План-конспект по английскому языку на тему: Выбор гостиницы

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Тема: «Выбор гостиницы»


Основные понятия и термины по теме: suite (номер люкс), to be situated on (бытьрасположенным на), round-a-clock (круглосуточно), location(расположение/местонахождение),  include(включать), unforgettable impression (незабываемое впечатление), еxtra services (дополнительные услуги), rent of the car (прокат автомобиля),  the service of the laundry/dry cleaning (услуги прачечной/химчистки).


Задания для самостоятельного выполнения на занятии(аудиторная самостоятельная работа):

http://conseltingmanagment.xtgem.com/images/1369345068525.jpg http://www.more-turov.com/sites/default/files/6c574f73c6953233e17de4fb7d9b95bf.jpg


1.Read the text The Europe Hotel 5* and do some exercises:

In the beginning of October in 2003 entertainingcomplex Europe was opened in Krasnodar. This 5-storey complex in the centre ofthe city is a unique place of rest, which consists of several zones. There iscasino and lobby- bar on the 1st floor, restaurant is situated on the 2nd floorand Arabian hall is on the ground floor, all the rooms are situated on the 4thand 5th floors. 5* hotel is ready for the guest round-a-clock daily.

Address: Severnaya str., 319.

Location: on the central street of the city, 35 min from the airport,10 min from railway and bus station and 15 min from the stadium.

Rooms: all the rooms are suites and 2 president suites. Everythingis comfortable to the maximum, very serious and under strict protection. Thehotel offers to its guests 10 rooms of the category suite and these roomsdiffer with high level of the service. There is unique Italian furniture ineach room. Rooms are equipped with TV, international telephone connection,system of climate-control, hair-drier and safe to keep valuable things.

Restaurants and bars: restaurant-club Europe is a restaurant onEuropean level, which supports contemporary culinary tendencies. Elegantinterior and also wide choice of the dishes will satisfy even the most demandingtaste. Various menus include the most popular dishes of France, Italy, Spainand Russian and oriental cuisine. Unforgettableimpressions wait you in Kalyan-hall: you can become familiar withancient tradition of hookah-smoking, enjoy delicious taste of oriental sweetsand smell of aromatic tea and at the end to become the spectator of beautifulshow belly dance of oriental beauties.

Extra services: casino, VIP-hall Europa, Churchill private VIPcasino, night club Pantera, fight arena, international phone line,Internet, mini-bars , a twenty-four hour room-service, the service of thelaundry/dry cleaning, ironing, the delivery of the airline tickets into theroom, the delivery of Russian and foreign press, delivery of flowers into the room,developing/printing of the film, rent of the car, the service of the driver,rent of the Conference Hall for 12 person, the service of secretary andtranslator, sending and receiving of faximile message and e-male, medicalservice, the service of hairdresser and cosmetologist, excursions andsightseeing, fitness club.


2. Translate from English into Russian:

1.     This 5-storeycomplex in the centre of the city is a unique place of rest.

2.      5* hotel is ready for the guest round-a-clock (круглосуточно)daily.

3.      Location: on thecentral street of the city, 35 min from the airport, 10 min from railway andbus station and 15 min from the stadium.

4.      The hotel offers to its guests 10 rooms of the category suite(люкс) and theserooms differ with high level of the service.

5.      Rooms are equipped with TV, international telephone connection,system of climate-control, hair-drier and safe to keep valuable things.

6.      Elegant interior and also wide choice of the dishes  in therestaurant will satisfy even the most demanding taste.

7.      Extra services: casino, internationalphone line, Internet, the service of the laundry/dry cleaning (услуги прачечной/химчистки), ironing, the delivery (доставка) of the airline tickets intothe room, rent of the car.


3.  Fill in the gaps using words from the text(task № 1):

… impressions, … menus ,the most … dishes, … level of the service, … cuisine, taste of …sweets,… services, 5* hotel is ready for the guest …daily,  everything is …to the maximum, … tendencies.



4. Say in English:

a)      Расположение гостиницы : центральнаяулица города, в 35 минутах езды от аэропорта.

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b)      Во всех номерах эксклюзивная итальянская мебель.

c)      Изысканный интерьер, а также широкий выбор блюд удовлетворят дажесамый взыскательный вкус.

d)      Среди дополнительных:  VIP-зал «Европа», ночной клуб «Пантера», выход в Интернет из номера, утюжка белья, арендаавтомобиля, услуги парикмахера и косметолога, экскурсии и осмотрдостопримечательностей.

e)      Вы можете приобщиться к древней традиции курения кальяна,насладиться восхитительным вкусом восточных сладостей и запахом ароматного чая.

f)       Этот 5-этажный комплекс в центре города представляет собойуниверсальное место отдыха, состоящее из нескольких зон.

5. Describe The Europe Hotel 5* or your own one byplan below:


à       Address: 

à       Location: 

à        Rooms:

à        Restaurants and bars: 

à        Extra services: 

6. Read and act the dialogue « Getting a Room forthe Night ».Learn it by heart:


-Good evening. Can I help you?

-Yes, please. Id like a room for the night.

-Would you like a single room, or a doubleroom?

-A single room, please. How much is theroom?

-Its $55 per night.

-Can I pay by credit card?

-Certainly. We take Visa, Master Card andAmerican Express. Could you fill in this form, please?

-Do you need my passport number?

-No, just an address and yoursignature.(fills out the form) Heres your key. Your room number is 212.

-Thank you.

-Thank you. If you need anything, dial 0for the reception area. Have agood stay!



Задания для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы (домашнеезадание):

      выучить ЛЕ по теме, выучить диалогнаизусть

       Формы и методы контролявнеаудиторной самостоятельной работы:

       словарный диктант, устный опрос  



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