Тест Времена английского глагола

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Тест времена английского глагола

 Составил: преподаватель иностранных языков МОУ «СОШ №1» г.Магнитогорска, Зименко Н.П.


Grammar Test “Tenses”   1V


1)travels     2)is travelling    3)travelled     4)was traveling    5)will travel     6)have travelled     7)had travelled

a)Present Progressive    b)Past Progressive      c)Present Perfect    d)Past Perfect     e)Present Simple

f)Past Simple      g)Future Simple

II.Fill in the gaps with: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do,does, did, will

1)She … not have a holiday last week.   2)They … painting now.   3)You… got a “five” today.  4)I … play badminton next week.   5)I … not playingnow.   6)… Dick travelling at this moment?    7)What … they often watch onTV?   8)… your friend usually work on Saturdays?    9)We … watching aninteresting film at 8 pm.   10)I … finished my work by last Sunday.     11)Theman … speaking at the meeting at 12 o’clock yesterday.     12)Dad … not comeback yet.

III. Present Simple or Present Progressive?

1)I usually … (read, am reading) in the evenings.      2). But now I’mnot ( read, reading)

IV. Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1. Last summer we (travelled, have travelled ) abroad.

2. This year we (visited, have visited) St.Petersburg.

V. Past Simple or Past Perfect?

1)Two months ago he (went, had gone) to the country.   2)Yesterday by 2o’clock they ( come, had come) home.

VI. Present Progressive or Past Progressive?

1)At 5 o’clock yesterday morning Mum (is, was) cooking breakfast.

2)Now she (is, was) playing the piano.

VII. Past Simple or Past Progressive ?

1)On the 12th of April, 1961, Yu.Gagarin (went, was going) into space.

2)Yu.Gagarin (flew, was flying ) round the Earth for 108 minutes.

VIII. Translate from Russian into English:

1)Я играю в футбол каждый день.

2)Я играл в футбол вчера.

3)Я буду играть в футбол на следующей неделе.

4)Я сейчас играю в футбол.

5)Я играл в футбол вчера в 7 часов вечера.

6)Я буду играть в футбол завтра в 7 часов вечера.

7)Мы уже сыграли в футбол.

8)Я сыграл 5 матчей в этом месяце.

9)В прошлом году я часто играл в футбол.

10)Завтра я буду играть в футбол.




Grammar Test “Tenses”   2V


1)traveled     2)are travelling    3)travel     4)were traveling    5)has travelled  6)will travel        7)had travelled

a)Present Progressive    b)Past Progressive      c)Present Perfect    d)Past Perfect     e)Present Simple

f)Past Simple      g)Future Simple

II.Fill in the gaps with: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do,does, did, will

1)Tom … not have a holiday last week.   2)We … painting now.   3)I …got a “five” today.  4)Mary … play badminton next week.   5)I … not playingnow.   6)… Dick reading at this moment?    7)What … you often do in theevening?   8)My sister … not come back yet.   9)I and Ann … watching an interestingfilm at 8 pm.   10)She … finished her work by last Sunday.     11)He … cookingat 12 o’clock yesterday.     12.)… your friend usually work on Saturdays?

III. Present Simple or Present Progressive?

1)I usually … (read, am reading) in the evenings.      2). But now I’mnot ( read, reading)

IV. Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1. Last summer we (went, have gone) abroad.

2. This year we (were, have been) in St.Petersburg.

V. Past Simple or Past Perfect?

1)Two months ago he (went, had gone) to the country.   2)Yesterday by 2o’clock they ( come, had come) home.

VI. Present Progressive or Past Progressive?

1)At 5 o’clock yesterday morning Mum (is, was) cooking breakfast.

2)Now she (is, was) playing the piano.

VII. Past Simple or Past Progressive ?

1)On the 12th of April, 1961, Yu.Gagarin (went, was going) into space.

2)Yu.Gagarin (flew, was flying ) round the Earth for 108 minutes.

VIII. Translate from Russian into English:

1)Мы читаем каждый день.

2)Мы читали вчера.

3)Мы будем читать на следующей неделе.

4)Мы сейчас читаем.

5)мы читали вчера в 7 часов вечера.

6)Мы будем читать завтра в 7 часов вечера.

7)Мы уже это читали.

8)Мы прочитали 5 книг в этом месяце.

9)В прошлом году мы часто читали.

10)Завтра мы будем читать  ( наверно)













Keys to Grammar Test “Tenses”






1) e


2) a


3) f


4) b


5) g


6) c


7) d


II.Fill in the gaps with: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do,does, did, will




1) did


2) are


3) have


4) will


5) am


6) is


7) do


8) does


9) were


10) had


11) was

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12) has


III. Present Simple or Present Progressive?










IV. Past Simple or Present Perfect?




have travelled




V. Past Simple or Past Perfect?


1) went


2) had come




VI. Present Progressive or Past Progressive?






VII. Past Simple or Past Progressive?






VIII. Translate from Russian into English:


I play football every day.


I played football yesterday.


I will play next week.


I am playing football now.


I was playing football yesterday at 7 pm.


I will be playing football tomorrow at 7 pm.


We have already played football.


I have played 5 matches this month.


Last year I often played football.


Tomorrow I will play football.      1333312122   21222 12331



Grammar Test “Tenses”  

Выберите правильный ответ:   подпишите время

1. Lenny’s booked a flight. She _____ to Amsterdam on Tuesday morning.

1) is flying      2)flyes          3)flys

2. Listen! It ______ .

 1)rained      2)rains        3)is raining

3. It’s dark. I _____ anything.

 1)am not seeing     2)doesn’t see      3)don’t see

4. —That box is heavy.

—I _____ you with it.

 1)help      2)am helping     3)will help

5. Molly ____ just ____ the lesson.

 1)was, started     2)had, started     3)has, started

6. Kate _____ the project by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

 1)will have finished      2)will finish     3)finishes

7. My sister _____ up at 6 am every day.

1) get      2)gets      3) is getting

8. Today is Friday. He ______ swimming on Wednesday afternoon.

1) went   2) go       3)has gone

9. _____ you _____ your dog every morning?

1) Does, walk       2)Do, walk      3)Are, walking

10. Bayron _____ this poem in 1814.

 1)written     2)wrote      3)has written

11. I _______ the piano at 9 pm yesterday.

 1)played     2) was playing      3)were playing

12. When _____ Mary _____ school?

 1)did, leave     2) was, leave     3)has, left

13. Susan is busy. She _____ on the phone.

1) was talking     2) is talking        3)talks

14. Next year he ____ 19 years old.

 1)will    2)will be      3)is

15. Choose the correct sentence

1) When has he built this house?    2)When did he build this house?  3) When did he built this house?

16. James ____ already _____ in the park.

 1)has, walked     2)have, walked      3)did, walk

17. Он ехал на велосипеде, когда она его увидела.

1) He was riding a bicycle when she has seen him.     2) He was ridinga bicycle when she saw him.

 3)He rode a bicycle when she saw him.

18. Привет! Куда ты идешь?

1) Hi! Where do you go?    2)Hi! Where do you going?       3) Hi! Whereare you going?

19. Me and my friend sometimes _____ football after school.

1) plays    2)are playing      3) play

20. We ______ the poem now.

1) aren’t reading       2)didn’t read      3)don’t read


Choose the correct alternative


1We havent finished cooking the pie yet / yesterday / already /usually / just.

2How already / always / usually / long / often has your mum been ateacher?

3It were great to see you yet / yesterday / already / usually / just.

4Bill and his dad always / usually / long / often / sometimes playfootball in the park.

5Have you always / ever / yet / still / usually been to India?








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