ИграСто к одному.
Цель: систематизироватьнавыки обучающихся по изученным темам, применить их в нестандартной ситуации
-совершенствование лексических навыков.
-повышение уровня мотивации к изучению английского языка;
-развитие воображения и логического мышления;
-формирование умения работать в команде;
-воспитание дружеского отношения между участниками команды.
Форма: игра—викторина
Оборудование: карточкис вариантами ответов, компьютер с мультимедиа проектором раздаточный материал
I. The first round We are starting the firstround. I invite one player from each team. I’ll ask youa question. You should push the button of the signal and do it as quickly aspossible. After you answer we will see if there is such a variant on the board.Then we will listen to the second participant and see if there is such avariant on the board too. Then we’ll compare. The team whose player has gotmore points will start the first. If one of you guess the most popular answerthe right to answer automatically goes to his/her team.
Each player of the team will answer the same question. If there issuch an answer it will be opened on the board. After three slips the right toanswer comes to the opposite team. It should give answers and the captainshould choose one of the variants of his/her own choice. It can be thecaptain’s answer. If they guess they get all the points of the opened variants.If not, all the points come to the opposite team.
The most popular answer has the most points.
So, the first question is:What is your favourite holiday?
New Year |
26 |
Birthday |
24 |
Mother’s Day |
20 |
Defender’s Day |
10 |
Easter |
12 |
Victory Day |
8 |
II. The second round.
We are beginning the second round. I invite oneplayer from each team. The rules are the same. But the number ofthe points at the end of the round will be doubled. The most popular answer hasthe most points.
So, the second questionis-Where does childhood go?
To other cities |
30 |
To other lands |
26 |
To youth |
22 |
To other children |
12 |
Nowhere |
6 |
Into the past |
4 |
III. The third round.
We are beginning the third round. I invite oneplayer from each team. The rules are the same. But the number ofthe points at the end of the round will be tripled. The most popular answer hasthe most points.
So, the third question is-Whatdo people need to be happy?
Health |
26 |
Children |
22 |
Love |
20 |
Family |
15 |
Harmony |
13 |
Money |
4 |
IV. The forth round. It is called “The otherway round game”.
We are beginning the forth round. Each teamshould discuss the answer to the question and give a common version. In thisround the least popular answer has the most points.
So, the forthquestion is: What is the most important invention?
Wheel |
15 |
Bicycle |
30 |
Electricity |
60 |
Television |
120 |
Phone |
180 |
Fire |
240 |
V. The final round or super game. Впоследнем туре играет команда-победитель, вернее два её участника.
We are beginning the final round. One player leaves the classroom.The other one will answer five questions. Then the second player comes in andanswers the same questions. If s/he gives the same answers the hand bell rings(my helpers will do it) and s/he must change his/her answer quickly.
1: What do you hide from children?
Sweets |
31 |
Matches |
19 |
Presents |
16 |
Devices |
14 |
Money |
12 |
Problems |
8 |
2: School begins with…
Lessons |
38 |
Bell |
18 |
Teachers |
14 |
September |
12 |
Students |
10 |
Marks |
8 |
3: Who asks too many questions?
Fool |
30 |
Curious |
26 |
Children |
22 |
Teacher |
12 |
Parents |
6 |
Clever |
4 |
4: What can you read?
Books |
48 |
Newspapers |
17 |
Magazines |
12 |
Stories |
10 |
Poems |
8 |
Articles |
5 |
5: The most popular hobby is…
Watching films |
36 |
Cooking |
25 |
Listening to music |
19 |
Reading books |
10 |
Travelling |
6 |
Gardening |
4 |
Thatis the end of our game.
Подведениеитогов. Награждение победителей и участников.