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Урок английского языка «At the Zoo»

Цели урока:

практическая: активизировать ранееизученную лексику по теме Animals

образовательная: расширение знанийобучающихся;

развивающая: развитие языковой догадки,логического мышления;

воспитательная: развивать положительнуюмотивацию к дальнейшему изучению английского языка; воспитать уважение ккультуре другой страны, внимательное и бережное отношение к животным.

Оборудование: презентация, аудиофайл,видеоматериал.


I.                 Организационный момент

Представление аудиофайладля представления темы урока.

II.              Фонетическая зарядка

Hearthe tigers growl, growl,

Growl,growl, growl, growl.

Hearthe tigers growl, growl.

Hip,hip, hip hooray!

Let’sgo to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

Whatabout you, you, you?

Youcan come too, too, too.

Let’sgo to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

Hearthe snakes hiss, hiss,

Hiss,hiss, hiss, hiss.

Hearthe snakes hiss, hiss.

Hip,hip, hip, hooray!

Let’sgo to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

Whatabout you, you, you?

Youcan come too, too, too.

Let’sgo to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

Hearthe parrots squawk, squawk,

Squawk,squawk, squawk, squawk.

Hearthe parrots squawk, squawk.

Hip,hip, hip, hooray!

Let’sgo to the zoo, zoo, zoo!


Whatabout you, you, you?

Youcan come too, too, too.

Let’sgo to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

III.          Речевая зарядка

Let’sgo to the zoo. Instructions

1.     Wemust not run

2.     Wemust not jump

3.     Wemust not shout

4.     Wemust not touch animals

5.     Wemust not speak aloud

6.     Wemust not feed animals

7.     Wemust not through stones and sticks.

IV.           Развитие навыковговорения

1.     Domesticanimals and wild animals

Anelephant, a snake, a pig, a tiger, a lion, a monkey, a crocodile, a chicken, a cat,a sheep, a mouse, a cow, a turtle, a rhino, a hen, a bear.

2.     Let’scompare

Nose-beak      toes- paws

Arms-wings    hair- fur

3.     Whatdo they have?

Agiraffe has neck and legs.

Anelephant has tusks and trunk.

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Alion has mane and tail.

Amonkey has fur

Abear has ears, nose and paws

Apeacock has feathers, wings and beak.

4.     Answermy questions

Whichanimal has got long legs?

Whichanimal has got a trunk?

Whichanimal has got big paws?

Whichanimal has got short tail?

Whichanimal has got long neck?

V.              Автоматизация лексических единиц

Работа с текстамидля чтения.

      Thisis a monkey. It’s a wild animal. It’s brown. A monkey has two legs and 2arms, 2 eyes and 2 ears. It has a nose, a mouse and a long tail. It can run andjump. It likes bananas very much.

This is a bear. Itis a wild animal too. It has a nose, a mouse, 4 paws, 2 eyes, 2 ears. It’sbrown. It likes honey very much. This is a bear too. But it is white. It likesfish.

This is a lion.Itis a wild animal too. It has a long tail, a head, a nose, a big mouse, 2 eyes,2 ears and 4 paws. It can run and jump.

This is a tiger.Itis a wild animal. It’s yellow and black. It has a very long tail,4 paws, 2eyes, 2 ears, a big mouth and a big nose.

This is a giraffe.It is a wild animal too. It has a tail, a big mouth, a very long neck, 2 eyes,2 ears and 4 paws. I like a giraffe. It can run quickly.

It’s a hare. It’snot very big but it’s very nice. It has a short tail, a nose, a mouse, 2 eyes,2 ears, 4 paws. It’s grey and white. It likes carrots very much.

This is a wolf. Itis a wild animal. It’s grey, It likes sheep. It has 4 paws, 2 eyes, 2 big ears,a big mouth, a little nose and a tail.

This is a crocodile. Ithas a nose, a long tail, a big mouth, 4 short legs, 2 eyes and 2 ears. I likeit very much. It liver in the river or in the lake.

VI.           Физкультминутка


Theworld is full of animals.

Someare big and tall,

Someare strong and dangerous,

Someare cute and small.

Allcreatures are amazing

Justlike me and you.

Helpprotect the animals,

Thisis their world, too..

Animalsare wonderful;

They’rebeautiful to see.

Helpthem live a happy life.

Helpthem to be free.

VII.       Проверка домашнегозадания

Ilive in lakes and rivers.

Ieat fish and birds.

Ihave four legs and a long tail.

Ihave lots of pretty teeth.

Iam a… (сrocodile)

Ihave four legs and a tail.

Ihave no teeth.

Ican swim and dive underwater.

Icarry my house around with me.

Iam a… (turtle)


I’mvery, very big

Ihave four legs and two big ears.

Mylong nose is called trunk. I am an (elephant)

VIII.    Расширениезнаний потеме

Работав чате. Написание названий животных.


IX.           Подведение итогов урока. Объяснениедомашнего задания. Заключение

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