The Beauty of Poetry is theBeauty of Language
В чем волшебство поэзии?
Возможно в обнаженье чувств?
В способности затронуть сердца струны?
Ведь могут же слова, слетающие с уст
Счастливым сделать день угрюмый.
А может это просто наважденье?
И всё ж, покуда, существует свет,
За строчкой строчку, словно ожерелье,
Нанизывает медленно слова поэт.
2. Введение в ситуацию:
Lookat the screen. You can see some portraits of famous British people. I hope youknow them. Who are they? Well done. But our great country is also rich inpeople (writers, artists, composers, scientists, musicians, sportsmen)well-known all over the world. Today we are going to speak about one of thegreatest poet of our country. And Im sure you will tell me his name.
Thisman is called the sun of Russian poetry. His books are read by manypeople both old and young. His poems are learnt by heart. His portrait is knownto everybody. Can you guess who I am speaking about? Of course, I meanAlexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
Сообщения учащихся о великом поэте.
P1: Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is one of the greatestRussian poets of all times. He was a famous writer of Romantic era. Pushkin wasborn in 1799 in Moscow but spent most of his youth in the village near StPetersburg, in Tsarskoye Selo.
P2: His family lived in Moscow and was of upper-class, hisparents spoke French, but his granny taught him to speak Russian.
P3 HeHAD A VERY faithful friend, his nanny – Arina Rodionovna. She told him manytale-stories. She helped him in his life. She lived with him in Michaylovskoye.
Deardoting sweetheart of my childhood, Подруга дней моих суровых,
Companionof my austere fate! Голубка дряхлая моя!
Inthe lone house deep in the wild Wood Одна в глуши лесов сосновых
Howpatiently for me you wait. Давно, давно ты ждешь меня.
Alonebeside your window sitting. Ты под окном своей светлицы
Youwait for me and blame the clock, Горюешь, будто на часах,
While,in your wrinkled hands, your knitting И медлят поминутно спицы
Fitfullyfalters to a stop. В твоих наморщенных руках.
Вeуond the crumblinggates the pinetrees. Глядишь в забытые ворота
Shadowthe road you watch so well. На чёрный отдалённый путь:
Namelessforebodings, dark anxieties. Тоска, предчувствия, заботы
Oppressyour heart. You cannot tell Теснят твою всечасно грудь.
Whatvisions haunt you: Now you seem to see… То чудится тебе…
P4: Pushkins family has a rich library at home and he beganto write poems when he was a boy. Then he studied at lyceum and after 6 yearsof study he began to work in a foreign office.All in all, Pushkin wrote morethan 78 long poems, 1 novel in verse, about 20 novels and 20 fairy-tales, 8dramas and 8 historic works, and many articles and shorter poems.
P5:Among his most famous works we can find the tragedy “Motsartand Salyeri”, short stories “The Queen of Spades”, “The Captains Daughter”,also some famous fairy-tales, such as “The Tale of the Priest and of HisWorkman Balda”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “the Tale of the Golden Cockerel”,“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and many other world-famous
literature works.
Инсценировка сказки
Жил старик со своею старухой
У самого синего моря;
Старик ловил неводом рыбу,
Старуха пряла свою пряжу.
Раз он в море закинул невод,
Он в другой раз закинул невод,
В третий раз закинул он невод, —
Пришел невод с одною рыбкой,
Как взмолится золотая рыбка!
Голосом молвит человечьим:
«Отпусти ты, старче, меня в море,
Дорогой за себя дам откуп:
Он рыбачил тридцать лет и три года
И сказал ей ласковое слово:
Твоего мне откупа не надо;
Ступай себе в синее море,
Гуляй там себе на просторе».
Воротился старик ко старухе,
Рассказал ей великое чудо.
Золотую рыбку, не простую;
Домой в море синее просилась,
«Дурачина ты, простофиля!
Не умел ты взять выкупа с рыбки!
Хоть бы взял ты с нее корыто,
Наше-то совсем раскололось».
There once lived an old man and his good-wife On the shore of the deep blue ocean; They lived in a tumble-down hovel For thirty-three summers and winters. The old man used to fish for his living, And his wife spun yarn on her distaff. He once cast his net in the ocean, And pulled it up with mud from the bottom; He again cast his net in the ocean, And this time caught nothing but seaweed; When he cast his net for the third time, One fish was all that he landed, No common fish, though, but a goldfish. Now the goldfish began to implore him, And it spoke like a real human being: «Put me back, old man, into the ocean — I will pay you a right royal ransom, I wilt give you whatever you ask me.» The old man was astonished and frightened — He’d been fishing for thirty-three summers, Bat had not heard of any fish talking. So with care he untangled the goldfish And tenderly said as he did so: «God bless you, my dear little goldfish! Thank you kindly, I don’t want your ransom. Go back to your home in the ocean, And roam where you will without hindrance.» To his wife the old fisherman hastened To tell her about this great marvel. «I caught only one fish this morning — A goldfish it was, most uncommon; It spoke like a Christian, and begged me To put it back into the ocean, And promised to pay a rich ransom, To give me whatever I asked for. But how could I ask for a ransom? I released it without any payment.» His wife started scolding her husband: «Oh you simpleton! Oh you great silly! Couldn’t make a mere fish pay a ransom! Представленная информация была полезной? ДА 60.68% НЕТ 39.32% Проголосовало: 1325 You at least might have asked for a wash-tub — For ours is all falling to pieces!»
P 5:This man is called the sun of Russian poetry.His books are read by many people both old and young. His poems are learnt byheart.
(М У З Ы К А. Детичитают стихотворение К***)
TO*** K***
Owondrous moment! There before me Я помню чудное мгновенье:
Aradiant fleeting dream youstood, Передо мной явилась ты,
Avision fancy fashioned forme Как мимолётное виденье,
Aglimpse of perfect womanhood. Как гений чистой красоты.
Throughall life’s sadness, all its flaunted В томленьях грусти безнадёжной,
Buthopeless flurry and unrest В тревогах шумной суеты,
Yourlovely face my spirit haunted Звучал мне долго голос нежный
Yourtender voice my ear caressed. И снились милые черты.
Swifttempests, o’er me, wrathful, breaking Шли годы. Бурь порыв мятежный
Dispelledthe dulсet dreams ofyore. Рассеял прежние мечты,
Yourimage blurred, my heart forsaking, И я забыл твой голос нежный,
Yourvoice caressed my ear no more. Твои небесные черты.
Incold and gloomy isolation В глуши, во мраке заточенья
Theyears sped by, the lonely years, Тянулись тихо дни мои
Bereftof God, of inspiration, Без божества, без вдохновенья,
Bereftof life and love and tears. Без слёз, без жизни, без любви.
Andthen – o bliss! – time’s flight defeating, Душе настало пробужденье
Youcame again and ‘fore me stood, И вот опять явилась ты,
Avision radiant and fleeting, Как мимолётное виденье,
Adream of perfect womanhood. Как гений чистой красоты.
Myheart is filled with sweet elation, И сердце бьётся в упоенье,
Anew it craves, anew reveres, И для него воскресли вновь
Andit awake to inspiration, И божество, и вдохновенье,
Awaketo life and life and love and tears. И жизнь, и слёзы, и любовь.
СтихотворенияА,С Пушкина очень трудно переводить, и сейчас мы послушаем человека, которыйспециально выучил русский язык, чтобы переводить стихотворения Пушкина
Внастоящее время насчитывается около 12 переводов стихотворения «Я вас любил» срусского на английский и сейчас одну из версий перевода мы послушаем.
I loved you once, and still, perhaps, love’syearning
Within my soul has not quite burned away.
But may it nevermore you be concerning;
I would not wish you sad in any way.
My love for you was wordless, hopeless cruelly,
Drowned now in shyness, now in jealousy,
And I loved you so tenderly, so truly,
As God grant by another you may be.
Вика — Пушкин любил природу, и посвятил ей много произведений. Асейчас мы послушаем стихотворение «Зимнее утро»
Pushkin loved a nature and he wrote many poems about a nature.Now we will listen a poem Winter morning
Учитель — Our pupils like Pushkin’spoems and we will listen some poems.
Сижу за решеткой в темнице сырой.
Клюет, и бросает, и смотрит в окно,
Мы вольные птицы; пора, брат, пора!
The Captive A captive, alone in a dungeon I dwell, Then, leaving the blood-spattered morsel, his eye, Were both wed to freedom, so let us away |
Пора, мой друг, пора! покоя сердце просит —
На свете счастья нет, но есть покой и воля.
Tis time, my friend… Tis time, my friend, tis time! The heart to peace aspires: Though joy for ever flees, peace stays and concentration. |
На холмах Грузии лежит ночная мгла;
Upon the hills of Georgia lies the haze of night… Upon the hills of Georgia lies the haze of night… |
ВЕДУЩИЙ3: Читайте Пушкина, читайте
И не живите днём одним.
ВЕДУЩИЙ4: С ним и любите, и мечтайте,
И размышляйте вместе с ним.
ВЕДУШИЙ3: И дружбой светлой дорожите,
Её, как свет звезды неся,
ВЕДУЩИЙ4: Как Пушкин пламенно живите,
-Жить нам без Пушкина нельзя.
NARRATOR:And now we will sing a song: “READ PUSHKIN”
ВЕДУЩИЙ2: Эта песня на мотив популярной песни “MY BONNY LIES OVER THE OCEAN”
(ВСЕ ученики поют песню):
Mybooks are standing on bookshelves
ThatI’m always happy to read.
Myfavourite’s under my pillow.
ThePushkin’s book is what I need.
Read books, read books,
They were invented to read, to read,
Read books, read books,
Pushkin’s book is what you need.
2.The book that was written by Pushkin
Improve your knowledge as well.
It teaches you lexicons, grammar
And how the beauty will spell.