкина Надежда
Учитель: Кузнецова Екатерина Анатольевна -
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Lookism is the discriminatory treatment of less attractive people.
It was first widely used in 2016 when a female employee of a big company was sent home without a paycheck because she refused to wear shoes with heels.
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How the brain reacts to beauty?
Scientists think that our attraction to beauty is a biological thing, not social.
The first impression is an automatic response from our brain. -
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Here’s how the halo effect influences us:
Women who have a medium amount of makeup on are considered to be more attractive and competent, and they seem to be easier to work with
A person who has a symmetric face looks healthier
Attractive strangers look more trustworthy
A jury in court are more likely to give a lenient punishment to an attractive person.
Good-looking professors motivate students to study harder.
Attractive people in good physical shape are more likely to get a loan -
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How society encourages the cult of beauty
The requirements for an attractive appearance are growing.
South Korea is the world’s plastic surgery capital. Here, appearance-related discrimination occurs more often than anywhere else.
And it has an impact on people’s self-esteem, health, and even body mass index. -
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The price we pay for the cult of beauty
Attractive people are more likely to be invited to a job interview
Appearance twists the perception of professionalism
Beauty is connected with bonuses and finesAttractive people sell more
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Professor Renee Engeln believes that being obsessed with appearance is a psychological illness of an entire society.
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