Test 3 A
1. Совместите животное с егоописанием.
a) a crocodile
b) a hare
c) a monkey
d) a bird
1. It has got two legs. It can sing. It can fly in the air.
2. This animal has got long ears and a small tail. It can run well.It is afraid of foxes and wolves.
3. This animal can climb trees. It eats fruit and nuts. It has gota long tail. It may be very funny.
4. This animal has got a long body and a long tail. Its neck isshort. It has got a big mouth with many sharp teeth.
2. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. What animals is the king of all animals?
a) tiger b) a lion
2. What animal has got a trunk?
a) an elephant b) a tortoise
3. What wild animal loves honey?
a) bear b) a cat
4. What animal makes you laugh?
a) monkey b) goldfish
5. What animal lakes repeating what people say?
a) parrot b) dog
3. Выбери правильную форму глагола.
1.Fiona makes / is making a snowman at the moment.
2.Helen and Tom are watching / watch TV now.
3.What time do you usually do / are you usually doing your homework?
4.On Sundays we usually stay / are staying at home.
5.Tim doesn’t watch / isn’t watching TV now.
6.Dan doesn’t like / isn’t liking my new flat.
4. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. The sun _______________________ (shine)now.
2. John ________________________ (not /listen) to music now.
3. Daniel _________________ (go) toschool every day.
4. I _________________________ (wait)for Nina at the moment.
5. Nathan ______________________ (not /play) always the piano.
6. _______ you ___________(cry) now?
5. Ответь на вопросы
1. Which of these monthsis an autumn month?
a) July b) October c)March
2. What is not common weather for winter?
a) Windy b) Snowy c) Hot
6. Напишите названия месяцев
1.Summer months are ……..
2.Wintermonths are …..
3.Autumn months are ….
4.Spring months are …..
7. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
This is a picture of a penguin. A penguin is a bird. Penguinscan’t fly. They live in the Antarctic. Feathers help penguins stay warm in coldweather. Their size helps too. They are fat! The penguin is black and white.Penguins don’t sleep during the day. They sleep at night. They swim fast andcatch food in the sea. They eat small fish and can stay under water for fiveminutes.
e.g. What is a penguin? It’s a bird thatcan’t fly.
1. Where does it live?
2. What helps them stay warm?
3. What colour are penguins?
4. When do penguins sleep?
5. What do penguinseat?
Test 3B
1. Совместите животное с егоописанием.
a) a frog
b) a camel
c) a dolphin
d) a kangaroo
1. It is big and lives in water. It is very nice and friendly andsometimes can save people’s lives.
2. This animal lives in Australia. It is big and very nice and canjump very fast. It keeps its baby in the pouch on its body.
3. This animal lives in the river. It can swim and jump well. It isgreen.
4. This animal is big. It can walk in very hot weather and doesn’tdrink anything for a long time!
2. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. What animal is very slow?
a) tortoise b) penguin
2. What animal is man’s friend?
a) dog b) rabbit
3. What animal has yellow eyes and striped fur?
a) a tiger b) leopard
4. What animal is very cunning?
a) a snake b) a fox
5. What animal has the longest neck?
a) crocodile b) a giraffe
3. Подчеркните правильную форму глагола.
1. Kate wears / is wearing a red dressnow.
2. Mike makes / is making a snowman atthe moment.
3. What are you doing / do you do now?
4. We go / are going to the cinema everySunday.
5. When do you usually go / are you usuallygoing shopping?
6. I don’t like / am not liking redcars.
4. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. It __________________________ (rain)now.
2. Dan ___________________(go) camping every weekend.
3. Luke andJane _________________(not / ride) their bikes every day.
4. I___________ (not / listen) to you right now.
5. What_________________ (you / watch)now?
6. I always___________ (have) a glass of milk before I go to bed.
5. Ответь на вопросы
1. Which of these monthsis a spring month?
a) July b)October c) March
3. What is not common weather for summer?
a) Windy b) Snowy c) Hot
6. Напишите названия месяцев
1. Summer monthsare ……..
2.Winter monthsare …..
3. Autumn monthsare ….
4. Spring monthsare …..
7. Прочитайтетекст и ответьте на вопросы.
Thisis a picture of a Bengal tiger. A tiger is a wild cat. It lives in Asia and is thenational animal of India. The tiger is orange with black or brown stripes andits fur keeps it warm during cold weather. It hides in tall grass and hunts biganimals like deer for its food. Tigers like to swim in water. They arebeautiful animals.
e.g. What is a tiger? It’s a wild cat.
1. Where does it live?
2. What colour are Bengal tigers?
3. How does it stay warm?
4. Where does it hide?
5. What do tigers eat?