План-конспект урока англ.языка Выходной день нашего героя 4кл., Лапицкая

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Класс: 4 «А»


Тема: Выходной день нашего героя


Образовательная: совершенствование грамматических умений и навыкаговорения по теме «Выходной день нашего героя.

Развивающая: развитие памяти, внимания, логического, мышления.

Воспитательная: создание условий для развития творческого отношения кучебной деятельности.

Коммуникативная: формирование навыка говорения по теме «Выходной деньнашего героя»

Прогнозируемыйрезультат: предполагается,что к концу учебного занятия учащиеся будут уметь читать слова со звуками [k],[s], [ai], [i], [ʌ], [ju:], [i:], [ei]; уметь составлять предложения используяThe present Simple tense о себе и другом человеке;


Тип учебного занятия: урок формирования и совершенствования умений и навыков


Ø Английский язык: учебное пособие для 4 классаучреждений общего образования с рус. яз. обучения. Л. М. Лапицкая [и др.]. —Минск: Выш. шк.,2019;

Ø Рабочая тетрадь «Английский язык, 4кл», пособие дляучащихся учреждений общего среднего образования. Л. М. Лапицкая [и др.]. –Минск: Аверсев, 2022;

Ø Презентация «Lettersecrets

Ø Раздаточный материал.









Организация начала занятия, введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

Good morning, boys and girls!

Let’s say hello to our commission too.

My name’s Yuliya Mikhailovna. I can see your names on the badges. (здороваемся, знакомимся)

I’d like to ask you a few questions to see if we have something in common. Show me thumb up if you like and thumb down if you don’t like it. Let’s see… Do you like ice-cream? Do you like to go to a circus? Do you like snowy weather? Do you like to make your beds? Do you like Christmas and New Year?

That’s cool, I love New Year too!

It is nice to meet you, guys, shall we start?

Учащиеся здороваются с учителем, отвечают на вопросы

3 мин

Подготовка учащихся к сознательному освоению учебного материала, определение целей урока и его конечного результата.

Do you remember that some lessons ago you’ve read and listened to a story about Richy the cat’s day off. Do you remember what he did on that day? (стр 92, отвечают, что делал Кот Ричи в свой выходной)

Today in our lesson we will read and listen to an Ode to Richy the cat. Do you know what ode is? P105 can you read the definition?

Ok, good. So ode is a kind of song that tells us about a very good person… or a cat.

So we’ll find out why this cat is so good. Also we’ll learn new words, learn how to say smth nice about other people, practice English sounds and have fun of studying.



Учащиеся помогают вывести тему и цель урока

(стр 92, отвечают, что делал Кот Ричи в свой выходной)

3 мин.

Проверка домашнего задания

First of all let′s check our homework. What was it? (проверяем)

Учащиеся вместе с учителем проверяют домашнее задание

4 мин

Усвоение новых знаний и способов действий





Let us start today with the letters and sounds. Please take a look at our multiboard.

You can see letters, sounds and pictures of the words with these sounds.

1. Letter Cc has got 2 sounds, [k] and [s]. How to choose? Well, that’s easy, is there is e, I or y after Cc, then you pronounce it as [s].

Can you name the words of the pictures?

Who can make a sentence with any of the words?

2. Next slide, letter Uu. What sounds does it have? Right you are, [ʌ] and [ju:]. Can you name the words?

3. Here’s letter Ii. What about its sounds? Do you know them? That’s right, 2 sounds, [i] and [ai]. Super! And the words? Can you name any other words with this letter?

4. In this slide you can see letter combination ee. What sound do they have together? Correct, long sound [i:]. Let’s name the words. Oh, there’s beet, do you like beets? What about borscht? 

5. And the last sound for today is letter combination ay, sound [ei]. Do you know any words with this sound?

Well done, boys and girls! Is everything clear for you? Did you catch those little rules of reading? Ok, Then I’ve got small riddles for you. I give you cards, look through the columns and try to find the odd word that is read with the other sound. (1min) Let’s check ourselves.

 Let’s move on.

Учащиеся работают с презентацией на мультиборде: обсуждают буквы, звуки, которые принадлежат буквам, по картинкам называют слова с этими звуками, ищут лишнее слово в списке

 7 мин


Ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом. Первичная проверка понимания

Open please your books at p106. Lets look at these pictures. What do they have in common? That’s right; it’s all about Richy the cat.
I think we should do it this way, I say the words, you listen, then we say it together, and alone. 
Box A, picture 1. Listen: an acrobat. Let’s say that all together, an acrobat.
A clown, a disco dancer, an actor. What’s there on cat’s head? It’s a crown! Can you answer my question: where can we see these professions: acrobats, clowns, actors? At the circus! You’re right!
Box B. what do they do? They go for a walk.
Box C. What does he do? He tidies the house. Pay attention, we say “I tidy” but “he tidies”.
Picture D. What does the cat do? He plays the piano!
Pic. E. He cooks salad. What products does he take for his salad? (cucumber, rice etc)
Pic. F. He sleeps (in the sun)
Pic. G. He sits and looks at the flowers.
Well done! 

Учащиеся вместе с учителем знакомятся с новым лексическим материалом, обсуждают, отвечают на вопросы, составляют предложения по картинкам в учебнике.

6 мин


Are you tired? Do you want to have a rest and move a little bit?

Wake up! Wake up!
Give yourself a shake up,
Get your body moving.
Reach up, jump up,
Give your friend the ‘thumbs up’!
It’s another new day!

Get your feet
Dancing to the beat,
Get your body moving.
Raise a shout (HEY!)
Let your feelings out,
It’s another new day!


Thank you! You dance very well! But let’s get back to our lesson.

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Проголосовало: 1053

Учащиеся учат движения, танцуют под песенку

3 мин

Закрепление знаний и способов действий

Next our task is to listen to these short verses about the cat and match them with the pictures. But before we listen to the first one I want you to look at the words at the bottom of p.107 and 108. These are the words you might not know.

(The words: Never, always etc.)

Do you see 2 words that sound very similar to Russian language? (compose-композитор, concert-концерт) – This is how the language works and develops. It takes words of other languages and become better and more beautiful.

But let’s get back to listening. While we listen for the first time try to understand the main idea and find a picture for this verse. If there are any words you don’t know you can ask me afterwards.

(Listening-matching with pictures)

Verse 1 = pic. B, 2 – A,  3 – E, 4 – D, 5 – C, 6 – G, 7 – F.

Do you have any questions?

Good. Now I’d like you to take these little pieces of paper, in these papers you can see a number. This is a number of a verse you’re going to read. But pay attention that you’re going to read it in different voices. For example: a little baby, an old woman, an opera singer, a sad boy or a girl, a happy boy or a girl, or like you’re out of your breath (запыхался). But be careful, you have to pronounce (say) everything correctly.

I give you 2 min to read you verse and get ready. Then we listen to verses one by one and read them aloud in turns.

(2min for reading)

Ok. Let us start. Who has got the first verse?

(Listening for the 2nd time and reading.)

Well, boys and girls, I loved the way you’ve this exercise. You did great!

Учащиеся просматривают слова, которые могут не знать и которые встретятся в тексте, слушают аудио-запись,,, сопоставляют картинка и стишки, читают небольшие стишки о Коте Ричи разными голосами.


Обобщение и систематизация знаний

 After reading and listening can you tell me, why is this poem called “Ode to Richy the cat” (it is an ode because Richy is nice, clever, kind, he is a good friend etc.).

What can he do? (He can cook, lay the table, compose music, play the piano etc).

What jobs can he do? (He can be a businessman, a composer, an actor, a clown, an acrobat etc.)

Thank you! I can see that you understand everything very clearly.


Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя по прослушанному и прочитанному тексту.

2 мин

Контроль и проверка знаний

And our last task is to write an ode to one of the animals.

Let’s work in small groups.

You get a toy of an animal and a card where there are some useful words. You have to make sentences using these phrases so we get nice little stories about these animals. Use some or all the words and phrases.

You’ve got about 4 minutes, start working.

(In ≈4 min students stop writing and go to a board in their group to tell their sentences)

Well done, guys, thank you!

Учащиеся работают в группах по 2-3чел. У каждой группы свое животное, которому нужно составить хвалебные предложения по предоставленным фразамсловосочетаниям.



Рефлексия и домашнее задание. Цель этапа: подведение итогов урока

So, guys, this is almost the end of our lesson. It’s Friday, so we don’t have big homework, you only have to repeat the words and have a good rest.

Your marks for the lesson are …

And the last thing I want us to do is to take these stickers and put them to one of the smiles.

#1 I did great! I like the lesson.

#2 It was difficult but I’m a super pupil!

#3 I didn’t understand anything, now I’m sad.

Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.

Учащиеся получают отметки за работу на уроке, клеят наклейки на листы рефлексии.

3 мин




1.      Cross the odd word cards.








2.      Cardsfor reading in different voices.

1 — a happy boy or girl

2 — an opera singer

3 — a sad boy or girl

4 — a little baby

5 — like you’re out of your breath (запыхался)

6 — a sleepy boy or girl

7 — an old woman


3.      Cardsfor making odes.

·        Agood friend, can dance very well, likes to eat apples and lettuce, a greatsinger, can fly, likes to go for a walk, beautiful. 

·        Likesto go for a walk, can always help, not naughty, sometimes gets lazy, a goodfriend, likes to sleep in sunrays, doesn’t like oranges.

·        Lovesto eat bamboo, kind and clever, not angry, a super swimmer, lives in China (Китай),not afraid of snow, clumsy (неуклюжий).




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