Викторина по английскому языку для 5класса.
1 тур «Догадайся»
What is the first day in English calendar?
What is the capital of Great Britain?
When is Christmas celebrated?
What holiday has a symbol as the pumpkin?
II тур «Расшифруй»
— eHwlenaol
— nlEishg
— oseHu
— amNe
— oLdonn
– Ccolk
IIIтур «Лучший чтец»
Участник каждой команды читает подготовленноезаранее стихотворение.
When the weather is wet
We must not fret, —
When the weather is cold
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm
We must not storm, —
But be thankful together
Whatever the weather.
IV тур «Знаток пословиц и поговорок»
Ведущий читает английский вариант пословиц, акоманды должны перевести их
No new – is a good new
Live and learn
Health is better than wealth
It’s never too late to learn
A bird may be known by its song.
V тур «Я знаю английский»
Каждая команда выбирает свою тему методомжеребьёвки. По очереди команды называют слова по своей теме. Побеждает тот, наком остановится игра.
— food
— sport
— holidays
— clothes
— animals
— weather
VI тур «Лишнееслово»
Из предложенного ряда слов выбрать лишнее (неподходящее по смыслу)
Easter,Christmas,StValentine’sDay,Columbus |
Tea, coffee, juice, lemon |
Swimming, hockey, moving, football |
Dress, T-shirt, suit, boots |
Tree, sun, rain, cold |
VII тур «Допиши пропущенные буквы»
VIII тур «Вопрос — ответ»:
Каждая команда получает список вопросов. Необходимоза 5 минут записать как можно больше ответов.
Вопросы на тему: What do youknow about Great Britain?
1. What is the official language in Great Britain?
a) English b)French c) Russian d) Chinese
2. Great Britain is divided into …
a) five parts b) threeparts c) four parts d) two parts
3 What is the Tower of London now?
a) a prison b) amuseum c) a house d) a fortress
4. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is …
a) the Tower of London b) the WhiteHouse c) the Windsor palace d) the Buckingham Palace
5. What is a Piccadilly Circus?
a) a circus b) a square c)a street d) a house
6. The capital of Great Britain is …
a) Manchester b)Liverpool c) London d) Cardiff
7. What can you see in Trafalgar square?
a) Nelson statue b)King memorial c) Queen memorial d) MichaelGorbachev memorial
8. Big Ben is …
a) a clock b) ahorse c) an animal in the zoo d) a famousname
9. When can you see the flag over the Queens Palace?
a) When she is out b) When she isabroad c) When she has a party
d) When she is at home
10. England is in …
a) Europe b)Africa c) America d) Asia
11. The name of the river in London is …
a) The Severn b) The Thames c)The Avon d) The Clyde
12. Westminster Abbey is …
a) the chapel b) themonastery c)the inn d) thefamous Royal Church
13. Who is the head of England?
a) the Queen b)the Tzar c) the Prime Minister d) thePresident
14. In what country do men wear skirts?
a) France b)England c) Scotland d) Norway
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
Geography |
Which is the most populous continent? |
What is the capital of New Zealand? |
Which ocean is to the north of the Russian Federation? |
What do we call a mountain which could erupt? |
In which country is Mount Everest? |
Sports |
Which sport is played at Wimbledon? |
How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol? |
What is the longest running race in the Olympic Games? |
In boxing, what do the letters K.O. stand for? |
Name at least four sports that originated in Britain. |
Famous people and inventions |
What was Christopher Wren by profession? |
Who invented the telephone? |
What medicine was invented by Alexandre Fleming? |
Who developed the theory of relativity? |
Which classical composer became deaf at an advanced age? |
Culture |
Who wrote the books about Harry Potter? |
Why do we remember 23 April 1564? |
What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland? |
Who was the Sheriff of Nottingham’s deadliest enemy? |
According to R. Kipling, everybody has six honest servants. Name them. |
Miscellany (альманах) |
His favourite drink is blood. |
An ugly woman practicing magic. |
Who presided over the knights’ Round Table? |
What do we call the study of birds? |
What natural phenomena are measured by Richter scale? |
20 |
30 |
40 |
50 |
Geography |
Which is the most populous continent? (Asia) |
What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington) |
Which ocean is to the north of the Russian Federation? (the Arctic Ocean) |
What do we call a mountain which could erupt? (volcano) |
In which country is Mount Everest? (Nepal) |
Sports |
Which sport is played at Wimbledon? (tennis) |
How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol? (5) |
What is the longest running race in the Olympic Games? (marathon) |
In boxing, what do the letters K.O. stand for? (knock out) |
Name at least four sports that originated in Britain. (cricket, football, golf, rugby, races, boxing) |
Famous people and inventions |
What was Christopher Wren by profession? (architect) |
Who invented the telephone? (Alexandre Bell) |
What medicine was invented by Alexandre Fleming? (penicillin) |
Who developed the theory of relativity? (Albert Einstein) |
Which classical composer became deaf at an advanced age? (Beethoven) |
Culture |
Who wrote the books about Harry Potter? (Joanne Rowling) |
Why do we remember 23 April 1564? (It’s William Shakespeare’s date of birth) |
What is the traditional musical instrument of Scotland? (bagpipes) |
Who was the Sheriff of Nottingham’s deadliest enemy? (Robin Hood) |
According to R. Kipling, everybody has six honest servants. Name them. (what, why, when, how, where, who) |
Miscellany |
His favourite drink is blood. (vampire) |
An ugly woman practicing magic. (witch) |
Who presided over the knights’ Round Table? (King Arthur) |
What do we call the study of birds? (ornithology) |
What natural phenomena are measured by Richter scale? (earthquakes) |