Викторина по английскому языку на тему Great Britain (9 класс)

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  • Quiz:

    1 слайд

    “Great Britain”
    учитель английского языка
    МБОУ г.Астрахани «Лицей №1»
    Еранцева Мария Алексеевна

  • Questions

    2 слайд


  • 1)How

    3 слайд

    1)How many countries are there in the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

  • 2)Who

    4 слайд

    2)Who is the Head of State?

  • 3)What

    5 слайд

    3)What is the favourite sport in the UK in Great Britain?

  • 4)Where

    6 слайд

    4)Where did the Beatles come from and what do we call the people who come from this city?

  • 5)The

    7 слайд

    5)The Queen lives at…?

  • 6)How

    8 слайд

    6)How many letters are there in the longest place name in Britain?

  • 7)Eisteddfod

    9 слайд

    7)Eisteddfod is…?

  • 8)What

    10 слайд

    8)What ancient London landmark was bought by an American, shipped stone by stone to the USA and rebuilt in Arizona?

  • 9)At

    11 слайд

    9)At what age can you drive a car in Britain?

  • 10)Only

    12 слайд

    10)Only one of these singers is British though they all speak and sing in English?

  • 11)They

    13 слайд

    11)They say the Loch Ness Monster lives in a lake in…?

  • 12)What

    14 слайд

    12)What is the home of the Queen?

  • 13)How

    15 слайд

    13)How English people say: candies, sweets or cookies?

  • 14)If

    16 слайд

    14)If you go to London, you will see: the White House, St.Pauls Cathedral or Greenwich ?

  • 15)What

    17 слайд

    15)What colour are the taxis in London?

  • 16)What

    18 слайд

    16)What is the most expensive part of London?

  • 17)What

    19 слайд

    17)What is the river in London?

  • 18)What

    20 слайд

    18)What is the London underground called?

  • 19)Who

    21 слайд

    19)Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman?

  • 20)What

    22 слайд

    20)What is the English flag called?

  • 21)How

    23 слайд

    21)How many parts does Britain contain?

  • 22)What

    24 слайд

    22)What is the capital of Great Britain?

  • 23)What

    25 слайд

    23)What is the name of a famous shopping street in London?

  • 24)Who

    26 слайд

    24)Who built the Tower of London?

  • 25)Where

    27 слайд

    25)Where in the U.K. is the Lake District?

  • 26)What

    28 слайд

    26)What is the name of the guards in the Tower of London?

  • 27)Whose

    29 слайд

    27)Whose statue is on Trafalgar Square in London?

  • 28)Which

    30 слайд

    28)Which is the symbol of Scotland?

  • 29)Which

    31 слайд

    29)Which island lies between England and Ireland?

  • 30)What

    32 слайд

    30)What is the highest mountain in the U.K.?

  • 31)What

    33 слайд

    31)What do people celebrate in Britain on 5th November?

  • 32)Since

    34 слайд

    32)Since when has the Notting Hill Carnival been taking place in London?

  • 33)What

    35 слайд

    33)What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel?

  • 34)What

    36 слайд

    34)What is the most important airport in Great Britain?

  • 35)English

    37 слайд

    35)English children start going to school at the age of…..?

  • 36)Which

    38 слайд

    36)Which holiday is on the 25th of December?

  • 37)Lewis

    39 слайд

    37)Lewis Carol was a teacher, a writer or an actor?

  • 38)Which

    40 слайд

    38)Which of these cities is not in Britain: Oxford, New York or London?

  • 39)RSPCA

    41 слайд

    39)RSPCA is a charity that…..?

  • 40)Earth

    42 слайд

    40)Earth Day is celebrated in…..

  • 41)What

    43 слайд

    41)What is the highest mark in British schools?

  • 42)”

    44 слайд

    42)” Big Ben” is named after…..

  • 43)Westminster

    45 слайд

    43)Westminster Abbey was founded in 1050 by…..

  • 44)How

    46 слайд

    44)How much is the population of London?

  • 45)How

    47 слайд

    45)How old is the Tower of London?

  • 46)What

    48 слайд

    46)What does the British Parliament consist of?

  • 47)When

    49 слайд

    47)When was the first major of London elected?

  • 48)Who

    50 слайд

    48)Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”?

  • 49)What

    51 слайд

    49)What is the famous drink in Great Britain?

  • 50)Where

    52 слайд

    50)Where can you see Wax Figures of the most famous people?

  • 51)Who

    53 слайд

    51)Who is considered to be The King of Rock & Roll?

  • 52)Which

    54 слайд

    52)Which ABBA song shares its name with a famous quote by Martin Luther King?

  • 53)What

    55 слайд

    53)What famous writer & poet was born in Stratford-on-Avon?

  • 54)What

    56 слайд

    54)What is the most famous forest in England?

  • 55)What

    57 слайд

    55)What title does Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British Queen have ?

  • 56)

    58 слайд

    56) What do British people say about the weather?

  • 57)Where

    59 слайд

    57)Where is London Zoo situated?

  • 58)What

    60 слайд

    58)What colour are post-boxes in London?

  • 59)What

    61 слайд

    59)What are the oldest English universities?

  • 60)What

    62 слайд

    60)What do the English mean when they say “the lungs of London”?

  • 61)The

    63 слайд

    61)The Tower of London is a cathedral, a church or a castle?

  • 62)What

    64 слайд

    62)What treasures does Westminster Abbey consist of?

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Поделиться статьей(Выдержка из Чемпионата Днепропетровской области по «Что? Где? Когда?» среди юношей (09.11.2008) Редакторы: Оксана Балазанова, Александр Чижов) [Указания ведущим:

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Вопрос 1. Понятие цены, функции и виды. Порядок ценообразования

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