Exercise 1:Fill in the gaps with these words – repair, congest, switch, rubbish, glass,banned, packed, campaign, emissions, extinction.
1. Oneman`s _____________ is another man`s treasure.
2. Wehave to save energy, for example, we could ______________ off lights when weleave a room.
3. Thingsthat are made from paper, plastic, _____________ should be recycled.
4. Keepingwild pets should be totally _____________.
5. Iwant to _____________ my old MP3 player.
6. Theanimals from the red book are in danger of _____________.
7. Mychildren take _____________ lunch to school.
8. Arecycling _____________ was started in our University.
9. Wehave to find ways to decrease carbon dioxide _____________.
10. Modern transport_____________ our city centres.
Exercise 2:Fill in the gaps with these words and translate into Russian – global,adoption, vegetable, compost, environmental, endangered, natural, power,modern, climate.
1. ________________warming — _________________________________
2. ________________species — __________________________________
3. ________________heap — ____________________________________
4. ________________change — __________________________________
5. ________________lifestyles — _________________________________
6. ________________habitat — __________________________________
7. ________________certificate — ________________________________
8. ________________awareness — _______________________________
9. ________________peelings — _________________________________
10. ________________station — __________________________________
Exercise 3:Form negatives from the words in brackets.
1. Manyanimal species will soon ________________ (appear).
2. Ifind some Algebra problems ________________ (possible) to solve.
3. Levelsof CO2 emissions are still ________________ (acceptable).
4. Kateis a nice girl, but she can be quite ________________ (responsible).
5. Vapingin school should be ________________ (legal) today.
Exercise 4:Fill in – over, into, out of, on away from.
1. Mydog was run __________________ by a bike last week.
2. Akiller was seen by a police officer running __________________ last night.
3. Wehave run __________________ petrol.
4. Mysister __________________ Wayne at the museum.
5. Alot of transports run __________________ natural gas.
Exercise 5:Fill in – in, from, to, of, about.
1. Mymum feels strongly __________________ recycling.
2. TheWWf protects many species __________________ becoming extinct.
3. Mikeis a great supporter __________________ Spartak.
4. Theblue whale is __________________ danger of extinction.
5. CFCsprays are harmful __________________ the environment.