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  • Britain's

    1 слайд

    Britains famous Nature reserves

  • NorthumberlandNorthumberland

    2 слайд

    Northumberland National Park is located in the county of the same name in the northeast of the country, bordering on one side with England, on the other with Scotland. This location provided the park with a unique landscape, in the north – more severe and similar to the Scottish, in the south – more green and saturated with colors.

  • Hadrian’s

    3 слайд

    Hadrian’s Wall
    The famous attraction of the park is Hadrians Wall, which divides the park in half. Hadrians Wall is a system of fortifications built by the ancient Romans, it was a kind of border that separated the Roman possessions from the barbarian ones.

  • Mount

    4 слайд

    Mount Cheviot
    Of course, the park is notable not only for man-made creations, but also for majestic nature. For example, Mount Cheviot is located here. The nature of the origin of this mountain is volcanic, and at an altitude of 900 meters there is a crater of an extinct volcano.

  • Lake

    5 слайд

    Lake District
    The Lake District is considered one of the most visited national parks in the UK, and all because of its picturesque landscapes. Most of the Lake District is located in a deep valley surrounded by mountain ranges. There are many lakes in the valleys

  • Lake

    6 слайд

    Lake District
    It is here, in the Lake District, that the highest mountain in England, Scofal Pike, is located.
    The main routes of the park are designed taking into account visits to the water area, no wonder the name of the park translates as lake district. Here you can go hiking, canoeing, rock climbing.

  • Peak

    7 слайд

    Peak District
    Despite its telling name rocky edge, the Peak District does not have mountain peaks and steep cliffs as such. For the most part, the territory of the park is small hills and hills covered with heather, ferns and other northern plant species.

  • The

    8 слайд

    The National Park
    Quite large rivers of Great Britain flow here, such as the Trent, the Mersey and others. The National Park is closely adjacent to urban agglomerations such as Manchester and Sheffield, so the Peak District is not an inaccessible area.

  • SnowdoniaSnowdonia

    9 слайд

    Snowdonia National Park is located in a picturesque mountainous area, in the county of Gwyneth, and is named after the highest point in Wales -Mount Snowdon (1085), formed as a result of glacial erosion, with many depressions and ridges

  • SnowdonEvery

    10 слайд

    Every year, about 500 thousand people climb Snowdon, among them both professionals and amateurs. On clear days, from the top of the mountain you can see the panorama of almost the whole of North Wales. There are many routes leading from the surrounding villages to the top of the mountain, which vary in complexity and duration
    Snowdon Mountain Railway

  • Loch

    11 слайд

    Loch Lomond and the Trossachs
    The name of the park, founded in 2002, is given to its two main attractions: Loch Lomond (the largest in area and the second largest lake in Scotland) and a small wooded valley (glen) Trossachs

  • The

    12 слайд

    The park combines 4 regions: lakes, narrow mountain valleys, highlands and a protected area. The name comes from the attractions located in it. This is the largest lake in Scotland – Loch Lomond and the Trossachs — wooded valley.
    Loch Lomond

  • South

    13 слайд

    South Downs
    The South Downs is characterized by rolling shallow water with short-cropped turf and dry valleys and is recognized as one of the most important chalk landscapes in England. The range is one of the four main areas of the Cretaceous lowlands in the south of England.
    The South Downs has been inhabited since ancient times, and at times the area had a large population, especially in Romano-British times.

  • There

    14 слайд

    There is a rich heritage of historical sites and archaeological sites, including fortifications, mounds and field boundaries. There are thirty-seven sites of special scientific interest in the ecologically sensitive South Downs area, including large areas of chalk grassland.
    The lowland is a very popular holiday destination, especially for walkers, riders and mountain bikers

  • Resourceshttps://multiurok.ruhttps://dic.academic.ruhttps://ru.wikibrief.orgh...

    15 слайд


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Поделиться статьей(Выдержка из Чемпионата Днепропетровской области по «Что? Где? Когда?» среди юношей (09.11.2008) Редакторы: Оксана Балазанова, Александр Чижов) [Указания ведущим:

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Поделиться статьейЛитейные дефекты — понятие относительное. Строго говоря, де­фект отливки следует рассматривать лишь как отступление от заданных требований. Например, одни

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Введение. Псковская Судная грамота – крупнейший памятник феодального права эпохи феодальной раздробленности на Руси

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Поделиться статьей1. Псковская Судная грамота – крупнейший памятник феодального права эпохи феодальной раздробленности на Руси. Специфика периода феодальной раздробленности –

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Нравственные проблемы современной биологии

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Поделиться статьейЭтические проблемы современной науки являются чрезвычайно актуальными и значимыми. В связи с экспоненциальным ростом той силы, которая попадает в

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Семейство Первоцветные — Primulaceae

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Поделиться статьейВключает 30 родов, около 1000 видов. Распространение: горные и умеренные области Северного полушария . многие виды произрастают в горах

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Вопрос 1. Понятие цены, функции и виды. Порядок ценообразования

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Поделиться статьейЦенообразование является важнейшим рычагом экономического управления. Цена как экономическая категория отражает общественно необходимые затраты на производство и реализацию туристского

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