Тема: Культурныйдосуг
Образовательная цель: предоставлениеконтролируемой языковой практики; введение нового лексического материала;
Развивающая цель: совершенствованиенавыков устной речи; совершенствование навыков восприятия и понимания речи наслух ;
Воспитательная цель: воспитаниевнимательности и усердия; воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемогоязыка;
Коммуникативная задача: обсудитькультурный досуг в разных странах;
Оборудование:учебник, доска, интерактивный экран, компьютер, раздаточный материал;
Тип урока: урокизучения нового учебного материала;
Вид урока: урокизложения нового материала;
Этап |
Задачи этапа |
Действия учителя |
Действия учащихся |
Время |
1. Организационно-мотивационный этап.
Создать эмоциональный фон, ввести в атмосферу иноязычного общения. Подготовить учащихся к общению на иностранном языке |
Hello, students. I’m glad to meet you today. So, tell me please, what the season is it today? And what the month is it today?
Students answer the teacher’s questions. |
2 мин |
2. Этап целеполагания
Определить тему и цели урока
Today weˈll start to learn a new topic. Letˈs guess what is the name of our unit. Look at the board and try to guess what topic we are starting to study. What do you think we’re going to do in our class today? The topic of our lesson today is «Leisure time». Today we are going to learn the new words on our topic and compare leisure time in 2 countries. |
Students guess the topic of the lesson and try to guess what they will do today. |
3 мин |
3. Операционно – деятельностный этап |
Обсудить времяпрепровождения учащихся |
At first look at our new words. How do you think, what do they mean? I read the words and youˈll look at the pictures and translate them. Repeat after me. Read one by one.
Now let’s speak about your free time. Answer the questions from ex.1 p. 185 So, tell me please, what’s “leisure time”. Look at ex.2a and compare it with your answers.
Now make a list with your recreational activities. Then we compare your list with activities from ex.4. Which of these activities could you do in your leisure time with pleasure? Which of them could help you relax? What do you think about each of them? |
Students get acquainted with new words.
Students speak about their free time |
5 мин
10 мин |
4. Разминка |
Снять напряжение |
Now let’s relax. I will give you cards with pictures of some activities. Your task is to pull out the picture and show is without words what is depicted on it |
Students guess the words that their classmates show. |
5 мин |
5. Просмотр видео
Предсмотровой этап
Сморовой этап
Послесмотровой этап |
Мотивировать учащихся к восприятию нового материала
Совершенствование навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух.
Представленная информация была полезной? ДА 60.49% НЕТ 39.51% Проголосовало: 1301
Совершенствование навыков устной речи |
Now we will watch the video about leisure time in Great Britain. But before we start look at the board read the words which will help you to understand the video.
Now let’s answer the questions about this video.
So, tell me please is there a big difference between leisure time in our country and in Great Britain?
Students read new words and watch the video.
Students answer the questions.
Students speak about difference between leisure time in our country and in Great Britain |
15 мин |
6. Заключительный этап |
Домашнее задание
Выставление отметок |
And our lesson is going to the end. Today we have learnt new words on the topic, speak about leisure time in our county and in Great Britain. I want to say thank you. Look at our blackboard. And I want to know your opinion about our lesson “Did you like the lesson?” I have some fish on my table. Was everything clear? Was your work good? What have you learnt?
Your home task is ex.5c p.187 in your books. You should answer the questions about leisure time activities in your life.
So you have got good results. Your marks for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye children. |
Students say what they did in class
Students put down their home task and get marks for the lesson.
5 мин |